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The Tahs 2009

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Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Geez, and have you seen the size of his buns up close?

Let me reword that - have you been close to him as he went past you from the sheds at Coogee Oval to go onto the park and observed the generous size of his buttocks?

Each one is about the size of Tasmania.

But enough of that. Lets see if he can lose some weight, pick up a few more skills then have a look at him in the trials before we get too excited.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
When he said lifting his own body weight, I initially thought bench pressing 125kg, but I now think he just means chin ups, push ups, sit ups etc. Could be wrong.


Simon Poidevin (60)
Staff member
fatprop said:
Hickey is looking at a shitty year, hopefully they give him some slack.

A pack of


doesn't set the world on fire, Nau may even be used in the back row.

The Tahs' potential problems are somewhat counterbalanced by the signing of Oz's best forwards' coach, Sydney boy Axle Foley. His work with the Wobblies' pack the last few years has been exemplary, let's hope he can repeat it with the not-so-good cattle at the Tahs next year.


Simon Poidevin (60)
Staff member
With Dunning snapping his achilles tendon in the BaaBaas match, who's going to step up as the reserve THP? Can Kepu play at 3? Can Axle work a miracle with Jeremy Tilse?


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
Lindommer said:
With Dunning snapping his achilles tendon in the BaaBaas match, who's going to step up as the reserve THP? Can Kepu play at 3? Can Axle work a miracle with Jeremy Tilse?

Kepu has played THP for Aus A, Dan Palmer is the next THP in line.


Michael Lynagh (62)
If Kepu has a badly torn pectoral, the Tahs will be down two props for next year's S14.

Despite his ability, I think that Dan Palmer is still too young for a prop at that level?

Aussie D

Desmond Connor (43)
No worries - NSW have SUPERPROP! Jeremy Tilse ready to step up. I reckon Chris Hickey would be on the phone to the scouts in SA about signing a couple of props....


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
Ash said:
If Kepu has a badly torn pectoral, the Tahs will be down two props for next year's S14.

Despite his ability, I think that Dan Palmer is still too young for a prop at that level?

The S14 does start to the middle of February (10 weeks away) Palmer on the bench (or Tilse :'() will be OK.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Great chance for Dan Palmer.

He's a very good prop in my eyes.

Wouldn't surprise me if he at least plays Australia A next year. At least!


Michael Lynagh (62)
I'd say that Kepu is looking at 4 - 6 months, but I am not a doctor. But NRL players I think see similar times off for a torn pectoral. It's basically a season ending injury. Same with the torn achilles - I am guessing 6 months there too. Anyone know?

I think that the Tahs will need to decide soon who to keep out of their props, as they won't be able to hold on to them all, especially with the Force and Brumbies potentially lurking. The SuperProp will probably be rightly kicked to the curb, but one of Baxter, Dunning or Kepu may be lost to a team like the Force who desperately need a decent tighthead.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
I just feel sorry for Hickey, he takes over a good side that has now lost.


faaark ................................

I hope he doesn't end up being a "Ian Kennedy"

The Tahs will be lucky to make the semis


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Yeah, Tahs looking dicey.
Kepu - my understanding is about 6 months usually.
Dunning - at least. Achilles injuries can be just horrendous, and sometimes career-ending - they are always prone to re-injury due to scar tissue.
Semis to me look a bridge way too far, but who knows.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Well, that's bad news for the individuals and the Tahs. They are both particularly painful injuries and long term also.

Now the Tahs are looking like geniuses for having so many props in their stable. Benn Robinson, Al Baxter, Dan Palmer and Jeremy Tilse are still left, though unkind people may suggest that we shouldn't count Tilse, who can't get into 1st grade for his club.

This years Oz Schools LHP, Salesi Manu may get a bit more training in the JWs than he thought.

At least we should get a long look at Palmer this year. He was given a 3 year S14 contract, which is unusual for a young Oz THP and we will soon see if it has been a good punt on him - or not.


Simon Poidevin (60)
Staff member
Lee Grant said:
Now the Tahs are looking like geniuses for having so many props in their stable. Benn Robinson, Al Baxter, Dan Palmer and Jeremy Tilse...

And also for signing Axle Foley as the forwards' coach. How smart was that?


From Rugbyheaven:

The Wallabies were savouring their brutal win over the Barbarians at Wembley Stadium yesterday, but the match was a disaster for the Waratahs, as they may have lost props Matt Dunning and Sekope Kepu for next year's Super 14 campaign.

Both front-rowers slipped when the soft Wembley surface gave way during a second-half scrum, and Dunning had to be carried off with a snapped Achilles tendon, while Kepu, who was in enormous pain, suffered a torn pectoral muscle. Both are serious, long-term injuries, and could possibly sideline the pair for the entire Super 14 season.

The sight of them leaving the field would have sent Waratahs officials into the depths of despair as they have already lost forwards Rocky Elsom, David Lyons, Al Kanaar and Dan Vickerman for next season, while Wycliff Palu's future is uncertain after he flew home from the tour last week for a shoulder operation.

The Waratahs could easily be the first Super 14 team to start the season with uncontested scrums because of a dearth of forwards. Maybe they should play the hybrid game.

Precious much? They lose their no2 LHP and no2 THP and get all worried. When they lose 5 props, and are down to a pair of guys pulled out of club rugby, then they can carry on like this.

EDIT - re Lindommer and Ash subsequent comments: losing Dunning is not the worst thing for Tahs rugby: Palmer will have to step up, and looks uncommonly good. Dunning may be a competant S14 prop, but he is not international standard, not really. Kepu is a bit of a loss, and an injury to Robinson would be a problem for the Tahs, but heck, you still have the starting Wallaby props, even without Dunning and Kepu. Only the Brumbies have more Wallaby props in their stable.


Simon Poidevin (60)
Staff member
Fair suck of the sav there, FOS, no one from the Tahs is saying anything about uncontested scrums. After all, it was Growden spouting this rubbish. We'll cope, there'll be a few props step up from club rugby who'll surprise us all.

Please don't tar any Tahs' supporter here with the same brush. To put things into perspective, think how fortunate the Reds were signing Laurie Weeks.


Michael Lynagh (62)
formeropenside said:
From Rugbyheaven:

The Wallabies were savouring their brutal win over the Barbarians at Wembley Stadium yesterday, but the match was a disaster for the Waratahs, as they may have lost props Matt Dunning and Sekope Kepu for next year's Super 14 campaign.

Both front-rowers slipped when the soft Wembley surface gave way during a second-half scrum, and Dunning had to be carried off with a snapped Achilles tendon, while Kepu, who was in enormous pain, suffered a torn pectoral muscle. Both are serious, long-term injuries, and could possibly sideline the pair for the entire Super 14 season.

The sight of them leaving the field would have sent Waratahs officials into the depths of despair as they have already lost forwards Rocky Elsom, David Lyons, Al Kanaar and Dan Vickerman for next season, while Wycliff Palu's future is uncertain after he flew home from the tour last week for a shoulder operation.

The Waratahs could easily be the first Super 14 team to start the season with uncontested scrums because of a dearth of forwards. Maybe they should play the hybrid game.

Precious much? They lose their no2 LHP and no2 THP and get all worried. When they lose 5 props, and are down to a pair of guys pulled out of club rugby, then they can carry on like this.

My god. I just read the whole article, and it's awful. Yet another Growden hatchet job...well, it moves between whining and hatchet. He really is useless as a journalist, and simply can not write an article that isn't full of his negative stinking opinions.

Growden really doesn't like Cooper either, does he? Or the facts? Cooper didn't elbow Du Preez in the face at all. He hit him with an illegal no arms tackle and flopped on him. And it wasn't anywhere near an offence that would get him completely sent off. If it was the love child Beale Growden would be crowing about how awful the prop who threw him into the side barrier was.

In regards to the Reds' horrific run of injuries that year, including playing 5th and 6th and 7th string props, and having to use a 19 year old development player on the bench at the last minute: it didn't happen to the Tahs, so therefore it didn't happen in Growden's world.

Lindommer; I don't think Dunning was too big a loss for the Tahs. Dunning's performances for Australia this year were hardly inspiring, as were his performances even for Eastwood. You'd expect a test player to stand out like a sore thumb in club rugby: Dunning was part of the furniture.

I think Kepu is a bigger loss for the Tahs and Australian rugby (especially as Baxter may not last to the next World Cup), as Kepu would've gotten some great development if Foley could have developed him into a tighthead as well, and he'd be so much more handy off the bench as a destructive player around the field. But it gives Palmer a chance to show what he's got - I'm just worried he's a little young for a prop. Let's hope that Baxter and Robinson stay fit and healthy for the S14 season.

Weeks - yeah, the Tahs would probably like to be able to call on him now. Weeks did a great job with Jerry Y for Uni, but I'm not sure yet if he is capable to step up. I think there's such a big difference between the scrums at club level and S14 level these days.


Ash said:
Lindommer; I don't think Dunning was too big a loss for the Tahs. Dunning's performances for Australia this year were hardly inspiring, as were his performances even for Eastwood. You'd expect a test player to stand out like a sore thumb in club rugby: Dunning was part of the furniture.
Up here in the bananaland, we don't get to see too much Sydney club rugger any more now that the ABC has dumped it, however I am surprised that Dunning even turns out for the Woods. I am told by sources at the scene that he thinks that sort of activity to be far beneath his stature.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
formeropenside said:
From Rugbyheaven:

The Wallabies were savouring their brutal win over the Barbarians at Wembley Stadium yesterday, but the match was a disaster for the Waratahs, as they may have lost props Matt Dunning and Sekope Kepu for next year's Super 14 campaign.

Both front-rowers slipped when the soft Wembley surface gave way during a second-half scrum, and Dunning had to be carried off with a snapped Achilles tendon, while Kepu, who was in enormous pain, suffered a torn pectoral muscle. Both are serious, long-term injuries, and could possibly sideline the pair for the entire Super 14 season.

The sight of them leaving the field would have sent Waratahs officials into the depths of despair as they have already lost forwards Rocky Elsom, David Lyons, Al Kanaar and Dan Vickerman for next season, while Wycliff Palu's future is uncertain after he flew home from the tour last week for a shoulder operation.

The Waratahs could easily be the first Super 14 team to start the season with uncontested scrums because of a dearth of forwards. Maybe they should play the hybrid game.

Precious much? They lose their no2 LHP and no2 THP and get all worried. When they lose 5 props, and are down to a pair of guys pulled out of club rugby, then they can carry on like this.

EDIT - re Lindommer and Ash subsequent comments: losing Dunning is not the worst thing for Tahs rugby: Palmer will have to step up, and looks uncommonly good. Dunning may be a competant S14 prop, but he is not international standard, not really. Kepu is a bit of a loss, and an injury to Robinson would be a problem for the Tahs, but heck, you still have the starting Wallaby props, even without Dunning and Kepu. Only the Brumbies have more Wallaby props in their stable.

Having Dunning & Kepu in the mix allowed the Tahs to rotate four test props. That kept everyone fresh and allowed us to scrummage at a decent standard all season.

Now, we have untested guys coming off the bench and we are two injuries away from running out a totally rookie front row
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