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Reds 2017

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liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
Something something only bad publicity is no publicity

What was the NZRU positive drug test incident?

In all seriousness, give him indefinite suspension until court case, then 4+ weeks minimum if guilty &/or convicted

Given this happened in a safe night precinct then he could have and should have been given a ban for ten days from licenced premises.

Lang Park is a licenced premises so he hypothetically may not be allowed at the ground fro ten days from the offence.

If the Officer in Charge of Fortitude Valley police hates Union then he can apply for a three month ban from licenced premises.

If I recall correctly there was a NRL player from Manly a few years ago who was banned from licenced premises as a bail condition, this was revoked so he could play football.

I think the Reds are under a lot of pressure to show they are doing the right thing, which they failed to do in my opinion with Hunt last year.

I really wanted Higgers at the Reds but if the reports are true then he should be cut loose, in a civil society you cannot accept people who make threats against Police and you also are setting the bar for standards so low that no player will ever have fear of doing something stupid as there is no punishment.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Pretty much agree here. Suspend till the court hearing, then cut loose if found guilty (and stories are correct). Charges are pretty serious and it's just dumb stuff.

Breaking into a police station / holding area and physically threatening police is not on.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
How about we wait until the whole story comes out before declaring he should be cut loose?

How many seasons has Higgers played without an incident and now there's one people are almost immediately calling for him to be sacked.

These blokes aren't meant to be angels, they're meant to be rugby players with a bit of mongrel about them.

A fine will be fine, probably for both the Courts & the Reds.

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

Brumby Jack

Steve Williams (59)

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
Many a time charges are downgraded or withdrawn before they reach the courts. I think a bit of patience wouldn't go astray.

that is true, but you have to realise that there is a reason the original charge is made, it is because it happened.

An example is GBH being dropped to AOBH on the day of court to encourage the defendant to plead guilty or stealing to unlawful dealing with shop goods (shop steal). This does not mean that the original offence was not committed.

Having a charge completely dropped also does not mean the offence did not occur, just that it was not prosecuted.

The assault charge will likely be changed to a public nuisance while under the influence of an intoxicating substance in a public area and the tresspass will be dropped. This is for a guilty plea with a fine, attendance at an alcohol seminar and no conviction recorded. If it is contested then the prosecutors will stick to the original charge.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
that is true, but you have to realise that there is a reason the original charge is made, it is because it happened.

Or alternatively because the Police are in the wrong.

I am not saying it applies in this situation but there are a whole bunch of cases where a slew of ridiculous charges are applied against someone who ends up having a very strong case of Police brutality against them.

Regardless, it's a disappointing start to the season for the Reds and puts them in a difficult position regarding a player who is a key recruit for the season.


Mark Ella (57)
'Charged with assaulting a police officer' is enough to work with until he goes to court in 2 weeks.


Being charged by a Police officer with assault and obstruct can be a very minor offence.

My understanding (at this stage) is that no contact was made at all. In Qld assault does not necessarily mean hitting or toucjing. Merre wortds are sufficient.

Over zealous coppers use this charge regularly quite often when they are "questioned as to their actions" in arresting the primary offender.

Unless CCTV footage shows otherwise Higgers could probably spend $20,000 hire a top SC, defend the matter, accuse the cops of "malicious prosecution" and win the day


Greg Davis (50)
In either case I don't think he can play in the trial whilst those charges hang over him, it sends a wrong message.

Personally, I think standing a person down before we know the full facts and he's had his day in front of a judge sends the wrong message. But that all depends on your stance on the whole presumption of innocence.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Personally, I think standing a person down before we know the full facts and he's had his day in front of a judge sends the wrong message. But that all depends on your stance on the whole presumption of innocence.

You risk reputational damage by not standing them down.

Presumption of innocence is one thing but the team needs to manage several aspects.

1. If the player ultimately needs to be sacked and you didn't stand them down then you look bad for condoning their behaviour.

2. It has more potential to disrupt the team if someone who is the subject of lots of media attention and an upcoming court appearance remains part of the team.

3. Standing someone down with pay until you know more details to make a more decisive decision is probably the solution that mitigates risk on all sides in the best way.


Mark Ella (57)
Standing Higgers down from training prior to a plea of guilty, or being found guilty of such a minor offence (from understanding) is farcical from the Reds. It's not like he stole some old lady's handbag.

Check the CCTV footage first Higgers and if appropriate bring that action for $1,000,000 + damages against the coipper personally and join the Queensland Government/ Queensland Police Service for damage to your reputation and potential loss of income in the ensuing years. IF the footage is not flattering to you enter a plea of guilty at the first opportunity and have the matter dealt with quickly,

Your "assault" charge would be NETO'd at the first opportunity.


Chilla Wilson (44)
He'd have some trouble getting a job in Japan off the back of issues with the law (they like a clean record), so France it is.

Though it remains to be seen if he's either guilty of anything substantial, or if he'll be fired because of it. I actually think this will come to nothing.
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