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Kurtley Beale

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Anyone know how this tshirt fiasco got into the press? Just observed by others on the plane?


Colin Windon (37)
They need a cultural and personnel cleanout. A loss in Brisbane followed by a couple of losses on tour might offer the requisite impetus.


Mark Loane (55)
I was thinking about Hoopers captaincy this morning. I came to the conclusion that even the most well balanced, confident 22 year old is going to struggle in such a high profile, high pressure role and he is essentially being set up to fail.

I think Link was really reluctant to burden him with it, but was partly cornered into it by pressure from the media/fans. At this point I feel they should have given it Slipper with Hooper as VC who takes over when Slipper goes off.

The only thing I can attribute Hoopers support of Beale to is that they are a team divided and his instinct is this is something they can rally behind. While I was initially surprised by his support for Beale, if you think about it is really the only thing he can do. If he slams Beale and ends up back playing with him at the Waratahs he's stuffed. If he offers faint support then he essentially does the same thing. As a leader in the playing group, he might disagree with having to do it, but it's really his only option.


John Hipwell (52)
All I know is that this has gone on far too long already and is doing untold damage to the team and the reputations of all involved.

Will be over 3 weeks from the Argie incident to having any sort of resolution. Just fucking hopeless. The NRL for all there trouble has learnt that dealing with things fast and moving on is a lot better in the long run.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
I also wonder if Hooper and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) have been so supportive of Beale coming from a different perspective to the Wallaby set-up. For whatever reason, Cheika seemed to get the best of Beale, which can't have been easy, given his record. The Tahs seemed to be a pretty tight group, as good teams are, and maybe their fall-back is that Kurtley, to them, has been a good enough part of that.
That said, NONE of this in any way excuses what has happened here, and NONE of that should mitigate his removal from the Wallabies, and almost certainly Australian rugby. And it still makes supporting him in this fiasco a poor decision, I think.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
The only thing I can attribute Hoopers support of Beale to is that they are a team divided and his instinct is this is something they can rally behind. While I was initially surprised by his support for Beale, if you think about it is really the only thing he can do. If he slams Beale and ends up back playing with him at the Waratahs he's stuffed. If he offers faint support then he essentially does the same thing. As a leader in the playing group, he might disagree with having to do it, but it's really his only option.

Plus, when you think about it, you don't even need to sack someone whose contract will expire anyway.

Don't pick him for Spring Tour = no match payments = disgruntlement = departure.

Kind of like trying to get rid of an employee you can't fire, from bloodthirsty corporate land. Make the working conditions just untenable enough, and presto.

Train Without a Station

Cyclo, let's not get carried away. Beale spent a season there. And apparently by June he was already stepping out of line.


Darby Loudon (17)
Hooper has never been a great leader. A poor decision maker and immature. This is a perfect example of both of these things.

His captaincy has to go and unless he come out and unreservedly eats a plate of crow, he has to be playing in France by the end of the week.

The ARU needed to act swiftly on all this. Any other workplace in Australia would have this resolved by now.

Hooper probably just added another zero to any settlement with Patston, should she go the route.


Arch Winning (36)
Will be over 3 weeks from the Argie incident to having any sort of resolution. Just fucking hopeless. The NRL for all there trouble has learnt that dealing with things fast and moving on is a lot better in the long run.
Aaahhh remember back to the Dublin incident when we were all up in arms about lack of process, and no transparency, and a rushed decision? Those were the days.

Remember the outcry for process and protocol? Remember RUPA spanking McKenzie for his actions?

Welcome to the ARU MemberProtection Policy2014. Google and enjoy the processes contained within at work

Train Without a Station

I was thinking about Hoopers captaincy this morning. I came to the conclusion that even the most well balanced, confident 22 year old is going to struggle in such a high profile, high pressure role and he is essentially being set up to fail.

Hooper hasn't been stellar, but let's look at the environment as well. Could you see a young McCaw saying something like this? No. But I'm sure the leadership around him is better. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) is one of the most senior players and allegedly he is at least currently supporting Beale and also was reported as one of the people that fought for him to stay on tour.

If this is correct and that's what the most senior players consider to be right, no wonder Hooper is out of line in his comments.


Nick Farr-Jones (63)
Staff member
Hooper, current captain of the Tahs, just displayed a little more diplomacy then you're giving him credit for. He knows KB (Kurtley Beale) is truly gone from the Wallabies. But he definitely wouldn't be doing anything to keep KB (Kurtley Beale) at the Tahs by coming out and completely condemning him.

Is that the Tony Abbot school of diplomacy?

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Hooper has never been a great leader. A poor decision maker and immature. This is a perfect example of both of these things.

His captaincy has to go and unless he come out and unreservedly eats a plate of crow, he has to be playing in France by the end of the week.

The ARU needed to act swiftly on all this. Any other workplace in Australia would have this resolved by now.

Hooper probably just added another zero to any settlement with Patston, should she go the route.
Undoubtedly the most ridiculous post in this thread.
Hooper to be banished from Australian Rugby for supporting a team mate.
Not just taking the captaincy from him,you want him transported to the other side of the world?
Words fail me......


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Undoubtedly the most ridiculous post in this thread.

Big statement. :cool:

Hooper to be banished from Australian Rugby for supporting a team mate.
Not just taking the captaincy from him,you want him transported to the other side of the world?

He's trying the old "reverse convict" maneuver. Got a ship lined up and everything :)

Hooper didn't even steal a hanky or a loaf of bread! :eek:
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