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Kurtley Beale

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ACT Crusader

Jim Lenehan (48)
BH, sure fair enough, though I did like Cheika's opening salvo: "don't ask me about Kurtley, there's a process in progress and I'm saying nothing".

It was good to hear that and given the circumstance it was entirely appropriate. Plus I don't think any journo in that presser would want to be the one to try and take Cheika to task on it from day 1, they may not feel the flow of information come their way in the future.....

I have questioned some of the comments by players and their rationale, but i think it's asking too much to try and put up a "United front" on this issue when there clearly wasn't a single view held within the organisation.

With Mckenzie's resignation, who was steering the ship in between? Were there any lines being populated amongst the playing group? Who was taking the "heat" off the players when they were in these media situations?

In my view a "no comment" can still be done in a way that doesn't raise suspicion or is disrespectful. Just walking past journos without saying a word (ala the OZ Athletics coach when he got sent home from the Comm games) is not good, but sometimes not adding to drama is the best way to go.

I admire guys like Phipps who have tried to stay positive and talk up the upcoming fixture, but some others seem to added fuel most likely unintentionally.


Desmond Connor (43)
In regards to players commenting about it.. seems like the consensus is dammed if they dammed if they don't


Dick Tooth (41)
Not sure if this has been added in here yet:
Wallabies prop Ben Alexander, who was seated next to Beale, is believed to have attempted to pull him back into his seat while two other players, Will Genia and Christian Leali’ifano, rushed from three rows back in business class to intervene.

The Australian understands serious consideration was given to sending Beale back to Australia but when McKenzie was persuaded by captain Michael Hooper and vice-captains Adam Ashley-Cooper and James Slipper to let him remain with the touring party in Buenos Aires, Patston then decided that she would return to Australia instead.

The ARU integrity commission has to establish whether there was an element of physical intimidation about the incident. Witnesses have confirmed Patston cried for two hours afterwards.


Peter Burge (5)
Why should that annoy you at all?
You can feel embarrassed that you were bullied. You can't feel bullied because you were embarrassed. Might have just been a poor choice of words, but it is important to understand that if she is using bullying as the reasoning for not taking the text issue further at the time.

Train Without a Station

She said she felt like she was being bullied. She hasn't claimed anybody bullied her to keep it quiet. She has said that due to the highly embarrassing nature of the image she felt bullied into keeping it quiet, lest more people see it and it embarrass her further.

And don't say you've suddenly changed your view on the victim due to this article that was released. You've been pushing the offender's barrow the whole time.

Chris McCracken

Jim Clark (26)
You can feel embarrassed that you were bullied. You can't feel bullied because you were embarrassed. Might have just been a poor choice of words, but it is important to understand that if she is using bullying as the reasoning for not taking the text issue further at the time.

Yes, you can. Causing embarrassment is probably 90% of what bullying is.


Dick Tooth (41)
Pinched this from Planet Rugby

Cool, just so we are keeping track of this:

People who have come out in support of Beale:

- Adam Ashley-Cooper (Tahs)
- Michael Hooper (Tahs)
- Bernard Foley (Tahs)
- Nick Phipps (Tahs)
- Nathan Grey (Tahs)
- Michael Chieka (Tahs)

People who have come out in support of Link/Patson
- Stephen Moore (Brumbies)
- Joe Tomane (Brumbies)
- Lealiifano (Brumbies)
- Quade Cooper (Reds)

Players who got up to restrain Beale on the flight:
- Will Genia (Reds)
- Christian Lealiifano (Brumbies)
- Ben Alexander (Brumbies

Players who didn't get up to restrain Beale on the flight:
- the entire Waratah representation.

We good?

Nup, no divide here. #oneteam
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