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Wallabies 2023

Rugby King

Sydney Middleton (9)
I'm not one to throw stupid left field ideas around willy nilly so if I'm chucking this out their so you guys can make fun of me you know it's been rattling around in my head for a little while.
Anyway here goes nothing.
I think Rennie should talk to Thorn about playing Wilson at inside centre to see how he goes.
He's a tackling machine. He loves hitting it up. And his work ethic is right up there with the best.
I think it would work and make a huge difference to the Wallabies over the next few years.
Out there as you said


Mark Ella (57)
Terrible news for Bell:

Out for all of Super Rugby but hopeful of a return before the world cup. Having 2 of our top for props racing the clock to be back from long term injuries is far from ideal world cup prep.

I thought he looked like an absolute beast on the field too, was probably best on field before he went off. A huge loss.


Mark Ella (57)
Tom Wright looked real sharp at fullback. Could be a bit of a Red Herring as he tends to excel at super rugby level and then crack under pressure at Test level. Will be interesting to see what happens there. Would love to know how Eddie views him.


Jim Clark (26)
Tom Wright looked real sharp at fullback. Could be a bit of a Red Herring as he tends to excel at super rugby level and then crack under pressure at Test level. Will be interesting to see what happens there. Would love to know how Eddie views him.
He is a little rocks and diamonds at test level but if he ditches the shithousery there will hopefully be less rocks


Chilla Wilson (44)
That can be the timeframe of recovery, but based on the orthpods I know who do it, they've had big units back up in 5-7 depending on how recovery goes.
Do any of your orthopods think the training is an issue? I had a twinged Achilles when I was reffing, a sports physio asked me how I was stretching it turned out I was doing it all wrong, when you stretch the Achilles you need to have your knee bent to stretch top and bottom if you don't you are better off not doing any stretching at all.


Peter Johnson (47)
Our props depth is getting tested, I hope the Giteau laws are relaxed to allow Sio to come back for the RWC squad now that Bell is out.
Eddie will get his way - and this will open the chance for Sio for sure. He will be involved in conversations definitely now because of this - even if Bell does just make it back. Why? Because the gap between Slipper/Bell down to Robertson/Gibbon is vast. Sio is the gap filler and his value just jumped.

Rebel man

Jim Lenehan (48)
Cooper will be touch and go, 6/8 months recovery time from the surgery.

Round one of the rugby championship is 10 months post injury. But the known is the turn around time from the injury to the surgery


George Gregan (70)
Eddie will get his way - and this will open the chance for Sio for sure. He will be involved in conversations definitely now because of this - even if Bell does just make it back. Why? Because the gap between Slipper/Bell down to Robertson/Gibbon is vast. Sio is the gap filler and his value just jumped.
Think McLennan ruled out changing the Giteau rule when he announced the hiring of Eddie.

It'll be interesting to see what they do with the Giteau rule once the PI deal is signed. Based on what he was saying it seems like McLennan is leaning towards scrapping it.


Geoff Shaw (53)
Think McLennan ruled out changing the Giteau rule when he announced the hiring of Eddie.

It'll be interesting to see what they do with the Giteau rule once the PI deal is signed. Based on what he was saying it seems like McLennan is leaning towards scrapping it.

The only way you could scrap it, is if you turn our two best domestic comps - QPR and SS into fully professional, paid setups and use those as a springboard to keep players onshore with real money and pathways into Super Rugby.

If the plan is simply to double down on the SRP (Super Rugby Pacific) and hope that a few extra dollars of advertising will get more bums in seats, it's destined for failure. Look at the poor turn out of the Reds v Hurricanes game up in Townsville, Aussie fans simply aren't buying into the NZ rivalry at club level anymore.

Also I'm hearing from my Suncorp moles that the Dolphins first 'home game' at Suncorp this Sunday afternoon will be nearly at capacity. Another win for the NRL when I'm guessing the Reds will be lucky to 15k to their first home game in a few weeks.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Think McLennan ruled out changing the Giteau rule when he announced the hiring of Eddie.

It'll be interesting to see what they do with the Giteau rule once the PI deal is signed. Based on what he was saying it seems like McLennan is leaning towards scrapping it.

He did, but seemingly still open to giving Eddie what he wants...


Pressed on whether that extended to the extension of three overseas picks, Marinos left the door ajar.

“Well, that’s certainly going to be one of those conversations around we’ve currently got our policy in place for those three players, and that’s just part of the conversation that we’ve said from day one that we’ll certainly have with Eddie as a rugby Committee around what does that look like?” he said.

“We’ve got to make sure we are respecting and protecting our base here but at the same time, get that balance right in terms of making sure the best players are available.”
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Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I feel like it is something you can manipulate pretty easily to suit your needs without ever getting rid of it.

You don't want to say to everyone that if you're based overseas you have every chance of playing for the Wallabies. You want to keep as many players here as possible.

Likewise you don't want to damage the Wallabies too much by not selecting as many of the best players available to you as you can, particularly at the times where that benefit can be most realised (the RWC where you have a much longer lead time).

I can't see any situation where we'll select overseas players who are not an obvious selection. Where it is a toss up, the local player will win out because they are available for all the preparation and in season camps etc.

Let's say we increase the overseas selections for the RWC to bring in Scott Sio because we are worried that Bell and Tupou are both short of a run. It's pretty hard to argue if you're Matt Gibbon or Tom Robertson that Sio wasn't deserving of that spot as a highly experienced veteran who has been a better player than them at pretty much every point of their careers so far.

Rebel man

Jim Lenehan (48)
The only way you could scrap it, is if you turn our two best domestic comps - QPR and SS into fully professional, paid setups and use those as a springboard to keep players onshore with real money and pathways into Super Rugby.

If the plan is simply to double down on the SRP (Super Rugby Pacific) (Super Rugby Pacific) and hope that a few extra dollars of advertising will get more bums in seats, it's destined for failure. Look at the poor turn out of the Reds v Hurricanes game up in Townsville, Aussie fans simply aren't buying into the NZ rivalry at club level anymore.

Also I'm hearing from my Suncorp moles that the Dolphins first 'home game' at Suncorp this Sunday afternoon will be nearly at capacity. Another win for the NRL when I'm guessing the Reds will be lucky to 15k to their first home game in a few weeks.
I think that is our best option going forward. You could use the PE money to potentially expand those comps too.

Understandably I don’t have the greatest knowledge of the state of the game in Queensland. But would it be viable at all to look to add a regional team to get the competition to 10 sides?

Potential to add a ACT team and a Melbourne team to the Shute Shield?

I would like to find away to also support Perth


George Gregan (70)
The only way you could scrap it, is if you turn our two best domestic comps - QPR and SS into fully professional, paid setups and use those as a springboard to keep players onshore with real money and pathways into Super Rugby.

If the plan is simply to double down on the SRP (Super Rugby Pacific) (Super Rugby Pacific) and hope that a few extra dollars of advertising will get more bums in seats, it's destined for failure. Look at the poor turn out of the Reds v Hurricanes game up in Townsville, Aussie fans simply aren't buying into the NZ rivalry at club level anymore.

Also I'm hearing from my Suncorp moles that the Dolphins first 'home game' at Suncorp this Sunday afternoon will be nearly at capacity. Another win for the NRL when I'm guessing the Reds will be lucky to 15k to their first home game in a few weeks.
To be fair, with some extra dollars the Reds might actually be able to compete with the Hurricanes. Men v boys at the moment.