Dismal Pillock
Michael Lynagh (62)
he's definitely trying to run down a drink in this picture.
Go Kurtley!

"I'z this close to that drink mate"
FP I wildly speculate that the argument/discussion was related to the follow aspects of her job:
"- Manage and oversee all functions of the Wallaby Department Budget & Finance
- Oversee Logistics Management"
Potentially either a complaint about the travel requirements and conditions, or the perks afforded to the team during travel.
TWAS - am sure you are correct and I am sure all players and staff were filthy their teddy bears didn't arrive. The difference is that Hooper, Slipper, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), Horwill, Phipps and the rest of the TEAM didn't have a blue about it, particularly with a female in these oh policitically correct times.
Maybe in the old days, the staff member (generally a bloke) would have retorted with a standard response like:
"Fiuck off KB (Kurtley Beale), wake up to yourself"
TWAS - am sure you are correct and I am sure all players and staff were filthy their teddy bears didn't arrive. The difference is that Hooper, Slipper, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), Horwill, Phipps and the rest of the TEAM didn't have a blue about it, particularly with a female in these oh policitically correct times.
Maybe in the old days, the staff member (generally a bloke) would have retorted with a standard response like:
"Fiuck off KB (Kurtley Beale), wake up to yourself"
It's 2014 mate. Women are just as capable at being shithouse at their jobs as men are.
And it's no wonder he hasn't been punished yet, since she is the one who disciplines players! (According to her linkedin anyway.)
Fuckity fucking fuck. Forget the Wallabies - what about the Tahs?
Apparently he tried to apologise, but if booze was involved you'd think he is to hear the sound of shredding paper when he lands.
There is no bloody way that ANY of the touring party should have had a drink IMHO. Not even one. They are not on vacation, they are all working, and nobody should drink at work, except a wine-maker.
It's 2014 mate. Women are just as capable at being shithouse at their jobs as men are.
They are not working 24/7. The job has enough 24/7 constraints as it is. They are allowed to drink the evening after a test match. That is the team policy.
FP I wildly speculate that the argument/discussion was related to the follow aspects of her job:
"- Manage and oversee all functions of the Wallaby Department Budget & Finance
- Oversee Logistics Management"
Potentially either a complaint about the travel requirements and conditions, or the perks afforded to the team during travel.
Not sure why that's relevent, as it happened a couple of hours out of Joburg.
You generally find your luggage missing when you get OFF the plane.
Unless he was complaining about leaving at 6am after such a brutal test.
McKenzie would not say whether alcohol was a factor in the incident, and while Beale is understood to have had drinks the night before, he was not drinking on the flight, which was the second leg of a three flight journey.
They are allowed to drink the evening after a test match. That is the team policy.
Not sure why that's relevent, as it happened a couple of hours out of Joburg.
You generally find your luggage missing when you get OFF the plane.
Unless he was complaining about leaving at 6am after such a brutal test.
I'm guessing Kurtley was pissed that he didn't get his business class jammies after they run out. Fair enough I guess, it'd be pretty hard to sleep in one of those reclining chairs in your peasant clothing!