For the record, I should state that I was one of the great believers in RD when he was appointed, and I kept that faith for the better part of 3 years, even in the face of increasing criticism.
I do not, DO NOT, believe for a second that hiring RD was a bad move. At the time, it was a bold and clever strategy by JON to snare the best S15 coach of all time, and I stand by that decision.
For those that remember, boy oh boy, these forums went into meltdown week in and week out with "factions" appearing all over the place. If you were a Deans supporter, you were living in fantasy land. If you were a Deans hater, you had no vision and the game in Oz was better off without you.
Ah, good times!
For me, the turning point was RWC11. That was the final straw and the beginning of resentment.
2012 was when my disappointment in RD turned to real anger. Smash the fucking TV and kick the dog kind of anger, because I felt I had been betrayed. All that support and leaping to his defence, and for what?
A single 3N trophy in 2011 that was won against lesser teams as they built to the RWC.
Whoever the new coach is, let's give him at least the courtesy of a year in the job before we pull out the knives.
All of this is a roundabout way of me saying I backed the wrong horse. I thought it was a blue ribbon winner and so did many of us. How sad that it turns out the horse was glue.