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Queensland Reds 2009

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He also confirmed that Auckland and Blues rugby tried to produce a counter-offer that would have kept the 27-year-old occasional All Black in the region, but they were unable to get anywhere near to matching the deal on offer across the Tasman.


interesting quote from Blues Coach Pat Lam, i wonder how much the Reds signed him for and whether they were limited to the $110'000 that they are allowed to offer Aussie players.

Surely the contract couldnt have being to big, the Reds arent exactly flush with money and unless the ARU came to the party i struggle to see how they could have offered to much.

I suppose though since Croft, Cordingley, Roe, Latham, Blake and Moore all left that probably freed up some cash.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
I don't think there is a upper limit as that is a RUPA/ARU agreement and Braid isn't bound by those organisations.

And we must have some money. We set up that damn 48-10 (or whatever) club as a counter to the 'friends of the Tahs' to riase money to attract stars. And haven't attracted any stars. So there must be money in the bank.


Bob Davidson (42)
Isn't the squad only 32 strong at the moment? Maybe they won't get the last person and are using some of the available funds to pay extra for Braid?


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
they have to contract 33. Its a rupa/Aru stipulation to ensure enough players get professional contracts and development opportunities.


there is a report at rugbyheaven.com.au that says the Reds have also being chasing Winston Stanley and his brother, not to sure how that is going to work, if both are NZ born i dont see how they can sign both of them.


Michael Lynagh (62)
TOCC said:
there is a report at rugbyheaven.com.au that says the Reds have also being chasing Winston Stanley and his brother, not to sure how that is going to work, if both are NZ born i dont see how they can sign both of them.

FYI, Benson Stanley was born in NSW, and thus is eligible for the Wallabies.

Not the best choice for the Reds, IMHO. 12 / 13 is an area they should be fine for - it's not as bad as other areas: Barnes, Fainga'a, Turinuri, Fetoai. Connor and Hynes can also play in the centres, Ioane at a streatch too, and even Cooper can move to 12 and Lucas at 10. They'd be better off chasing a prop or young fetcher or proven fullback or quality lock or even a hooker or scrummie - all areas where their "depth" is even worse.

Although, Stanley is a good player and would add much needed depth and experience, but I don't see him starting ahead of Morgs or Barnes in the centres and maybe therefore wouldn't be the best value for money, unless they expect Morgs to depart at the end of the year - and isn't Stanley more of a 12 anyway?


Ash said:
TOCC said:
there is a report at rugbyheaven.com.au that says the Reds have also being chasing Winston Stanley and his brother, not to sure how that is going to work, if both are NZ born i dont see how they can sign both of them.

FYI, Benson Stanley was born in NSW, and thus is eligible for the Wallabies.

Not the best choice for the Reds, IMHO. 12 / 13 is an area they should be fine for - it's not as bad as other areas: Barnes, Fainga'a, Turinuri, Fetoai. Connor and Hynes can also play in the centres, Ioane at a streatch too, and even Cooper can move to 12 and Lucas at 10. They'd be better off chasing a prop or young fetcher or proven fullback or quality lock or even a hooker or scrummie - all areas where their "depth" is even worse.

Although, Stanley is a good player and would add much needed depth and experience, but I don't see him starting ahead of Morgs or Barnes in the centres and maybe therefore wouldn't be the best value for money, unless they expect Morgs to depart at the end of the year - and isn't Stanley more of a 12 anyway?
oh ok, i now realise the article was a direct copy from rugbyheaven.co.nz onto rugbyheaven.com.au, so when they said 'they were born there' i assumed they were talking about NZ.

In regards to these two, i know they both play centre and i think the Reds might be looking for someone to take over Turinui's role in the near future, i think at best he should play one more season before someone better takes over. By that point his mentoring skills should have done enough for the young blokes like Barnes and Cooper.

Ive now done a bit of research on the two and yes Benson Stanley was born in NSW(1984), whilst Winston Stanley was born in Brisbane(1989).

Benson Stanely is actually a pretty good player, he was playing really well for the Blues at the start of the 2008 season, Winston Stanley also sounds like a really promising youngster.

I guess the Reds could try to sign Benson Stanley on a full time contract and Winston on a Academy contract with the aim of giving him a full time contract in 2009 when Turinui or one of the other backs moves on.


Apparently young Eddie Quirk of defeating the NZ schoolboys fame has been signed to a Reds Academy contract, despite planning to repeat Yr 12 in 2009.

Actually, when I think about it, one worry for the Reds is goalkicking. Barnes, Cooper and Lucas can all kick to some degree though, but its whether they are up to the added pressure at S14 level.


Bob Davidson (42)
Noddy said:
What position is Winston? I'd love to have Benson Stanley in the side at 13
Not sure what experience he has at 13. Very good 12 with excellent defence but as Ash says, the Reds are well catered to in that position. Turinui will do the job ok in 2009, whilst a Connor, Vaalu or Fetoai is developed to take over long term.


spectator said:
Noddy said:
What position is Winston? I'd love to have Benson Stanley in the side at 13
Not sure what experience he has at 13. Very good 12 with excellent defence but as Ash says, the Reds are well catered to in that position. Turinui will do the job ok in 2009, whilst a Connor, Vaalu or Fetoai is developed to take over long term.

The Reds have incredibly bad depth at centre, more so then other positions on the field.

What happens if Cooper gets injured, your best option is to move Barnes to 5/8, alternatively what happens if Barnes gets injured(touch wood).

Fetoai has proved himself to be a reasonable player, Connor is no where near S14 standard yet, and Vaalu is a long way away from being a centre, first ive heard of Vaalu at centre actually.

FYI, Winston Stanley also plays midfield.


Bob Davidson (42)
Winston Stanley would be at least as far away from S14 standard as Blair Connor. The main criticism of Connor has been his size, but if the other Rabbit in WA is getting chances at elite levels then I don't buy into the argument as they are around the same size. Hw was the standout player at club level before injury (yes I know it is a step up) and has played 7's for Australia, so I don't think he is as far away as you think.

In terms of the 13 spot, Turinui will do more than a capable job if the second half of the 08 season is anything to go by, with his defence being the ine questionmark. Vaalu is a left field choice, but I wouldn't be surprised. Fetoai is predominantly a 12 but I think can be turned into a centre, as with Ben Tapuai in the Academy. Another good 13 may be a good idea but I don't think the Stanley's are the answer.

As for 12 - If Barnes is out, Cooper, Faiinga, Tapuai and Fetoai are all possibilities. Lee has mentioned him a few times - watch for Tapuai to get a call up sometime in the season. He is a very handy young player.


It would be nice to get young LHP Ruan Smith out of SA as the future poach, but given there is young Slipper and Anae in the Academy already perhaps that is not too likely.

Who knows, maybe the 33 slot will go to a local youngster anyway.


Oh, in other news, its confirmed that Veratau has been cut and he has moved to the NH to play for Racing M?tro 92 Paris, alongside Nic Berry.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Ah yes, Ben Tapuai. Great kid and probably a future 12 with the potential to play 13 as well. I'm worried that the Reds are throwing money around for little gain, but really, their attempts all look at positive signs to improve their depth and on-field performance.

BTW, A. Fainga'a will likely replace Barnes at 12 if there's an injury. I would rate Stanley as a better player, but then Fainga'a has not really gotten any S14 time as Tyrone Smith jumped him in the queue at the Brumbies (wasn't Fainga'a also injured?) - I would rather see the Reds develop Fainga'a and Tapuai and spend the money elsewhere. But if they do sign the Stanleys, I won't argue unless it sees a talented junior like Tapuai depart.


Noddy said:
formeropenside said:
TOCC said:
when i was a young one i grew up supporting the Broncos, i played rugby union at school but i followed NRL went to all there home matches and proudly paraded around there jerseys.

Then came the superleage war and the advent of the S12, my juniors rugby side(sunnybank) were given the opportunity to march around the field before one of the Reds matches. Since that day ive being a Reds supporter, whilst i still support the Broncos/lions to a degree, its more of a patriotical Brisbane/Queensland thing, i just dont like other teams beating my home team.

I'm always hoping the Lions lose, to the extent I think about AFL at all. Cleanse that filthy Victorian game from Queensland!

And a bit in the C-M today saying Braid's deal is for one year with an option for a second year.

Also a item in the sports gossip saying a former Reds star wants to come home: that could be Drew "Silky Pony" Mitchell, Mitchell Chapman, Tom McVerry, LoJo, Blake, Jnr Pelesasa, Rudi Vedelago, Nic Berry, and probably a bunch of others I have missed.

The Reds still have one slot open in their squad though.

Interestingly, Daniel Heenan is no longer showing up on the Sanyo Wild Knights website.

EDIT: On the other hand, I cant read Japanese and have real doubts that the English version of the SWK webpage is completely up to date. The last results listed there are from 2004.


spectator said:
Winston Stanley would be at least as far away from S14 standard as Blair Connor. The main criticism of Connor has been his size, but if the other Rabbit in WA is getting chances at elite levels then I don't buy into the argument as they are around the same size. Hw was the standout player at club level before injury (yes I know it is a step up) and has played 7's for Australia, so I don't think he is as far away as you think.

In terms of the 13 spot, Turinui will do more than a capable job if the second half of the 08 season is anything to go by, with his defence being the ine questionmark. Vaalu is a left field choice, but I wouldn't be surprised. Fetoai is predominantly a 12 but I think can be turned into a centre, as with Ben Tapuai in the Academy. Another good 13 may be a good idea but I don't think the Stanley's are the answer.

As for 12 - If Barnes is out, Cooper, Faiinga, Tapuai and Fetoai are all possibilities. Lee has mentioned him a few times - watch for Tapuai to get a call up sometime in the season. He is a very handy young player.
Yes i agree that Winston Stanley is also a fair way away from being at S14 standard, i was referring to his brother Benson when i was talking about depth.

Call me crazy but IMO the Reds should be recruiting players who are going to be at International level not S14 level, i know its easier said then done, but whilst i think Fetoia and Fainga'a will make decent S14 players i highly doubt they will every make International level, Vaalu may make the Wallabies but it will be on the wing/fullback not a centre if he does.

Benson Stanley would actually have a strong chance of representing the Wallabies in the next few years, he was very close to be chosen for the All Blacks this year had it not being for Aucklands fade out towards the end of the season.

In saying all that, Fetoia, Connor, Tapuai and Fainga'a havent actually had any real chances to prove themselves at S14 level yet, in which case i will happily be proven wrong.

Beson Stanley has proven he is quite good at inside centre, but he also has the size and power to play at 13, QLD just cant keep bringing in these young 18/19 old players, no disrespect to them but we need experience and compusure in the players which is something which comes with age.


Bob Davidson (42)

Recruitment is a funny thing and probably not the easiest thing to get right. Without any freely available experienced outside backs to choose from in OZ, the Reds have gone for McLinden to complement the experience provided by Turinui, Hynes, and to a much lesser extent Cooper and Barnes (both 3rd year players). Only time will tell whether that decision is a good one but he was recommended by Schifoske and Mooneyhasn't got too much wrong so far.

That only leaves youngsters and apart from Connor, who has come through the club and Academy structure, both Fetoai and Faiinga'a have repped OZ at a school level and Faiinga'a at U19 and U21, so obviously they have been selected on potential. That's not always 100% guaranteed as we've seen many times over the past.

I really dont see how the Reds could have done things more differently than they have. The trick is to retain the guys who deliver on promise.


my point was that the Reds cant continue to blood 18/19 year olds every time a experience player leaves if we want to have a sucessful side.

I dont doubt the talent of some of the young blokes coming through like Cooper and Lucas, but we have to be realistic and admit that these two were probably starting in the side before they were ready(not so much lucas). They cant continue to do it like that, to say our next best inside centre or outside centre is a 18/19 with minimal experience is pretty crazy.

Our Fullback position is a toss up between a 18 and 20 year old with no S14 experience, our best halfback is a 19 year old with barely 10 caps under his belt. Our choice between hooker is a 30yr old(100+caps) or a 20yr old with only a few.

I guess all in all im saying that players like Benson Stanley are a essential part of succession planning.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
article in The Courier Mail today (not on the web yet) about Ezra Taylor (and his missus, who plays in the WNBL for Logan? Since when were Logan in the national comp and Brisbane not?). Anyway, the only real rugby point of interest is that Taylor says he's gunning for Houston's spot. Wants to play no 8.

Shall be interesting to see what they do there, particularly as MMM has stated he wants to do the same and apparently Mooney has said he probably will at times.
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