John Hipwell (52)
Have you forgotten, or do you choose to overlook, the fact that an independent panel imposed the penalty?
That's about the funniest thing I've read so far since this latest news came to light.
Have you forgotten, or do you choose to overlook, the fact that an independent panel imposed the penalty?
While I think the ARU's lowball offer was a calculated insult, you have to think Quade played into their hands. He got an offer (same as previous year) and let it sit for months, preumably on the advice of hisagentreptile Nasser, without acceptance. Was there a plan to get a better offer? What the hell were they think? Then Quade shoots his mouth off about the toxic environment (which may be true but perhaps was not the best way to voice his concerns). He digs himself deeper into the hole on television by poorly explains concerns about the facilities (which now appears to be true) and then commits the double heresy of referring to the 'yellow' jersey and claiming he would not accept it if offered.
While I think the ARU have overreacted with a fine plus a reduced contract offer (one or the other may have been appropriate), the overreeaction was certainly not unexpected. Plenty GAGGR'S predicted a stingy contractual offer. Quade and Khoder seem to have orchestrated the whole thing but I can't see any method in the madness just yet. Did Khoder ever have a plan for Quade's negotiations?
My feeling is that Nasser and Cooper have always wanted to set up S15 with Reds. a stint in Japan and maybe a few boxing matches thrown in. Nasser always has a Plan B up his sleeve that will make his client (and himself) lots of money.
My feeling is that Nasser and Cooper have always wanted to set up S15 with Reds. a stint in Japan and maybe a few boxing matches thrown in. Nasser always has a Plan B up his sleeve that will make his client (and himself) lots of money.
You'd think QC (Quade Cooper) would come out and say something. He's copping a lot of flack.The more I read, the more this is all BS. There are no quotes from Quade, Nasser, the Reds or the ARU. It's the same piss poor journalism that we saw with the Genia signing saga with the Force/Reds.
Is there actually any credible source that can confirm that Quade:
1. Has been offered a match fee only Wallabies contract; and
2. Has rejected it.
wait until you find out that the legal member of that panel went to the same school as KB (Kurtley Beale): and who is the immediate beneficiary of QC (Quade Cooper) not playing - so far its been KB (Kurtley Beale).That's about the funniest thing I've read so far since this latest news came to light.
100% agree TH.My feeling is that Nasser and Cooper have always wanted to set up S15 with Reds. a stint in Japan and maybe a few boxing matches thrown in. Nasser always has a Plan B up his sleeve that will make his client (and himself) lots of money.
My feeling is that Nasser and Cooper have always wanted to set up S15 with Reds. a stint in Japan and maybe a few boxing matches thrown in. Nasser always has a Plan B up his sleeve that will make his client (and himself) lots of money.
I don't know how many times this needs to be said, the ARU offered Quade a contract and he is rejecting it.
wait until you find out that the legal member of that panel went to the same school as KB (Kurtley Beale): and who is the immediate beneficiary of QC (Quade Cooper) not playing - so far its been KB (Kurtley Beale).
Put yourself in his shoes. Yes he, Quade Cooper, is rejecting the contract. But, he is a senior Wallaby player who has now been offered a revised contract that could, if he is injured again, earn him nothing at all. There is no workers comp for sports employees. The only workers comp they get is the up-front contract payment. If he puts in the work but injures his knee again in Super Rugby before the Lions tour starts he gets paid diddley squat.
Next the reptilians will be revealing their hand in all of this.