Geoff Shaw (53)
I blame the internet, TV and food colouring.
I, for one, blame the New Zealand primary school education system. Come on NZ, the buck clearly stops with you.
I blame the internet, TV and food colouring.
Sorry, I got my facts mixed up.
But I was spot on when I said excuses count for nothing.
Primary School in NZ,the best 10 years of his life...
I blame the internet, TV and food colouring.
Cooper is as gutless off the field as he is on it.
Piss him off to league where he belongs, there are better 10s in Aus than this flaky goose.
I am actually trying to remember the last decent game he played as a Wallaby, anyone?
Oh hang on, it was against heavyweights the US of A at the WC, right?
So Saint Quade is totally blameless . . ..
I really wish some people would accepted the concept of personnel responsibility.
Quade has learned no humility.
Great players learn from their mistakes and look at themselves first.
Quade goes on twitter and sticks the knife into the coach and ARU.
He has no class.
Reds supporters - take your blinders off.
I haven't met Dan carter.Have you ever met Quade? If not, you nothing of the guy. All I know about you, is what you type on here. So is it ok for me to make a judgement about your morals and values? Or the amount of class or humility you have?
Kiwi's - take your blinkers off.
Not JON's fault? Who approved the current contracting system then?
I can't say for sure, I'm not in the office during negotiations.
Since when?
and since when has that stopped any of us?
Nah - youre past it!Maybe one day, I'm only in my early twenties so if anyone in high profiles rugby circles is reading this pick me up while you still have the chance, it won't be long.
. anyone? No? Okay.
Nah - youre past it!
I haven't met Dan carter.
But I've never heard of a stupid tweet of his.
I've never heard of him going on with rubbish at contract renewal time.
I've never heard of him drinking on the morning of a game. (KB (Kurtley Beale) AND QC (Quade Cooper) reportedly in the bar before the Auckland test after midnight) (note: heard - this isn't about the truth of it, at the moment).
I've never heard of him nicking a laptop, climbing trough a window to do so.
I've never heard of him getting into biffo with a bouncer with a fellow AB.
Now I reckon if there was a hint of any of this around DC we'd have heard about it.
And he's had serious career threatening injuries just like QC (Quade Cooper).
I'm prepared to think DC is a decent bloke even though he is the enemy because he has never done anything to cause me to doubt it and when he drops the ball it's not for want of effort.
either QC (Quade Cooper) is a a problem child or he doesn't understand what being a celebrity is about, or both. And by tweeting he chooses the celebrity path - hell Carter only got a twitter account in the last month!
The ARU and Deans should have stamped out this attitude when JOC (James O'Connor) didn't front for the photo call.
No one can ever be bigger than the team.
DC is not bigger than the ABs so how could anyone else be bigger than the team they're in?
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Ok - you're starting at 10There's life in these aching bones yet.