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Reds 2015

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Now that leaves a very big hole in the side, given that Holmes isn't getting younger. I would've thought he should be a priority to retain, a foundation for the future.

Nah, he's not that good. Better to get someone who will actually be a sturdy building block. PAE for instance.


Ken Catchpole (46)
I'm not even gonna touch the player issue anymore. It's mind numbing.

Please reds, get rid of the music you are playing DURING the play. I didn't mind the shouting microphone guy (the kids all seemed to respond to him and it is actively trying to promote the crowd into action), but a soundtrack to the footy is not required and actually kills whatever atmosphere the crowd had organically generated at that point (it promotes a passive emotional response similar to watching a movie or tv show).

If you are going to keep doing it, please don't use a funeral dirge. The music chosen belongs in the montage scene in a poor action film where the hero's comrades all get blown to bits on some remote beach in slow motion before the hero is captured because a grenade exploded on his head and gave him mild concussion enabling the bad guys to finally capture him. If you must use music, then choose the music from the bit of the film where the hero slaughters all the bad guy minions before throwing the main antagonist over the edge of a cliff that was only introduced minutes earlier for apparently no reason other than to make the audience think that would be a good place for an antagonist to be thrown over the edge of. Or the end credits music, except of it's a Will Smith movie ("yeh, yeh, what up dawg, yo the R, to the E, to the D S" yadda yadda is not gonna do it either).

I have no idea if the players can really hear that stuff on the field (directional speakers and such), but I sincerely hope not.

Actually, just don't do it. All the music at other times is fine (before the match, half time, stoppages etc is all fine - bring back the pendulum stuff you had that was uplifting).


Mark Ella (57)
It sounds like the smoke about players discontent emanates not only from coaching and selection issues but also captaincy ones as well.

The Reds need a change of direction in 2015

Option 1: New Coach and one that is experienced and forceful - a Mckenzie, Cheika or dare I fucken say it, a Jake White. Hopefully a coach like this can reel in the personalities.

Option 2. RG remains coach and this appears likely in 2015. A "cleanout" of senior players (like Horwill and Genia with QC (Quade Cooper) being retained). A new captain be appointed. Horwill, who has given great service to the Reds (and Wallabies) be given the opportunity of standing down as Captain and a release be offered (to enable him to play overseas) - Everyone retains "face". Respect is given for service to the State. Genia would command huge money overseas as it is unlikely any Aussie Franchise would be prepared to offer big dollars (as performanceas been fairly poor).
The release of one or both would free up substantial money for the injection of 2 - 4 new players - ATM we just are not producing the number of quality players in key positions ourselves - we need to find some outside of the State.

Option 3.This is unacceptable
nothing changes - and the Reds continue to wallow.
Good players at the Reds will start looking around for different teams, either domestic or international.
The team will start losing support. Attendances decrease as does revenue.
It then will take several years to rebiuld.
This is just too abhorent to think.

Some changes need to be made at end of THIS season so that we can move FORWARD.

The above is a bit of a rant but am pretty passionate about MY team and the sport og rugby in general


Bill Watson (15)
With RG still under contract, whats the chances the Reds tell him he can stay but not as head coach. Acquire a new head coach and put RG in charge of one aspect as an assistant. His experience shows he isn't too bad when in this position. He did defense for the Reds last year and skills for the Wob's (2009 or 2010), both those periods had some good outcomes in those specific areas.


Trevor Allan (34)
Hayden Smith would be a really good buy for the reds if he came at the right price. If anyone has seen him play for saracens, he's BIG and extremely athletic for his 117 odd kg as you would expect for someone hunted by the NFL. Bit of a physical freak with some excellent skills. Fit's the mould of the Samo/Higgers type player who can bend the line and is is primarily a 2nd rower who can play 6 which is nicely complimentary of McDuling who is a 6 first and capable of playing in the row. Someone would have to teach Smith to offload.

K.Hunt would be a cracking 15 for the reds, and I have heard previously that he is keen on finishing his career as a rugby player. If he is on the market and is thinking about it I would offer him more than I would offer JOC (James O'Connor). Offer him as much as you realistically can Jim.

After that, we need 1 more prop and maybe a powerful winger.


Greg Davis (50)
A "cleanout" of senior players (like Horwill and Genia with QC (Quade Cooper) being retained). l

Perhaps everyone forgot how having little experience panned out in 2010....... Removing Horwill and Genia would be a huge mistake and would set us back years especially considering how many younger players we still have coming through. They're not playing terrible rugby, just they're not performing to their usual international standards. Why, I can't comment, I'm not nearly astute in this types of things.

But if you force Horwill to move on right now, you'll be ripping out one of the guys who actually plays for the jersey he's wearing every game. Just watch the post game interviews to see whether he's the right or wrong guy you want in your dressing room.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
I agree with Horwill,not so much Genia.
I think the Reds are no longer getting a reasonable bang for their buck there.
Maybe he needs a new challenge as well.


Mark Ella (57)
'clearing out' Horwill would have to be one of the most ludicrous calls made in these pages.

He's the heart and soul of the Reds. Relieve him of his captaincy duties for sure (James Slipper step up) but never let him go.

Reg - would be happy with that scenario BUT I don't know whether James himself would accept playing under another captain, whoever that may be. Understand the bloke has given GREAT service to QLD but someone is going to make a decision in that area - James himself or the Coach. I just really want to see him get back to his mongrel best - breaking and bending the line

I think plenty of blokes are the heart and soul - blokes like Daley Slipper Holmes, Chibba Schatz, Quirk, Gilly, QC (Quade Cooper), Will Genia etc etc etc


Greg Davis (50)
Man I really think your conjuring an ego about Horwill that I can't see I've seen. He's stood aside as Wallaby captain previously and I could have sworn in the past year or two when returning from injury he's played second fiddle to Genia as Captain.

The guy really doesn't strike me as caring about who wears the C, they have a leadership group and Horwill will always be apart of that group deserving if you ask me.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Reg - would be happy with that scenario BUT I don't know whether James himself would accept playing under another captain, whoever that may be. Understand the bloke has given GREAT service to QLD but someone is going to make a decision in that area - James himself or the Coach. I just really want to see him get back to his mongrel best - breaking and bending the line

I think plenty of blokes are the heart and soul - blokes like Daley Slipper Holmes, Chibba Schatz, Quirk, Gilly, QC (Quade Cooper), Will Genia etc etc etc

of course he would. As Ignoto has stated, he's done it before for the Wobbs and would do it for the Reds. Horwill is old school. His priorities are his team first. I've never seen him so down and I know this year would be hurting him bad. I'd suggest that James may be the one that initiates any need change, not RG or JC. If something needs to be done or said, I have no doubt Kev would be the first one to do or say it, if it was for the good of the team.


Mark Ella (57)
I wasn't being derogatory to James at all and don't know the bloke at all other than watching him play and speak at interviews and such. I just felt it may be a better option FOR HIM AT HIS CHOOSING

By the way I recall that he didn't stand aside from Wqallabies - he was dropped and it was only an injury during the week (after Ben Mowen had been announced as captain) to Rob Simmons (I think) that he was brought into the run on side.


Greg Davis (50)
By the way I recall that he didn't stand aside from Wqallabies - he was dropped and it was only an injury during the week (after Ben Mowen had been announced as captain) to Rob Simmons (I think) that he was brought into the run on side.

You're quite right about him being dropped. But he didn't kick up a stink about losing the captaincy to Ben, he has publicly stated he supported the move and supported Ben as the leader of the Wallabies. So you'll have to excuse my bewilderment at what is making you think he has to be captain.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Please reds, get rid of the music you are playing DURING the play. <snip> If you are going to keep doing it, please don't use a funeral dirge.

Upon reflection, I believe you have chosen the music appropriately.

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
I wonder if the drop in impact by Kev is due to the number of injuries he has suffered. He might be young in years but he may well have the body of an older player.

I hope he improves, but I don't see him getting much better than he is now.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
It definitely is, he seems to have lost all transfer of strength, just a large lump of body that doesn't create impact. He's getting dominated in contact on defence and attack. You go back to 2011 and his carries were powerful, you'd just about back him from 5-10m out and now he goes no where. It's the same in defence he jumps onto a player and they carry him forward. All he seems to do at rucks now is jump on top and not aggressively cleanout low.


Frank Nicholson (4)
I really don't think Horwill or Genia need moving, we have other positions that really need to be addressed before we even think about them. Horwill looks tired but pretty confident he will have a return to form once the teams in a happier place.

Nick Frisby looks the goods for Genia, we should be giving him much more game time on the back end of this season.

It's our back line we have to sort out for next year, and our No 8. Schatz just doesn't do anything for me, I would try Curtis at 8 and see what happens.

We need a real fullback and maybe Hunt would be the perfect answer but I suspect he would be very costly. Harris & JOC (James O'Connor) as the centres, Davies & Shipperley on the wing for my mind.

I would cut the Fainga'a brothers lose, with CFS and Chibba we have them covered. Maybe look at 4 as well as 8 while we are there.

Train Without a Station

Anybody talking moving Horwill on is kidding themselves. Nobody rates our 3rd but they want to punt Horwill with no replacement on the horizon for either of them?


John Thornett (49)
His experience shows he isn't too bad when in this position. He did defense for the Reds last year and skills for the Wob's (2009 or 2010), both those periods had some good outcomes in those specific areas.

Similar pattern at Bath and Saracens when he was in Europe from what I've seen. I'm actually pretty keen to do a deeper dig between now and the French tests to get a better grip on what's going on.

Seems Woody is a great maid of honor but an ugly bride.

You've made me feel a bit less crazy though, thanks for that.
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