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Reds 2016

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Steve Williams (59)
Staff member
Wikipedia says Houston was at the Reds for four seasons, 2008-11. Did he achieve anything in the earlier stint?


Peter Johnson (47)
Don't think we'll get houston AND higs. One of the other. Higs has been on big money in Japan and probs looking to keep the money train rolling whilst in his prime. If the ARU doesn't come to the table, then the Reds alone won't afford him


Mark Ella (57)
Don't think we'll get houston AND higs. One of the other. Higs has been on big money in Japan and probs looking to keep the money train rolling whilst in his prime. If the ARU doesn't come to the table, then the Reds alone won't afford him

Love Higgers but if he wants to stay on the 1.2 million per season money train he'll have to stay in Japan.

IMO Reds wouldn't stump $500K for him out of their budget.


Tony Shaw (54)
Wikipedia says Houston was at the Reds for four seasons, 2008-11. Did he achieve anything in the earlier stint?

My memory of him was that he showed a heap of potential but just couldn't quite find his top gear. He had a solid fend and was bloody hard to stop at times. Good strong leg drive in contact. Hit pretty hard in defence too. He was good back in the day but apparently now he's a fair bit better so I hope he comes home.


Bob Loudon (25)
Well that was not good. What changes would you make? I didn't see a great deal of benefit from CFS coming back, didn't seem to make much impact, nor did Nabuli though - couldn't seem to break the first tackle and horrific miss when he was stood up by the flanker Tafua down the sideline. We moved the ball a lot at times but just couldn't seem to get through. Magnay showed good pace with his try but shown up on defence. In fact the most penetrating runner I saw was Gunn in his short time out there he really made some ground.


Dave Cowper (27)
unfortunately i think Magnay isn't up to super rugby yet. he was shown up a lot tonight ( good try aside) i would move Duncan to 12, Fainga'a to 13. or at the very least put CFS in at outside. on the bright side the scrum looked good.


Bob Loudon (25)
To be honest, the first thing I would do at season's end is seriously think about replacing O'Connor. He is just not getting results. The backs are far too rigid and simplistic, they can break the line off rehearsed set plays on first phase when the forwards are occupied, but once the defence is set they are just toothless. They've been lucky to have Kerevi on fire for a few games but without him their toothlessness is shown up.

Stiles is clearly doing well at coaching the set piece but the forwards could do with some hardening up in the loose too. There were several times in this game where the Reds got a good forward run, broke some tackles and made some serious ground (Gunn and Gill especially), but when finally brought to ground, they just went back to the same pattern of slow ball, predictable one-out running and overcommitting at the breakdown. That is good enough to beat the Cheetahs of this world, but definitely not going to threaten the top teams.


Tony Shaw (54)
Man I am done with CFS. I have no idea what his issue is but I just don't care anymore.
The first (or maybe second) Saders try he just watched the guy run past and made no attempt to tackle him. Sure, he wasn't going to stop the try but he still needs to make the tackle. If for nothing else but to try and keep the conversion as wide as possible. Dump him.


Dave Cowper (27)
To be honest, the first thing I would do at season's end is seriously think about replacing O'Connor. He is just not getting results. The backs are far too rigid and simplistic, they can break the line off rehearsed set plays on first phase when the forwards are occupied, but once the defence is set they are just toothless. They've been lucky to have Kerevi on fire for a few games but without him their toothlessness is shown up.

Who's fault is that?
Coaching can't be criticised, he has worked with them for a month of his own work. 4-5 months under RG who lets be honest has hurt this club.

What I observed is that we need more demand from our midfield/playmakers. If McIntyre isn't having a good game who else is there to help him out to distribute besides Frisby?
Two centres who can not orchestrate/ball play or a FB who is still new to the game. O'Connor has been quite creative on how the Reds have attacked and besides this game we have been in it every week. Tonight we were just not good enough. Period.

Man I am done with CFS. I have no idea what his issue is but I just don't care anymore.
The first (or maybe second) Saders try he just watched the guy run past and made no attempt to tackle him. Sure, he wasn't going to stop the try but he still needs to make the tackle. If for nothing else but to try and keep the conversion as wide as possible. Dump him.

The first try was a K. Hunt misread and the second try was Magnay out of position, they had already beaten the front line. Hunt got drawn in and Magnay tried to covering tackle. Both offences no fault of CFS.

What been really poor in the past couple of week are the spacing of the forwards. One pass from the opposition half back is beating 4 defenders. Combine that with a late fold and the outside are outnumbered all the time. The starting pack have to do a far better job of that. It's isolating the backline especially the wingers. The starting pack need to be rotated soon. The season is over. It's time to give more of the bench a go now.


Ken Catchpole (46)
I don't particularly think that CFS was to blame for tries being scored (if you are relying on your winger's defence, then there are clearly defensive issues further inside that you are not addressing), but I am just sick of watching a guy go out there and give minimum effort.

Something needs to be done to make him wake up.

Loloifi has been giving it a good crack when given the opportunity and he is slippery when he has got the ball.

Magnay may have been a bit out of his depth, but you can't bring a guy out of under 20s into a team that is raw against a rampant saders outfit that would beat most test teams and then drop him for his performance - that would be terrible man management. The decision has now been made to elevate him into the side (and none of the criteria which has seen him be elevated to this position have changed), so we just have to run with him for a while now.


Tony Shaw (54)
The first try was a K. Hunt misread and the second try was Magnay out of position, they had already beaten the front line. Hunt got drawn in and Magnay tried to covering tackle. Both offences no fault of CFS.
I'm not blaming him for the try at all. I'm just done with his crappy attitude. He's either inextricably lazy or just doesn't care that much. I don't know which it is but it doesn't really matter.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I didn't think much changed when Greene came on and he made a bunch of errors. I can see why they've stuck with McIntyre.

The biggest problem is the lack of work off the ball by half the backline and the lack of options presented. The players outside McIntyre aren't running good lines and are not providing much deception.

Now this may be partly McIntyre and partly coaching but he needs to present different options. He is always next to Frisby waiting for the pass. There needs to be more play that is based off two phases giving an opportunity to attack in wider channels. Where's the forward runner in midfield that is hit by a long pass from Frisby for a quick recycle and then hit McIntyre out wider to run some attack? Everything is unbelievably static and too similar from phase to phase. The forwards aren't getting over the gain line regularly enough to provide a good platform.

Both wingers need to be more involved and all the backs need to be working harder off the ball.

Too many times the Reds either lost the ball or almost did because they were delaying recycling the ball because Frisby hadn't arrived and/or McIntyre wasn't in position one pass off the ruck. If the ball goes from one side to the other they can't rely on setting up like it is first phase every time before they play the ball.


Steve Williams (59)
The decision has now been made to elevate him into the side (and none of the criteria which has seen him be elevated to this position have changed), so we just have to run with him for a while now.

Let Magnay play in the World U20s, IMO.

THEN he gets the starter's jersey in the Soup.

CFS is going places. (Hospital Cup written all over him).


Greg Davis (50)
With McIntyre or Greene unable to get the back line into motion it goes to show how lucky we were having Quade at 10 with Harris or Ben Lucas at 12 or 15 to act as a second play maker. While it wouldn't solve all the problems, you'd think it'd help elevate the pressure and help by putting doubt into the opposition which direction or player is going to get the ball.

As it stands, Jake will catch and pass it to a player 5 metres away with no decoys or hoof it up field. I was expecting Hunt to take more of a role in our attack but he seems quiet in this department and hasn't really brought any form of knowledge he may have acquired from league in drawing and passing.


Andrew Slack (58)
I didn't think much changed when Greene came on and he made a bunch of errors. I can see why they've stuck with McIntyre.

Harsh. Greene has had scant minutes, got dropped, got bought back against close to the toughest opposition and got put on the field with the key strike centre not playing, a rookie 13, lost his defensive lynch pin, had his fullback replaced by a half back and played behind a forward pack getting toweled up.

Based on your standards Ned Hanigan can start looking for a new career based on tonight.

Alternatively maybe we should give both players a few more opportunities to prove themselves.


Steve Williams (59)
Staff member
I hesitate to bring a sky blue shade to a Reds thread, but, Hanigan played bloody well on his debut tonight. Apart from one spilled pill. He's a keeper.


Tony Shaw (54)
Greene looked better than McIntyre did. He took the ball to the line, he passed flatter and was more involved on D. It didn't make any real difference though but it's pretty rough to mark him on the outcome in that situation. All things being equal, I think we'd be better served with Greene starting.
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