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Reds 2017

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Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
Also with a new Head Coach it's hard to find Assistants with experience that wouldn't have put their hat in the ring fr the HC role. I have no issue with guys coming out of the local system into assistant roles as it sets up a pathway.


Mark Ella (57)
If its any consolation RH, I hear Cheika, Byrne and Ledesma will all spend a day per week with the Reds through the season.

Shit ATM will that help?

We have a great scrum probably dominant in Australia for the past couple of years. Good old Mario won't improve that one bit.

Chek is already under some pressurem with a win/loss ratio below Robbie Deans (I think and some of the shine has certainly disappeared). He has a lot of work to do at Wallaby level. Chek probably would bring strong mentoring and psychological aspects and that would be a good thing.

Mick Byrne, I reckon would be the most valuable asset out of the 3 to assist Stilesy on a regular basis.

Stiles has the job and I think he will do the job with the team he has at his disposal.

Maybe it's a plan to semi centralise rugby and playing structures in Australia and that probably is a good thing for Australian rugby.

But in the Super season, I become tribal.


Ted Fahey (11)
We lost the great man Holmesy - our scrum won't be the same straight off the bat. Cheik is doing a great job blooding 2/3rd's of a starting lineup in one year. Agree with your view of mentoring and psychological aspects, seems like a really strong asset of his. Byrne is a massive pull, huge. Only good can come of these blokes involvement, providing knowledge and the presence of a national coaching team. Exciting stuff!

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Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
I'm not suggesting Mario will provide anything more than Stiles could but I am sure they have enough respect for each other to work well. Plus Stiles has a lot more on his plate this year, so if Mario can help cover off on the scrum while the HC is doing other stuff (coming up with a match strategy etc), then that's great.

Check could just be a great coaching mentor for Stiles, if nothing else. He has achieved some great things and Nick is new to the HC role, particularly at that level. Check may not be on the field at all, but if he can be there just to support Nick, then that's great.

Byrne has already started his work and, I agree, his role is vital


Tony Shaw (54)
If its any consolation RH, I hear Cheika, Byrne and Ledesma will all spend a day per week with the Reds through the season.

That's a positive for sure. It'll be needed if all the Assistants are rookies at Super level and it has to be said that Stiles has not existed as yet in a successful Super program. He's only known poor HC's and largely losing environments at this level. So mentoring and wise counsel could be crucial to his development.


Greg Davis (50)
Reg is this happening across the 5 teams or just the reds?

5 teams, 5 days in the business week! It matches up nicely albeit that trip across the nullabour would get boring real.

Question is, do you start in Perth on Monday and end in Sydney on Friday? Surely the booze is cheaper in Sydney than in the Perth domestic airport?


Tony Shaw (54)
I think it would be a little more informal scheduling wise Ignoto. Where theres a derby I assume they would try and do the visits towards the end of the week to get both teams in the one city. Obviously when a team is away on tour then they won't get a visit that week either.


Peter Johnson (47)
happy to see a backrow of:

6. Korczyk 8. Houston 7. Gunn

20. Timu

for the 1st round or 2 whilst Higs, Tui and Smith get reintegrated from the Japanese seasons. What a great chance for Adam to learn from higs, for Timu off houston and Gunn off Smith. Literally the definition of effective apprenticeships.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
I though Byrne was going to be based in Brisbane as part of his ARU contract. I may be wrong but I thought he once said this on Rugby360

It was also said iirc that his primary focus would be on the Wallabies but that he would be assisting all five Super Rugby franchises along the way.


Mark Ella (57)
happy to see a backrow of:

6. Korczyk 8. Houston 7. Gunn

20. Timu

for the 1st round or 2 whilst Higs, Tui and Smith get reintegrated from the Japanese seasons. What a great chance for Adam to learn from higs, for Timu off houston and Gunn off Smith. Literally the definition of effective apprenticeships.[/qu


Peter Johnson (47)
I'm not saying i WANT that group to start, I'm just saying I'd be happy with it if the other guys arnt up for it for if they came back stuffed or a bit late coz of finals or something. Not many other teams could afford to lose 3 starting backrowers and be happy with their replacement backrow.

tahs lose holloway dempsey and hoops....i wouldnt be as keen with wilkins wells and....probs mumm playing 6 with power or toleafoa starting lock..

summary. we have good backrow depth.


liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
No way !

Our BEST team to start.

It is so important to get some wins in early to build confidence within the playing and coaching groups.

I agree, stat with all best players in the team and then after a few wins start to rest at about round 5 one player per round if absolutely necessary.

the important thing is win, win, win
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