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NZ Match Reports

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Trevor Chappel reference sneaking in. Kiwis will never forgive that one.

Yeah, but it was such poor sportsmanship that it opened a rift in the fabric of space and time. It's now a universal constant.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Was it really that bad? I wasn't around at the time so maybe I'm missing context but it seems more gamesmanship and cheeky than really poor sportsmanship to me.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Was it really that bad? I wasn't around at the time so maybe I'm missing context but it seems more gamesmanship and cheeky than really poor sportsmanship to me.
Yeah, it was bad. We've become inured to crap in cricket with match-fixing and all the sledging and carry-on. Back then, this was a big deal.
That said, it wasn't the worst thing ever in sport, and the inability of some to move on even a tiny bit is a bit sad.


Move on? Yes time has passed but it's important history to those of us who don't seek to trivialise it. Australia chooses it's own heroes.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Move on? Yes time has passed but it's important history to those of us who don't seek to trivialise it. Australia chooses it's own heroes.
I'm not trivialising it. It was 33 years ago. Trevor Chappell was not chosen as a hero.
Many Australians feel Colin Meads was a thug who ended Catchpole's career with a low act. How do you feel about that being dredged up?
I reckon people need to move after decades have passed.


Apologies. You know your history, even if some of the young bucks don't. I don't think many Kiwis would blame Trevor Chappell anyway - it was Greg what did it.


Cyril Towers (30)
I'm not trivialising it. It was 33 years ago. Trevor Chappell was not chosen as a hero.
Many Australians feel Colin Meads was a thug who ended Catchpole's career with a low act. How do you feel about that being dredged up?
I reckon people need to move after decades have passed.

I was around for the Chappell incident. Filled with outrage at the time, but like most Kiwis of that era, have well and truly moved on. It's become good fodder for a 'take the piss' moment these days, that's all. Life's too short to dwell on this sort of stuff.

ACT Crusader

Jim Lenehan (48)
Was it really that bad? I wasn't around at the time so maybe I'm missing context but it seems more gamesmanship and cheeky than really poor sportsmanship to me.

It was bad at the time. Listen to Richie Benaud speak on it and you'll begin to understand what it meant at the time.

But it has faded into history like many other sporting "incidents". It's like folklore now that gets dragged out in those sports history shows. Means diddly to current players and even those that have played for either country in the last 20 years.

History tells me that when Kiwis and Aussies start down this path and the underarm gets rolled out, Richard Loe's name isn't far away..... :)


David Wilson (68)
Geez fellas, someone didn't mention the f****en underarm, let me give everyone one final reminder of how good/bad it was. I was watching game on tv, and didn't even realise it was bad until commentators went crook(actuallyjust a case of using rules like cheekily Gwerty said). A huge percentage of kiwis were the same then as until that incident most didn't even watch cricket. I went to work the next day in a big factory and only pommie boss even made mention of it. Also son played cricket and within 2 weeks there numbers of kids playing had jumped about 30% in our little town!! Real conclusion: It was fun to have a dig at Aussies about for a few while, but thr truth is it was the best thing that happened to cricket in NZ ever!! And Martin Snedden(he who faced the ball) will telll you that!!
Oh and as for Colin Meads incident, kiwis may or may not remember it, I don't actually because the game was not televised at home in NZ (we didn't have tv in those days anyway), and so if it was televised here only Aussies would of seen it, if it wasn't televised here there was obviously a world record crowd, because all you aussies must of been at rugby game to see it(oh and quite a few that have commented on it to me must be a lot older than they look) and that was about 50 years ago!!;) I have only read what players have said.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Oh and as for Colin Meads incident, kiwis may or may not remember it, I don't actually because the game was not televised at home in NZ (we didn't have tv in those days anyway), and so if it was televised here only Aussies would of seen it, if it wasn't televised here there was obviously a world record crowd, because all you aussies must of been at rugby game to see it(oh and quite a few that have commented on it to me must be a lot older than they look) and that was about 50 years ago!!;) I have only read what players have said.
It was before my time, but not my grandfather's, who was a dedicated rugby man from way back and saw it. He would never watch Bledisloe Cup matches for years on TV, although he relented after a while. I can't remember if he was at the game, or watched it on TV, but he always felt it was a deliberate act to seriously injure.
Other accounts differ of course, and my point of posting it was to highlight the folly of dragging up old incidents that should by now have passed into history. I understand Catchpole got over it pretty quickly.
Maybe there's a lesson in that.


David Wilson (68)
Brian McKechnie.
Yep , geez it was early thjis morning, Snedden was the one who caught Greg Chappel during the game when he wasn't given out, that was what actually killed the game for the Black Caps, I actually heard Snedden and Mckecnie talking about it on tv one day, with Bruce Edgar who was down other end!!


David Wilson (68)
Other accounts differ of course, and my point of posting it was to highlight the folly of dragging up old incidents that should by now have passed into history. I understand Catchpole got over it pretty quickly.
Maybe there's a lesson in that.

My point of posting too Cyclo!!

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Somehow think taylor may struggle to get back from this Waiopehu, be a shame, although in proctor they get a pretty good replacement!

Best-case scenario would be back for the playoffs should they qualify, worst-case he gets to start his pre-season in Japan a bit earlier than planned. MH has big raps on Proctor, reckons he'll be an AB one day. Wait & see, i suppose.
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