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Kurtley Beale

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Mark Ella (57)
Am sure the players have been told not to comment on ANYTHING.
Its important for them and us that they remain just that, a TEAM


Darby Loudon (17)
I'd suggest Beale (in his ignorance) thinks his apology has been accepted, and things are sweet. He might be choosing to ignore the "but don't do it again or else" bit that we've all been discussing. Which is again, his problem.

I'd suggest Patston feels she's done a good thing by letting it slide, but obviously hasn't let it slide completely, because its still on the table as a future option as we've seen. She probably feels its resolved, for now.

Which, by definition, is in no way a resolution. That implies an end, which its not. If KB (Kurtley Beale) wasn't stupid, he would have realised that too.

I'm also interested in what point you are trying to make here, maybe if we understood your point and argument things might be clearer.

Beale committed an unlawful/illegal act.
Patston decided as is her right to sort it out with Beale.
Rather than pursue this like the hardcore disciplinarian she is alleged to be, both parties seem to come to a mutual agreement.
Time passes.
Beale commits another unlawful/illegal act.

About 10 or more days later, we find out about the text messages. Hardly the first card played, and for all we know maybe not even by Patston.

From what I can understand, you think Beale is stupid, not because of his actions, but because he trusted Patston that it was "resolved". And Patston is wrong because as the victim of repeated incidents, she should have just shut up about them?

What should Beale have done? Gone to someone and complained that the victim of his repeated illegal acts was unhappy?

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Am sure the players have been told not to comment on ANYTHING.
Its important for them and us that they remain just that, a TEAM

Hooper on FTA TV openly said he will be looking to stand by Kurtley Beale - that is not sitting on the fence.
That is a captain standing up for his players and saying I have your back.

What he did was fucking stupid, some how I think he has been told that - but given the 90 odd pages lets pull something positive out of it.


John Hipwell (52)
Has anyone considered how daunting it would be for her to face a few players alone in a room just to accept the apology? I think most people, male or female, would feel intimidated. I certainly would. Beale begged via text, seems likely other players also spoke to her to try coerce her into the apology. What a terrible situation to put anyone in.


Mark Ella (57)
I would add to my previous statements regarding managers and failure to take formal action. As I stated previously when the matter of the text messages first came out, this matter could easily result in criminal charges if a complaint is made.

For reference:-

473.4 Determining whether material is offensive
The matters to be taken into account in deciding for the purposes of this Part whether reasonable persons would regard particular material, or a particular use of a carriage service, as being, in all the circumstances, offensive, include:
(a) the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults; and
(b) the literary, artistic or educational merit (if any) of the material; and
(c) the general character of the material (including whether it is of a medical, legal or scientific character).

474.17 Using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence
(1) A person is guilty of an offence if:
(a) the person uses a carriage service; and
(b) the person does so in a way (whether by the method of use or the content of a communication, or both) that reasonable persons would regard as being, in all the circumstances, menacing, harassing or offensive.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 3 years.


Mark Ella (57)
Has anyone considered how daunting it would be for her to face a few players alone in a room just to accept the apology? I think most people, male or female, would feel intimidated. I certainly would. Beale begged via text, seems likely other players also spoke to her to try coerce her into the apology. What a terrible situation to put anyone in.

Bloody disgraceful I reckon


Stan Wickham (3)
I have been reading most of the comments since this story broke regarding who did what, who is/isn't offended, who will lose their job etc etc but I must have missed the comments regarding how dumb KB (Kurtley Beale) is. Is this guy just naturally dumb or just a child looking for some attention. Did he manage to complete any schooling above the year 6 level because his actions would suggest otherwise.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
I have been reading most of the comments since this story broke regarding who did what, who is/isn't offended, who will lose their job etc etc but I must have missed the comments regarding how dumb KB (Kurtley Beale) is. Is this guy just naturally dumb or just a child looking for some attention. Did he manage to complete any schooling above the year 6 level because his actions would suggest otherwise.

went to Joeys


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
From what I can understand, you think Beale is stupid, not because of his actions, but because he trusted Patston that it was "resolved". And Patston is wrong because as the victim of repeated incidents, she should have just shut up about them?

What should Beale have done? Gone to someone and complained that the victim of his repeated illegal acts was unhappy?

I don't think that is what Pfitzy is saying whatsoever.

We're just trying to discuss the situation without having to preface every post by saying Beale is to blame.

I guess the flipside of this is that if a similar incident happened in Australian Rugby again in the future, does the fallout need to be this bad or is there a way that this could be dealt with more efficiently and the repercussions limited to those who are actually to blame.
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