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Trans-Tasman Super Rugby 2021


Tim Horan (67)
See some sanity slowly coming in and odds are shortening, still to wide in my opinion, but I not a betting man anyway.
Brumbies are back to $6.10 and Tahs to $8 odd, Reds $3.50 (still juicy I think) and Rebels and Force are $5.20.
As I said from what I can see still too wide, mind you in my world when 2 teams take the field both have the same chance of winning anyway , so what do I know?


Tim Horan (67)
One thing I will be ineterested in seeing over the weekend is the breakdowns, I have had a feeling NZ teams may have just produced quiker ball and set rhe rucks etc slightly faster, and perhaps NZ refs have been a bit tougher on coming in the 'gate'. May have not been , just something I thought I noticed during the comps.


George Gregan (70)
One thing I will be ineterested in seeing over the weekend is the breakdowns, I have had a feeling NZ teams may have just produced quiker ball and set rhe rucks etc slightly faster, and perhaps NZ refs have been a bit tougher on coming in the 'gate'. May have not been , just something I thought I noticed during the comps.

One thing i thought the Aussies did better was line speed in defence. NZ teams seemed to sit off more (though i didn't see that many games)


Tim Horan (67)
One thing i thought the Aussies did better was line speed in defence. NZ teams seemed to sit off more (though i didn't see that many games)

Yep it will be so interesting after a couple of seasons, and you could be right, think perhaps the NZ teams may sit off a bit more , and wonder if they do it to counter the fact that NZ teams tend to use dual playmakers? If they do the Aus 10s I think will make a few meters if loosies don't nab them.

Set piece magic

John Solomon (38)
I guess it will all come down to whether the NZ teams adapt to fiercely contested rucks, and slightly slower ball versus the Australian teams adapting to better ball movement, more offloads and use of the ball


Tim Horan (67)
So it looks like SAu will continue on after the first 2 matches

I don't think you realise what you are saying, if (and I don't think it will happen) the Aus teams did all get done in the TT comp, do you not think that will just make the Super Au look like a 2nd division comp? And as I have said, I have seen soccer get to heights in Aus , then after a while people just say, yep but it's not a top comp, so you get get a loss of interest, wouldn't mind betting they would kill for a Man U or some such team playing in comp!. Aus rugby does not deserve to have that happen, they may struggle first couple of weeks (may not be as bad as some think) and then will adapt to different style required to play kiwi teams. I can see Reds and Brumbies (and maybe Force) competing well with any kiwi team. I would of thought on last night's games, Reds would of walked my Cane's team, and so would of Brumbies.


Bob Loudon (25)
I disagree mate, we have managed to build up a fan base over the season because people like a decent contest. That’ll be gone before the next round. I’m a rusted on rugby man but have lost interest in this comp already.

I already know the NZ teams are better than ours so why bother. It’s like playing Shute Shield teams against subbies


Tim Horan (67)
I disagree mate, we have managed to build up a fan base over the season because people like a decent contest. That’ll be gone before the next round. I’m a rusted on rugby man but have lost interest in this comp already.

I already know the NZ teams are better than ours so why bother. It’s like playing Shute Shield teams against subbies

I reckon the hope will be there for R2, Bandar. Reds and Brumbies for sure.

But your POV is coming fast.

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
I disagree mate, we have managed to build up a fan base over the season because people like a decent contest. That’ll be gone before the next round. I’m a rusted on rugby man but have lost interest in this comp already.

I already know the NZ teams are better than ours so why bother. It’s like playing Shute Shield teams against subbies

I think fans want an even contest, knowing that their team actually has a chance of a win and seeing battels for the national team.

I love Super AU as I get to see a possibles v probables every week. I even like seeing reset scrums because I can see who is the best player for a Wallabies position.

I hated the brumbies v Crusaders game as the scrum was terrible and no matter who won the scrum it has no effect on the Wallabies team.

Luckily for RA and STAN I will watch whatever they put on the screen, but I can see a lot of not so dedicated Rugby fans turning off.


Tim Horan (67)
Well I reckon it showed how little there is between the teams, Brumbies were a bit unlucky as prehaps were Force. Reds we know are better than they were on Friday. Rebels and Tahs at moment would get beaten by any other Aus teams, so I can't see why you lot keep dropping your lip.
Just tell me when this year (or last) the Rebels have seen such a bloody entertaining game at Melbourne or on TV ?
And as for battles for national teams? If Liquor box doesn't think that selectors were watching how props etc were going against international props , same as every other part of game, I suspect you have no idea what test rugby is. Same as kiwi teams, it pretty important for selectors to see players against a different style surely! Don't you want to see how Tupou goes against other propping styles etc?


Michael Lynagh (62)
I disagree mate, we have managed to build up a fan base over the season because people like a decent contest. That’ll be gone before the next round. I’m a rusted on rugby man but have lost interest in this comp already.

I already know the NZ teams are better than ours so why bother. It’s like playing Shute Shield teams against subbies

I think you find the ones posting TT is great when oz teams get pounded by 50 points by kiwi teams are the same usual gang of 3 to 4 kiwi posters or odd oz poster who just loves watching kiwi teams who will say all is good (they need to find their own TT love thread). I am not ready to turn off TT but as an example I only flicked through Rebels game as watching a 47 point pounding not that interesting for me.

Hopefully for R2 we have hope of good performances after confidence boosting performances of Force and brumbies. Reds were the most disappointing but deserve some slack after season they had short turnaround etc.. Be good if Reds, Force and Brumbies could make a push for finals but we shall see.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
^ only Rebs got truly flogged & let's face it once in a Blue moon when the planets align just so Loss Bleus can do that to you (as can 'canes). Brums &'Force were each a near-miss conversion away from a deserved draw & fortuitous win, respectively. Reds will surely improve this week & did anyone seriously think the 'tahs were going to be anything other than wooden spoon contenders? It's not all doom & gloom. Out of interest, over the 25-match season what Au winning % would you deem acceptable? 40? 50? 60?


Michael Lynagh (62)
^ only Rebs got truly flogged & let's face it once in a Blue moon when the planets align just so Loss Bleus can do that to you (as can 'canes). Brums &'Force were each a near-miss conversion away from a deserved draw & fortuitous win, respectively. Reds will surely improve this week & did anyone seriously think the 'tahs were going to be anything other than wooden spoon contenders? It's not all doom & gloom. Out of interest, over the 25-match season what Au winning % would you deem acceptable? 40? 50? 60?

Mate naturally like a lot of people I was nervous after Friday night where saw over 100 points shipped against Reds and Tahs but pleased with Force (really did not expect that against the chiefs and may be underestimating their ceiling as they continue to improve) and Brumbies games. I agree Reds will improve. I agree not all doom and gloom after this weekend but I don't think we are ready to do the cartwheels yet. Am I convinced TT will work in its current format - honestly no (as what has really changed other then us adding another side- but happy to also be wrong). But do I think we need to work with NZ to get a comp that can work - yep (alongside a short form domestic comp but that should be irrelevant to NZ as much as what NZ chooses to do outside TT). Happy to wait and see what unfolds as maybe you are right that things 'may' turn out ok. BTW the rebels - blues game got only 43K viewers.

On AU winning targets - nah I just want to see performances first - like Brumbies and Force - I see continued good close performances for first season with steady improvement that will do (assumption of course closer games will get us some wins). Lot of embarrassing thrashings won't be acceptable though. I actually don't know what will look like as first round as you say where some shoots of hope but just that.
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Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Surprisingly to me at least, I find after one round of TT that I am not really invested in the win/loss so much as a good competitive game. Usually a 2 point loss with a missed conversion on the bell would shit me to tears, but I have to say I am more than happy to see the Brumbies go toe to toe with a world-rated top team. I am also stoked with the efoort put in by the Force.

Next week, hopefully the Reds and maybe the Rebels and Tahs will also put in a competitive effort, and that will be very satisfying. Guess I'm saying that a sheep station doesn't hinge on the outcome of the TT competition as much as winning the SRAu competition does.


Peter Johnson (47)
I disagree mate, we have managed to build up a fan base over the season because people like a decent contest. That’ll be gone before the next round. I’m a rusted on rugby man but have lost interest in this comp already.

Um, o_O Have you watched a Tahs or a RA Rebels game this season or even the last few seasons? :rolleyes: Decent contest to try watch another Tah failure, RA funded Rebels flop and hear the pro amateur, lower the bar sermons continue.

What's your solution? American type World Series against Aussie only teams? (now I am sureIi have seen a similar concept get proposed and failed lately :rolleyes:).

Fan base has not changed, viewership through a better TV deal has improved. Some really good games over the weekend.

IMHO the reality is RA and Aussie rugby is having its Apollo 13 moment. We have finally realised the rusted on service module is actually killing us and sadly will need to be cut loose. The Alan Jones and similar faulty parts were blown off in the initial explosion but even though functional, it still will kill us unless we cut off the trusted and faithful but now sadly rusted on dead weight.

I thinks its a good showing from Aussie players to be close to the Kiwi standard considering Aussie rugby is obsessed with making sure we make it hard for everyone involved by dragging our game down to be as amateur as possible. Yet want it to be popular as an elite sport to attract viewers and create revenue to survive.

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
RA and Aussie rugby is having its Apollo 13 moment. We have finally realised the rusted on service module is actually killing us and sadly will need to be cut loose. The Alan Jones and similar faulty parts were blown off in the initial explosion but even though functional, it still will kill us unless we cut off the trusted and faithful but now sadly rusted on dead weight.

I want to know where Phil Kearns and Maaaardo are in this space metaphor. Hopefully somewhere involving oxygen debt.

Please show your working.