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RWC 2011 SF1 - Wales v France

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Jim Lenehan (48)
I think CB's point is that Wales shut up shop as they didn't have their fetcher to play a wide game. I think there's something in that, and actually France didn't know how to respond to such a big call and played worse rugby because of it. However, that is the fault of the teams as much as the ref (if you're of the opinion it wasn't a red).

think this is right Pete and was a BIG mistake. When teams lose a player, at least in NH they tend to do shut up shop and hope that they will keep close enough to be in a position to pressurise at the end and get a penalty. Few teams I suspect would believe that the team of 15 they are opposing are so disjointed and cr@p that they too will shut up shop and hang on to a 6 point lead. wales relaised too late and couldn't even take of the penalty rolland gifted them as recompense


Fred Wood (13)
well, first if yew lose today and second we are due to play Australia in Cardiff december 3rd

IF we lose, and with the weather conditions I NOW am totally confident that we won't, but should that happen then the playoff will be a cracker.
Please tell me SW has not been also cited?

Gee playing THIS Wales in Cardiff after the form I have seen.... with the home ground advantage, with them now having SO MUCH to prove, you wont see me get cocky about that outcome now.


Jim Lenehan (48)
IF we lose, and with the weather conditions I NOW am totally confident that we won't, but should that happen then the playoff will be a cracker.
Please tell me SW has not been also cited?

Gee playing THIS Wales in Cardiff after the form I have seen.... with the home ground advantage, with them now having SO MUCH to prove, you wont see me get cocky about that outcome now.

Where did you see this about Ikle being cited?


Given the media hype I would not be surprised at all if he is let off, even though they usually suspend players for yellow card offences.


Ward Prentice (10)
Wales lost the game because of their crap goal kicking:

0/1 conversions

1/3 penalty goals

0/2 drop goals

1 from 6, can't blame the red card for that.

Yes... but if they didn't have to pack Roberts as openside flanker maybe they could have run it in the backs more, with a different game developing. Butterfly flapping its wings and all that.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Yes... but if they didn't have to pack Roberts as openside flanker maybe they could have run it in the backs more, with a different game developing. Butterfly flapping its wings and all that.

Indeed. They also lost track of who was covering where and kicked aimlessly to empty wings


Phil Hardcastle (33)
an impartial person who did not care who won was watching with us, he said when Captain was Redcarded. "You have got to be kidding. What has this game come to. I thought this was a contact sport. This is not the sort of game I want to watch. How can you get sent off for tackling a man." I found it quite difficult to attempt to explain the difference in the rules about careless tackles and dangerous tackles to this person in the context of what we had just seen. He just kept saying, "but that was NOT dangerous, he let him go!"....

Then in my Welsh jersy, I got every single red light all the way home... it felt like someone upstairs was trying to rub it in.

But as a Wallabie fan, I know we can beat the French, but I still would have like to have been tested against the welsh, such brave young tallented men.

Small point on the bolded part: letting him go was one of the most dangerous things about it. If you lift someone you have a responsibility to bring them to ground safely. Dropping and driving, although different, are both very dangerous.


Jim Lenehan (48)
CB, I didn't say that you said it, ok? What I said was that it's getting close. And agree, it didn't happen, but given a few inches either way, could easily have, which I think a lot of people are losing sight of.

To move slightly away from the subject...No doubt Bryce Lawrance will be stoked that Rolland has taken him off the front pages. The tournament will be remembered for this incident rather than his performance.

they are running short of refs without baggage. Joubert is stand out for me. Hope I am not speaking too soon


Fred Wood (13)
Small point on the bolded part: letting him go was one of the most dangerous things about it. If you lift someone you have a responsibility to bring them to ground safely. Dropping and driving, although different, are both very dangerous.

But Not always dangerous though.

Yes, while rugby people may know this, to the uninitiated, THAT tackle did not look dangerous. And it wasn't.


Ward Prentice (10)
Indeed. They also lost track of who was covering where and kicked aimlessly to empty wings

Emphasis on 'kicked aimlessly' - even when they manufactured a bit of an overlap. There was a 4 on 2 in the second half - a long way out, but still.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
The ignominy of being sent off in such a prominent game must go close to being punishment enough.

This tackle will live in rugby lore for a very long long time.

Any further punishment should be suspended for 2 years good behaviour.

For a "clean" player, which the Breadman has been to date, this should not be an issue.


The IRB looking at context before handing out a sentence? Wishful thinking. For what it's worth, a red card and a suspended sentence sounds fair to me.
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