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Quade telling it how it is

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Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Quade, welcome to the world of professional sport. If you play hardball negotiations and indulge in brinkmanship, then one day you can expect someone to call your bluff.

What's always concerned me about Quade is when he has had a shocker and tried some very low percentage plays that haven't come off, he's answered it with something like "that's the way I play, if people don't like it bad luck, I'm not going to change the way I play" etc. This might be an ok attitude in an individual sport (Bernard Tomic - tennis), I'd suggest that it's not the right way of looking at things in a team game.

I believe that the ARU and Wallabies coaching staff have made the right call. It's a team game and while one can't expect mindless conformity at all time, there is a need to modify your attitude and style of play when in a team environment. If someone can't do that, then it affects the whole team in a negative way.

Torn Hammy

Johnnie Wallace (23)
While I think the ARU's lowball offer was a calculated insult, you have to think Quade played into their hands. He got an offer (same as previous year) and let it sit for months, preumably on the advice of his agent reptile Nasser, without acceptance. Was there a plan to get a better offer? What the hell were they think? Then Quade shoots his mouth off about the toxic environment (which may be true but perhaps was not the best way to voice his concerns). He digs himself deeper into the hole on television by poorly explains concerns about the facilities (which now appears to be true) and then commits the double heresy of referring to the 'yellow' jersey and claiming he would not accept it if offered.

While I think the ARU have overreacted with a fine plus a reduced contract offer (one or the other may have been appropriate), the overreeaction was certainly not unexpected. Plenty GAGGR'S predicted a stingy contractual offer. Quade and Khoder seem to have orchestrated the whole thing but I can't see any method in the madness just yet. Did Khoder ever have a plan for Quade's negotiations?

My feeling is that Nasser and Cooper have always wanted to set up S15 with Reds. a stint in Japan and maybe a few boxing matches thrown in. Nasser always has a Plan B up his sleeve that will make his client (and himself) lots of money.
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Peter Johnson (47)
My feeling is that Nasser and Cooper have always wanted to set up S15 with Reds. a stint in Japan and maybe a few boxing matches thrown in. Nasser always has a Plan B up his sleeve that will make his client (and himself) lots of money.


I reckon Cooper will play super rugby with the reds then have a couple of boxing matches, maybe a game or two with the barbarians, then off to Japan for a season and back to the reds when the Japanese season is over. Wash, rinse and repeat until deans is gone, link is coach and the ARU has been restructured - then he will sign a wallabies contract if he is still deemed good enough.


Peter Johnson (47)
Do the ARU have to approve every contract signed between the super rugby teams and players?

Could quade now go and sign a separate contract with the reds that allows him to box and play in japan in the off season?


John Hipwell (52)
I think the ARU must approve it but i have heard they are willing to do this.

All the reports say he is walking away from "Australian rugby". I've thought it funny from the start that they would word it like this as it could easily be taken as playing for Australia, not necessarily from the Reds. Maybe they are doing to cover there asses.


Tony Shaw (54)
The more I read, the more this is all BS. There are no quotes from Quade, Nasser, the Reds or the ARU. It's the same piss poor journalism that we saw with the Genia signing saga with the Force/Reds.

Is there actually any credible source that can confirm that Quade:
1. Has been offered a match fee only Wallabies contract; and
2. Has rejected it.


Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Bowside, Apparently the contract that Team QC (Quade Cooper) extracted/negotiated with the Reds has a clause in in that renders it null if he does not have a Top Up Contract from ARU as well.

There is nothing wrong with Team QC (Quade Cooper) re-nogotiating a new contract with the Reds removing the condition of the Top Up Clause. He would be free to play for the Reds for as long as he needed.

This new Reds contract would still require ratification from the ARU, but no money, so I wouldn't think there would be any barrier to ARU ratification.

For QC (Quade Cooper) to play overseas, current protocols (ARU and IRB, and most likely JRU) would require a clearance from ARU and JRU. These are very seldom withheld.

Unless the Rugby contracts specifically state "no boxing", "no parachuting", no skiing" or whatever, then what the player choses to do in his off duty hours is their own business (subject to the old code of conduct, no ambush marketing and nothing to bring the game or club into disrepute clauses). F'rinstance I would think that it it would not need to be specifically mentioned that Nude Male Review Dancing "Thunder from Down Under" style would probably not be an acceptable off duty activity.

Money is clearly an issue for Team QC (Quade Cooper), contrary to what has been stated by his good self on TV, several times.

Pride (or a desire for adulation and recognition) is also clearly an issue for him. It often is for talented athletes, that is frequently what drives them to be high achievers in their chosen fields.

Scoey: Is there actually any credible source that can confirm that Quade:
1. Has been offered a match fee only Wallabies contract; and
This has been widely reported in many and various media agencies without any disclaimer "as reported on channel 9" suggesting that the editors and subeditors were happy with the facts.
2. Has rejected it.
How credible is Dunny Wilder from Ch 9? All the other media outlet reports are hiding behind a disclaimer "as reported by Ch 9" or words to that same general effect. There was also some rather clever editing by CH 9 purporting to show QC (Quade Cooper) confirming that he was offski but it appears that he may have been the victim of 2+2 = 7 deception. He may have said the words but not in respect a direct question from a reported and not in the context that the vision would be used to support a story that he is offski. ....or did he [cue Twilight Zone theme music...]


Stirling Mortlock (74)
There's another reason why he's offered a lower contract, he's fucking hard to deal with. He has a shitty manager and is un-contactable.


Phil Hardcastle (33)
My feeling is that Nasser and Cooper have always wanted to set up S15 with Reds. a stint in Japan and maybe a few boxing matches thrown in. Nasser always has a Plan B up his sleeve that will make his client (and himself) lots of money.

Quite possible, particularly given the information from Marto (for what that's worth) but I really don't see how the present fiasco has gotten Quade closer to acheiving this.


John Thornett (49)
The more I read, the more this is all BS. There are no quotes from Quade, Nasser, the Reds or the ARU. It's the same piss poor journalism that we saw with the Genia signing saga with the Force/Reds.

Is there actually any credible source that can confirm that Quade:
1. Has been offered a match fee only Wallabies contract; and
2. Has rejected it.

You'd think QC (Quade Cooper) would come out and say something. He's copping a lot of flack.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
He's been reported as leaving Aus rugby, surely if he didn't intend to he'd come out and deny this immediately?

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
That's about the funniest thing I've read so far since this latest news came to light.
wait until you find out that the legal member of that panel went to the same school as KB (Kurtley Beale): and who is the immediate beneficiary of QC (Quade Cooper) not playing - so far its been KB (Kurtley Beale).

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
My feeling is that Nasser and Cooper have always wanted to set up S15 with Reds. a stint in Japan and maybe a few boxing matches thrown in. Nasser always has a Plan B up his sleeve that will make his client (and himself) lots of money.
100% agree TH.
If it were a 3-course meal he was after, at this stage he's only going to get 2 courses, entree (Japan Rugby) and dessert (Boxing).
Rugby was his main course, so it will be interesting to see where he gets his main feed from.
If he doesn't land something, he could be eating dates off the calendar.


Greg Davis (50)
My feeling is that Nasser and Cooper have always wanted to set up S15 with Reds. a stint in Japan and maybe a few boxing matches thrown in. Nasser always has a Plan B up his sleeve that will make his client (and himself) lots of money.

I'm curious to know when Nasser/Quade think he'll have time to box and head over to Japan for a stint? This coming year is going to be jammed packed with Rugby, so when is he going to have time for a punch up?

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
^^ Hasn't he been in practice for the fight already, in cahoots with KB (Kurtley Beale) at some nightclub in the Valley?


Tony Shaw (54)
I don't know how many times this needs to be said, the ARU offered Quade a contract and he is rejecting it.

We get this. But there are contracts and there are contracts. Genia, McCabe, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), Ioane, JOC (James O'Connor), KB (Kurtley Beale), Barnes, Tapuai are all on contracts paying the magic $13K per game plus an agreed fixed payment, in some cases very significant (ie. six figures), and Cooper is expected to play alongside these other players for $13K a game plus nothing. If you can't see that the ARU is offering this contract to humiliate him and get him out of the game then I would classify this as willful blindness.

Put yourself in his shoes. Yes he, Quade Cooper, is rejecting the contract. But, he is a senior Wallaby player who has now been offered a revised contract that could, if he is injured again, earn him nothing at all. There is no workers comp for sports employees. The only workers comp they get is the up-front contract payment. If he puts in the work but injures his knee again in Super Rugby before the Lions tour starts he gets paid diddley squat.

My advice to Quade is to reject the contract, play for the Reds till the end of the season and then go play in France. He would be a sensation in Top 14 and he can earn what he's worth. Australian Rugby will be the poorer. Once again Nucifora, who runs the High Performance Unit where this sort of stuff is handled, has contrived to totally stuff up Australian Rugby. You do not handle a player who has had a hissy fit by behaving petulantly back. If the ARU believed Cooper needed to be cleared out of the Wallabies they should have told him they were withdrawing from all negotiations. That would have been the honourable thing to do. But no, they had to contrive a contract that is so humiliating that he is forced to leave.

The only thing that amazes me is that the ARU think that the Australian public will swallow this "Quade has resigned, we really wanted him" nonsense.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Put yourself in his shoes. Yes he, Quade Cooper, is rejecting the contract. But, he is a senior Wallaby player who has now been offered a revised contract that could, if he is injured again, earn him nothing at all. There is no workers comp for sports employees. The only workers comp they get is the up-front contract payment. If he puts in the work but injures his knee again in Super Rugby before the Lions tour starts he gets paid diddley squat.

No he is getting paid his 400k from the Reds.

The Red Baron

Chilla Wilson (44)
Next the reptilians will be revealing their hand in all of this.

They had better do it before December 21. From unsubstantiated reports filed by crazies, we are on track for face time with an asteroid (or something else ridiculous, like an automatic shifting of the poles!). The 'ol reptiles didn't handle the last major asteroid strike too well either, from what I hear.
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