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The Wallabies Thread


Colin Windon (37)
I've been on the 2Ks bandwagon for at least two years, so I have to remain consistent :

Genia, Foley, DHP, Kerevi, Kuridrani, Speight, Folau. Kerevi's defense is now my largest worry. He has been missing tackles in droves this year. I would not object to Hodge taking Kerevi's spot at 12 if his defense doesn't improve before the tests.

Res - Powell (on form or Gordon on potential), Beale, Hunt.

Swap Hunt with Kerevi and I think you're pretty much there- we need another ball player to assist Foley. Or move Hunt to Fullback and FOlau to wing to keep the 2Ks.


Trevor Allan (34)
Kerevi will be there. He just makes too many yards to be ignored.
The question is where will Beale fit in? Then you have Hodge and Hunt competing for a squad spot.
Tough choices to be made.

He's a turnstyle at the moment and our defense is far more concerning than our attack. TK is a must.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Kuridrani hasn't actually been too bad for the Brumbies this year, but he's definitely been overshadowed by Kerevi in attack............

But Kuridrani is the incumbent coming off a stellar performance on the EOYT, which might see him retain his spot for the first test.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see the two of them rotated through the mid year tests though.


Mark Ella (57)
TK has performed better.

Sure, Kerevi probably makes more metres which is fine if he scores a try. His ball skills in trying to pass the thing are just so woeful he often undoes the good work he has achieved. Add to that his defence then he shouldn't be in the side. There are better options available. ANY player at this level needs to be able to catch and pass under pressure situations.


Trevor Allan (34)
Here's a thought
9. genia
10. Foley
11. A pacey Fijian
12. Hodge
13. TK
14. Folau
15. Beale

21. Gordon
22. Cooper
23. Hunt

Everyone plays in their best position. Our 2nd playmaker starts at 15. Hodge is on for defence, exits, goal kicking etc. and also covers wing. Late in the game Beale can move to 12 when Hunt comes on (or they could start that way, Hunt/Beale/Hodge can be arranged in 12/15 jerseys as required really). Folau does what he does best i.e high ball and finish (particularly on the R side of the field where he is so deadly).


Watty Friend (18)
For what it's worth I'd be permanently retiring Moore and Higginbotham as they are both on a downward trajectory form-wise. Maybe it's just me but every time I see Hodge play I see a reincarnation of Chris Latham and it's fullback all the way. Tall, good under the high ball, massive boot and has a fair bit of gas when he needs to run it.... So, my 23 would look like this. (My bench wildcard is Matt Philip who's been killing it for the force this year.)

F.R Sio, Latu, Kepu
S.R. Arnold, Coleman
B.R. Fardy, Timani, Hooper
Halves Genia, Foley
Centres Hunt, Kerevi
Wings Folau, Naivalu/Speight... can't split them.

Bench. TPN, Allaatoa, Robertson, Rodda or Philip, McMahon, Gordon, Beale, DHP.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Ditto but I'd prefer Slim's selection.

We know what Phipps offers. Why not see what Powell can do with a couple of bench cameos.


Trevor Allan (34)
Ditto but I'd prefer Slim's selection.

We know what Phipps offers. Why not see what Powell can do with a couple of bench cameos.

Because you pick your best team for a test and Phipps is, at the moment, still better than Powell. Or that is likely the answer you'll get when he doesn't get picked.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
If Genia isn't there in June (which I believe he won't be), you'd assume that there will be three scrum halves in the squad and Phipps will be one of them.

If Genia is there, I'd still assume Phipps will be one of the three. Whether he plays first up is another question.

His form is certainly better than it has been and the Tahs have improved in the back end of matches when he has come on (which has also been the role he has done best for the Wallabies).


Trevor Allan (34)
Here's a thought
9. genia
10. Foley
11. A pacey Fijian
12. Hodge
13. TK
14. Folau
15. Beale

21. Gordon
22. Cooper
23. Hunt

Everyone plays in their best position. Our 2nd playmaker starts at 15. Hodge is on for defence, exits, goal kicking etc. and also covers wing. Late in the game Beale can move to 12 when Hunt comes on (or they could start that way, Hunt/Beale/Hodge can be arranged in 12/15 jerseys as required really). Folau does what he does best i.e high ball and finish (particularly on the R side of the field where he is so deadly).

A decent thought but no one is going to drop DHP entirely, he would at least beat Hunt to a bench spot.

Yeah fair enough. I'd happily shift Beale to 12 with DHP at 15, Bring Hodge back to the bench and Hunt to miss out in the big ones pending form, injuries etc.

That said, there is no real debate for me anymore that Israel Folau is a winger (with the ability to cover 15) and potentially a best in the world given enough gametime and used in the right way.