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The JOC (James O'Connor) Saga

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Alex Ross (28)
The announcement on the Force website makes it sound like they were sick of JOC (James O'Connor)'s management stuffing them around and having unreasonable demands. He's not represented by Khoder Nasser too, is he?

They also specifically mention the length of his contract, which may mean that his other demands could have been met for a longer term contract, but not when it would happen all over again next year.


I think it's sad that there is a prevalence in sport these days to take the money rather than show some loyalty and reward a club that brought him on. Whilst its been a slow development the Force are heading in the right direction and JOC (James O'Connor) could have been part of a winning team in the next year or two. Certainly Melbourne will offer him plenty of opportunities to indulge his metrosexual pursuits.
With David Pocock off contract in a year?? I hope this doesn't signal a drain of the Forces top talent to the Eastern states, particulary with the NRL looking to establish a team in Perth.

That said, Force hit the player market and recruit some top line talent for 2012.


I am, of course, not privy to the ins and outs of the negotations, but the below is my outsiders view.

Personally, I wanted JOC (James O'Connor) to stay at the Force "for the good of Aus rugby" etc etc yada yada. I honestly felt that it was best for the Force to be strong and they needed someone like JOC (James O'Connor) for both on field and nearly asn importantly, off field strength.

Having read the Force Press Release, I think good on the Force for taking a stand. A well thought out and worded press release that, in my opinion left it quite clear that they were not prepared to be bullied around any longer. 4 and a half months of negotiations and then presented with an "I agree in principle to stay" but I want different terms to what we have been talking about.

Obviously there may be some spin in the release, but I say good on the Force and to JOC (James O'Connor)'s management I say, perhaps you played this a bit hard.


Chris McKivat (8)
Yeah it would have been nice to see O'conner stay with the Force. If he's signed with the Rebels it would be good for Melbourne having 2 class players as Beale and JOC (James O'Connor) to help build their brand up, as this year could have gone better for them.

I don't think the Force will struggle. The couple of games they played without O'Conner this year with Stannard at flyhalf were really strong showings. They were unlucky not to be further up the table and Stannard is only going to get better if they look to him as a long term 10. It probably leaves the Force with a lot less depth in terms of game-breakers. Pococks still there, Smith as well, and if Shepard stays fit and uninjured he' another one that can sway the momentum of a match.

On an interesting sidenote, assuming JOC (James O'Connor) signs with the Rebels, the two playmakers don't leave a lot of room for Cipriani..


Awesome. Now we just need JON to deliver the kiss of death and declare the Rebels the Barcelona to the Brumbies' Real Madrid and we can look forward to 4 under-performing provinces next year.


Mark Ella (57)
The Force played some good rugby without him in the last few weeks. The club looks too have a fair idea of what they are trying to achieve, are settled off the field and look to have a great culture. JOC (James O'Connor) is not going too change that so onwards and upwards withouit him. 12 months ago the Force looked like they would be a lemon this year but they look in pretty good shape.


Andrew Slack (58)
I don't know maybe I am old school but you do your negotiation behind the scenes, make adecision, and announce it. This has been going on for months and I have no doubt that his agent (or him?) leaked bits to the media in in order to play the franchises off against one another.

Leaves a bitter taste. I would be fucked right off if I was a Force fan.

Anyhoo now all the Rebels need is a forward pack. They need to get some ball to all these haircuts hanging around in the backline.


John Eales (66)
Putting aside all the emotion, you have think about one of the first rules of business: never be afraid to walk away from the negotiation table and don't be shy about letting the other side know. Now that approach is predicated on having plan B and I am pretty certain that the Force would have had that. We by default saw it in the last few weeks. Sometimes you just have to accept that things like this happen and treat it as an opportunity to choose a different path to success. Graham and Co. can now take the chance to maybe contact a player like Nonu (as MR suggested) or blood some kids. Most of the other talented backs in Australia are already signed up. Good luck to the Rebels too -- the expectations just got that little bit higher, just like they did for the Brumbies when Elsom and Giteau moved there last year.

As a fan, I was pretty much over this about a month ago. There's no sense in wondering about the what-ifs, that path leads to unhappiness. I'm actually pleased with the stand that club appears to have taken -- you don't get held to ransom and you control your own destiny as much as you can.


Mark Loane (55)
Wow, I didn't see that coming, but am really pleased with the way Force management have handled it. It shows they are on the right track to building a champion team, instead of a team of champions.

Quite sad we have seen JOC (James O'Connor) in a Force jersey for the last time due to his suspension for the last game, he'll never run out for us again. But you get that and I wish him all the best for the future, I will still cheer for him in a Rebels jersey (except when they play the Force). If his hearts not here then it's for the best.


Tom Lawton (22)
Interesting listening to the media conference. Some things I've noticed:
- O'Connor wanted a 1 + 1 deal (once year guaranteed, the other year his option)
- KPI's that the Force had to meet
- The 'team ethos' bit from the media release seems born a bit of out frustration with the process...

I wonder what the Rebels are offering him, and whether he is going to asking of these KPI's. The fact he was dealing with his lawyer and not his agent is interesting. The CEO noted that this changed the nature of the negotiations.

O'Connor said this would be a rugby decision - I can't see this being the case if he is joining the worst Australian Super Rugby team.. Definitely more of a business decision for mine.
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