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Reds 2013

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The one positive side of Genia's injury is that we get to really develop another specialist half back. Not a fill-in who gets a week or two although Genia may be back in time for the start of S15


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
The one positive side of Genia's injury is that we get to really develop another specialist half back. Not a fill-in who gets a week or two although Genia may be back in time for the start of S15

I really doubt he will be back at the start of the season.

If his recovery takes a similar length to Cooper's, then you should expect him back around the start of April.

The hardest parts of a knee reconstruction to recover from are the damage to the hamstring from the graft (this is assuming he didn't have a LARS reconstruction) and regaining proprioception.

Proprioception is your automatic ability to balance yourself without thinking (i.e. muscles contract etc.). Before a knee reconstruction it is pretty easy to stand on a balance board and your muscles do a lot of work making subtle adjustments so you remain stable. Soon after a knee reconstruction it is almost impossible.

After a knee reconstruction you lose a lot of that ability and have to gain it back. It takes quite a while for your muscles to re-learn the subtle adjustments to keep you balanced. The ligament only goes so far in controlling the movement in your knee. The muscles are what provides the strength and control so too much pressure isn't placed on the ligaments.


John Thornett (49)
In today's paper Link seemed pretty sold on the idea of signing Argentine players in Super Rugby. He said he was close to contracting a front-rower on a development contract last sesaon.


In today's paper Link seemed pretty sold on the idea of signing Argentine players in Super Rugby. He said he was close to contracting a front-rower on a development contract last sesaon.

The article said it was a forward, and it would have been for the 2012 season..

He also said the Reds are full up for next season, but Argentina would be a good place to shop for future recruits.


I really doubt he will be back at the start of the season.

If his recovery takes a similar length to Cooper's, then you should expect him back around the start of April.

The hardest parts of a knee reconstruction to recover from are the damage to the hamstring from the graft (this is assuming he didn't have a LARS reconstruction) and regaining proprioception.

Proprioception is your automatic ability to balance yourself without thinking (i.e. muscles contract etc.). Before a knee reconstruction it is pretty easy to stand on a balance board and your muscles do a lot of work making subtle adjustments so you remain stable. Soon after a knee reconstruction it is almost impossible.

After a knee reconstruction you lose a lot of that ability and have to gain it back. It takes quite a while for your muscles to re-learn the subtle adjustments to keep you balanced. The ligament only goes so far in controlling the movement in your knee. The muscles are what provides the strength and control so too much pressure isn't placed on the ligaments.

Thanks BH81 - very informative - appreciate the insight


Dick Tooth (41)
So these Argies we're after, does that mean that they would then play for Argentina?

Or are we still able to poach players? I don't like that.


So these Argies we're after, does that mean that they would then play for Argentina?

Or are we still able to poach players? I don't like that.

No different to the kiwi or saffa players we look at... There are development players who qualify for the wallabies via 3 years residency or marquee player positions for those already capped in another country...

I'm hearing some info about the potential Reds academy for 2013, I know of one prop(good proposition) already brought in.. The way it's going to work is that the academy players will train with the squad, be given supplements, strength regimes, access to facilities etc.... But they won't be getting paid..

It's looking to be around 10 players in total..


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
Yeah I've heard of at least one player who has been approached to be part of the Academy Squad.


Yeah well not sure how accurate my source is on the minor details, but I think be had the broad concept correct

thierry dusautoir

Alan Cameron (40)
I know of two schoolboy players who have apparently had the deal sealed since beginning of the year.

Also apparently Jonah placid is definately to be in the reds set up the boys up the range are telling me.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Will players be able to be involved in both the Reds academy and the ARU one that is currently being run?

It might be tough for blokes to earn a living if they aren't getting paid in the Reds academy, especially if they are expected to be at all the Reds training sessions. Surely some costs must be covered (rent, food etc)


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
I believe the idea behind the Reds Academy is so that they can have opposed team runs against guys in the same training group. If they have a squad of 45 then you should be able to have the game day 22 take on 15 others while others will be out with injuries.
In terms of these guys earning a living I guess it will be up to them to make a choice, do I give rugby a crack or do i get a full time job. These guys have a chance to be part of the team and get a leg up if players are needed from outside the 35 man squad. If they play a game they will get paid for it and if they play more than 3 they will get a contract (that is my understanding).


Will players be able to be involved in both the Reds academy and the ARU one that is currently being run?

It might be tough for blokes to earn a living if they aren't getting paid in the Reds academy, especially if they are expected to be at all the Reds training sessions. Surely some costs must be covered (rent, food etc)

No it's not going to be as demanding as you suggest, the guy I know is still going to work he will just be involved in some extra trainings through the week and weekends.. It's not going to be everyday

He is just happy to be involved in the system, getting the free supps and training regimes.


Tony Shaw (54)
I believe the idea behind the Reds Academy is so that they can have opposed team runs against guys in the same training group. If they have a squad of 45 then you should be able to have the game day 22 take on 15 others while others will be out with injuries.
In terms of these guys earning a living I guess it will be up to them to make a choice, do I give rugby a crack or do i get a full time job. These guys have a chance to be part of the team and get a leg up if players are needed from outside the 35 man squad. If they play a game they will get paid for it and if they play more than 3 they will get a contract (that is my understanding).

If I ever had this opportunity I wouldn't even need to wait for the...

It would be a no-brainer.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Maybe this has been said before (I don’t know – there are a lot of posts to go through):

I am starting to wonder whether it is really a good thing that QC (Quade Cooper) is trying to man up in defence in the 10 channel.

My thoughts are that in previous seasons he has been pivotal in counter attacking from kicks. There is a lot to be said for the pressure this has put on opposition teams where they kick for territory, only to have the ball returned (repeatedly) back to where they kicked it within in a single phase – or worse – a try scored against them. I lost count how often this occurred in the last couple of seasons with QC (Quade Cooper) dropping back in defence.

This pressure from the returns was missing this year a) when he was not in the team and b) when he was defending in the 10 channel. This is not meant as a criticism of the current Reds back 3, who I believe have all done very well – they just don’t seem to have what QC (Quade Cooper) had in terms of returns. Obviously we gain in that the defensive line doesn’t needs to swap around when the ball is turned over – but that didn’t seem to cause too much of an issue in the last couple of seasons, so I wonder if it is actually such a big advantage.

Secondly, his abilities in defence whilst improved is not (and I can’t possibly see it being) equal to his ability to counter attack. Are the reds sacrificing one of his most potent attributes (counter attack) in order to accommodate him defending in the 10 channel where he will probably only be adequate? Are we actually losing something greater than what we gain?

Am I alone in thinking this?


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
I think the Reds will still employ him to play deep when the team is defending. As you point out he is a very dangerous proposition for opposition teams when he is stationed at fullback. It will also depend on who is playing 15 for the game. If it is Lucas or Lance then it will work well but if it is Morahan then it requires a complete shake up of defensive positions and it probably isn't as likely.

thierry dusautoir

Alan Cameron (40)
I feel what your saying but I thought Morahan acquitted himself well at full back and was very good on the counter. His try against the Brumbies was one of the best individual efforts I have seen.
Quade, Morahan and most of the reds are quite young and their games will continue to develop across all facets.
I trust Link and if he wants to put Morohan, Cooper shit even Horwill at Fullback for the defence pattern I would be ok with it


It is going to be interesting to see whether the Reds stick to their current defensive systems. Tattsy Taylor has gone to Scotland and whoever takes over these duties may have a different philosophy in terms of the defensive arrangements.

This in turn will determine whether QC (Quade Cooper) stays at the back or gets moved to the front.

For me, I prefer to have him deep particularly with Gill providing turnovers. Then Quade can get the ball going forward rather than trying to retreat off the gain-line before receiving the pass.


John Thornett (49)
We could always employee a defensive system where Taps/Harris defends at 10, Fainga'a at 12 and Shipperely at 13 with Morahan and Digby on the wings and Quade at fullback.

If Shippers can show he is able to defend well at 13 in trials, I'd like to see that system employed
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