Probably could all write a book on the “what if’s “ and “could of’s / should of’s “ of rugby. I could bang out a few pages on the last two years NC v GT games alone , but that wouldn’t change the outcome , or do much for my dignity, so will refrain.
GO , think we will have to agree to disagree on round 1 , but think if you saw the match stats breakdown from a GT perspective you would agree that calling the GT performance sub par is not an overstatement. Fortunately there has been improvement across the park and the inclusion of Mulcahy has added some much needed impact. As a result, the forward pack that ran out last week is better balanced and has more impact than at the start of the season. Just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions........... like arseholes we all have one and just because you think you have a good one doesn’t mean someone else won’t find it a bit smelly.
Also think comparing winning margins has limitations on sorting out who’s who in the zoo.
For example : both BBC and TGS had strong wins over Downlands, IGS had a narrow win over BGS and TGS (at home ) beat IGS with a conversation on FT . Should mean tight games between BBC, TGS & IGS.
Sadly for BBC , Churchie beat BGS a little more comfortably than BBC did , so maybe a loss there .
On the bright side , GT beat BSHS by a similar margin to both NC and TSS, so BBC should comfortably account for both of those teams .
Except of course that the results of NC v Gt & IGS plus the TSS v TGS & Churchie games completely contradict everything already mentioned.
Get my point ?
They are Schoolboys, shit happens . Some teams will improve throughout the season, some won’t. Some will have more than their fair share of WTF moments, while others will cruise through. Cannot be too critical of consistency, sadly it’s never been a strong point of Australian rugby.
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