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The ranting at Deans/ARU/O'Neill/Players thread

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Herbert Moran (7)
"I don't understand the whole he's signed with the Reds but not the ARU thing. Can someone explain?

If he's signed with the Reds that would mean he has to play for them wouldn't it?"

Just like SBW did/does?

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I believe his contract is subject to an ARU top up which he hasn't signed (ARU have offered it to him) so if he doesn't sign with the ARu he hasn't received said top up and can therefore walk away from his provincial contract.
Australian rugby is looking like a complete farce: players dictating to coaches who can't/won't speak to them and we the hapless life long supporters of the game that gave these pricks the opportunity by following the amateur code are left dangling like daggs on the sheeps arse until HRH JON decides to bring the curtain down.p, and commence what is, hopefully, the final act of his own tragicomedy.

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Greg Davis (50)
Can we consider now what the pass mark should be for the next coach?

That's a hard question especially if it's link.

Pass mark for any coach will be the team moving forward, developing skills and playing with passion and resolve.

For link if the team doesn't perform it will be the ARUs fault and all is forgiven.


Bill McLean (32)
It's an odd time for a new coach coming in. They'll only have the Spring Tour to prepare for the Lions, which JON has geared the entire ARU organisation towards. He needs a good Australia to guarantee maximum revenue to the Union (and to himself, no doubt).

If the new coach looks like losing the Lions Tour, they'll be gone. If the new coach makes it to, but then loses, the Lions Tour, they'll be gone. Cynical, perhaps, but I wouldn't be surprised.


John Thornett (49)
It's an odd time for a new coach coming in. They'll only have the Spring Tour to prepare for the Lions, which JON has geared the entire ARU organisation towards. He needs a good Australia to guarantee maximum revenue to the Union (and to himself, no doubt).

If the new coach looks like losing the Lions Tour, they'll be gone. If the new coach makes it to, but then loses, the Lions Tour, they'll be gone. Cynical, perhaps, but I wouldn't be surprised.

I think the public is so down on Deans right now that the New Coach Sheen will last into the Lions. Not only that, it could generate some optimism. Fans right now simply expect to lose. I don't see that changing until we either win a shit ton of games or Deans goes.


Greg Davis (50)
The lions tour will sell out, it won't matter if Australia is good or not. Tv rights are already sold. The only variable is sponsorship that will rely on how Australia goes into the series. So what's happening now will have greater impact than what is happening then.

Having a new coach, especially link will actually make the wallabies more accessible to media and casual fans. Will only do good.


Peter Johnson (47)
The thing with the wallabies at the moment is that, if deans has 'lost' the dressing room as reports suggest, then there is no option but to get rid of him.

At super rugby level you can clean out the problem players and start again, but when it comes to tests, you have to work with what you have. If he cant motivate the players than the situation is unworkable.


John Eales (66)
So it looks like I might have been right when I speculated that Deans may have lost the playing group. It gives me no pleasure if that is correct BTW. I don't like to see coaches or players leaving amid acrimony. It's clear to me that something needs to change, however.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
It is a tough call for whoever the new coach is, however the prospect of a new coach (Link) having a chance of pulling this group together and the Wallabies giving the Lions a run for their money is far more appealing than the current group serving up the rugby they are playing at the moment against the cream of the UK.


For the record, I should state that I was one of the great believers in RD when he was appointed, and I kept that faith for the better part of 3 years, even in the face of increasing criticism.

I do not, DO NOT, believe for a second that hiring RD was a bad move. At the time, it was a bold and clever strategy by JON to snare the best S15 coach of all time, and I stand by that decision.

For those that remember, boy oh boy, these forums went into meltdown week in and week out with "factions" appearing all over the place. If you were a Deans supporter, you were living in fantasy land. If you were a Deans hater, you had no vision and the game in Oz was better off without you.

Ah, good times!

For me, the turning point was RWC11. That was the final straw and the beginning of resentment.

2012 was when my disappointment in RD turned to real anger. Smash the fucking TV and kick the dog kind of anger, because I felt I had been betrayed. All that support and leaping to his defence, and for what?

A single 3N trophy in 2011 that was won against lesser teams as they built to the RWC.

Whoever the new coach is, let's give him at least the courtesy of a year in the job before we pull out the knives.

All of this is a roundabout way of me saying I backed the wrong horse. I thought it was a blue ribbon winner and so did many of us. How sad that it turns out the horse was glue.

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
That's a hard question especially if it's link.

Pass mark for any coach will be the team moving forward, developing skills and playing with passion and resolve.

For link if the team doesn't perform it will be the ARUs fault and all is forgiven.
Interesting WJ, why didn't you apply this test to Foley and the Waratahs?


John Eales (66)
Same goes for me Daz. I was in favour of the appointment when it happened and was prepared to wear some poor results for a period of time while we rebuilt. The failed RWC campaign was the turning point. We seemed to change game plan completely and reverted to trying to bash it up the middle, rather than the ball movement that had occurred previously. This year has been more of the same and in fact has gotten worse. I cannot remember a time when we offered so little in attack and played such brainless footy. The defence is heroic, but it's only that way because miss so many first up tackles and are left having to scramble. The scrum is still shambolic half the time and we don't have any answer at the breakdown against the All Blacks.

When I add all of that up, I can't see how we can continue down the present path.
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