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Reds 2017

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
You know a team has a good squad when all the Tahs fans come out of the woodwork to throw in their 2 cents
Some of the Tahs fans have been adding two cents worth on the various Reds Threads throughout the RG period, and not to gloat or death roll your mob but to recognize how important a successful revenue positive Reds outfit is to Australian Rugby.

Some of us Mexicans are able to rise above the divisions imposed by an arbitrary & divisive line drawn on a map.

Others from Sydney/NSW - Won't comment beyond observing that like the Banjolanders, the characteristics of our rugby supporting population is represented by a Bell curve.


Desmond Connor (43)
You lot stay below the line otherwise we'll build a wall and make you pay for it!
Yep. We'll get Mr Trump over here as a consultant after he loses his election, to keep those southern Mexicans out.
Pass the banjo (and the rum) please.


There are other guys that this same approach is happening with; James Tuttle, Magnay etc. They have been picked out early, and investment has been made. They are regulars on the Reds bench and through 20s but barely play any QPR. I can understand that you want to see a return and the only way to do that is get them into Super Rugby as soon as possible but this hampers development.

What primarily is the issue there though, is it lack of game time or is it the quality of the opposition that players are getting to play against. In years gone by it was game time, with the NRC and the expanded U20's system, is that still the case?

How many games did Tuttle play in 2016 once you add up the Super Rugby U20's tournament, the Trans Tasman U20's tournament, the JWC, Super Rugby and NRC matches?


Ken Catchpole (46)
The delay in naming the assistant coaches is intriguing.

Is it because the coaching performance in the NRC was underwhelming and therefore forced a rethink?

Is it a marketing/timing thing (coordinate with some other rugby function or something)?

Is it possible that we are stealing some NPC coaches (please) and we need to wait until its ok to release the info?

Is it just because?


Tim Horan (67)
Or Stiles was given a list a while back and is still shaking his head going WTF?

I thought the theme with Nick was that the assistants would come from the local Premier grade. After that though he met Mick Byrne.

Reg says next weeek. Be calm. Nothing to see here. (Yet)


Chilla Wilson (44)
What primarily is the issue there though, is it lack of game time or is it the quality of the opposition that players are getting to play against. In years gone by it was game time, with the NRC and the expanded U20's system, is that still the case?

How many games did Tuttle play in 2016 once you add up the Super Rugby U20's tournament, the Trans Tasman U20's tournament, the JWC, Super Rugby and NRC matches?

TBH, I don't think there's an issue with either. The coaching, structures, speed, etc. is way better at the 20s WC (and probably Super 20s) then in QPR, all it lacks in that toughness and edge older blokes have.

Afterwards these players generally get a good NRC run, giving them a few games of tough footy against older, professional and near professional players. I can't think of any starting Aus 20s player who didn't get to start a couple of NRC games (with most starting all season).

What a good U20 player gets to do in Aus rugby right now is as good as it's ever been. I think Tuttle, Tui and the like will get to the standard they need to be at substantially quicker than players ever have in the past.

This is one thing the ARU deserve praise on.


Peter Johnson (47)
alot of gibbon in training photos. not in 38 senior training squad, nor the 5 in the development squad. Is there another sneaky squad training? or would he be like Ready and B.Robinson at the very start, not being actually contracted but invited to train and be apart of it if he wants?


Fred Wood (13)
I think the starting XV is mostly settled for 2017 - but I strongly agree that Higginbotham, Tui, Tupou and Perese will be in the lineup. Talakai, although a more experienced player, doesn't bring the raw running game and power that Thor does. We've constantly been saying "give Thor time...maybe next year". 2017 is his year to start. Haven't been impressed with Houston thus far and can only seem him starting unless George Smith is given a rest. The big build up was the signing of Scott-Young and then we go and sign Hewatt out of no where? What has Hewatt been up to this year to warrant a contract?


alot of gibbon in training photos. not in 38 senior training squad, nor the 5 in the development squad. Is there another sneaky squad training? or would he be like Ready and B.Robinson at the very start, not being actually contracted but invited to train and be apart of it if he wants?
I believe the EDS is 9 players, but they only listed 5 in that article so maybe the 5 listed are the new additions to the EDS, with the likes of Gibbon, Laloifi etc in that squad as well.

Some of us Mexicans are able to rise above the divisions imposed by an arbitrary & divisive line drawn on a map.

I should have put a winky face emoji to better convey the sarcasm of my comment ;) :/


Andrew Slack (58)
I wonder if the will take the approach that, at the moment Talakai will give them a strong and steady option for 50 minutes then they can bring Tupou on for the last 30 to be allow him to be an impact reserve.

Whilst I think Tui looks really good at this stage, I wonder if a similiar approach will be used for him - coming off the bench, initially at least, and letting the older heads play the bigger minutes for the time being.


I wonder if the will take the approach that, at the moment Talakai will give them a strong and steady option for 50 minutes then they can bring Tupou on for the last 30 to be allow him to be an impact reserve.

Whilst I think Tui looks really good at this stage, I wonder if a similiar approach will be used for him - coming off the bench, initially at least, and letting the older heads play the bigger minutes for the time being.

Yeah agreed, at least early on in the season..

Prop and lock are highly technical positions, and whilst Tui and Tupou both have raw physical ability, they are still learning the intricacies of the set-piece. IMO Douglas and Simmons will be the starting locks, and i think Tui will be battling it out with Neville for the bench spot, but we should see a fair bit of rotation throughout the season anyway.


Andrew Slack (58)
On the flip side, I can potentially see Tui in particular get opportunities (most likely still off the bench behind Neville) + some of our second string backrowers early in the season to take some of the pressure off Douglas and Simmons coming off test duty and guys like Higgers coming from Japan.


Tony Shaw (54)
I think the starting XV is mostly settled for 2017 - but I strongly agree that Higginbotham, Tui, Tupou and Perese will be in the lineup. Talakai, although a more experienced player, doesn't bring the raw running game and power that Thor does. We've constantly been saying "give Thor time.maybe next year". 2017 is his year to start. Haven't been impressed with Houston thus far and can only seem him starting unless George Smith is given a rest. The big build up was the signing of Scott-Young and then we go and sign Hewatt out of no where? What has Hewatt been up to this year to warrant a contract?

Indeed. He was a good captain of Nudgee's 1st XV but what else has he proven more recently - genuine question.

And has the issue of Mack Mason's whereabouts for 2017 been answered here, or elsewhere? Please tell me he's not lost to QLD rugby?!

Surely, surely Mason and Greene (now in Japan) offered more skill and development and QC (Quade Cooper) back-up potential than the very average world of a J McInyre?

No Super team ever these days gets to the top or near-top without a very good 10. If QC (Quade Cooper) fails to ignite or gets injured, a good-enough back-up is absolutely essential. We learnt that lesson through injuries in 2012 and just as much when QC (Quade Cooper) departed for France.

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
Can only agree. OTOH we kind of need a couple of these younger backs, CFS and Maranta maybe, to fire up in 2017. Just a couple is all we would need for this squad to be looking more than just inspiring.

The one grey area is depth at 10. I remain baffled by our continued choice of Mac over others. I just dont see him as a playmaker irrespective of on-going development. Hope I'm wrong. I also hope Quade stays strong and uninjured.
Backup for a major injury is a concern, if it is only for a week or two or even just a niggle for the last 20 minutes of a game I think we are pretty right.

Very few teams are capable of replacing a long term injury to a 10. Just like a tight head prop if you have a good enough backup they will be lured away for a starting spot due to their importance


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
RH, not confirmed by Mason turned down the Reds offer and then shopped himself off to the Force and Tahs. I believe he may be headed southwards.


Trevor Allan (34)
Just quietly...what if assistant(s) are coming from NRC but are coaching finals and the Reds are waiting till that's done.

...Simon Cron or Coleman for attack?
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