Inside Shoulder
Nathan Sharpe (72)
I am a little confused. Why has Rugby gone backwards in the NSW State school system. In the 60's and 70's Rugby was a dominant winter code in the CHS system. Dominant to the point that GPS refused to play CHS because it could not compete. Yes that is true . It only lasted 2 or 3 years but it happened. I went to James Ruse and in our zone were Hurlstone, Granville, Liverpool, Fairfield, Parramatta, MacQuarrie....all strong Rugby areasyeah right. What about Birrong, East Hills, Narwee, Punchbowl, Homebush, Canterbury, Fort Street, Crows Nest, Epping, Normanhurst. Too many drinks in the last 40 years to remember them all but I recall the strongest rugby principled fanatics I know came from these schools not GPS.
It was more like 15+ years during which they did not play each other.
The GPS explanation was that CHS were dirty rather than too good.
At least Homebush Epping, Normanhurst still produce players: Rodzilla was a homebush product wasn't he?