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Kurtley Beale

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Tim Horan (67)
I'm sure McKenzive would like to just have to worry about players. However, this alone involves many areas.

Player welfare? Player recruitment? Player injury management? Player tactics? Player promotional responsibilities? Player training?
Yep MrT, but tend to think in a well run team not all those areas come under a coaches domain, especially promotional work etc.

Man on the hill

Alex Ross (28)
The newly minted logistics manager doubles as a development officer most of the time so i suspect there were no ads and no interviews just freeing up some cash

Would hardly call GM NSW Community Rugby as a part time development officer. My oil is that ARU / NSWRU needed to move him for "political" reasons - apparently he was actually standing up for the grass roots of the game.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
I'd just like to see this incident judged on its merits.

If his infraction is fairly minor, it may not be career ending. If it's serious enough to be the final infringment in a long line of bad behaviour, so be it. If it's serious enough to warrant further action, I have no problem with that either.

I don't have any particular axe to grind either way.

I would caution putting too much stock in what's coming from the Fairfax media.
Either KB (Kurtley Beale) has a case to answer,or Patston does for aborting the tour.
From the sounds of it,neither will be found wanting.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
IS - doubling up would mean what then?

The guy is a human dynamo. The most positive human being I have ever met.
I have seen him at test matches on the same day as I've seen him at junior rugby events - fully ARU kitted at both.
He's probably doing 2 full time jobs.
Lost luggage probably falls into one of them, too!

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
If the initial issue on the plane was to do with wearing the wrong shirt, how come it is now all about a pair of shorts? Sheesh.

Man on the hill

Alex Ross (28)
The guy is a human dynamo. The most positive human being I have ever met.
I have seen him at test matches on the same day as I've seen him at junior rugby events - fully ARU kitted at both.
He's probably doing 2 full time jobs.
Lost luggage probably falls into one of them, too!

Fair call - but I stand by my comments vis his "formal" change of roles & titles

The issue is the veil of secrecy & ploitial intrigue that engulfs all things Rugby in NSW - whether its ARU (HQ'd in St Leonards), or NSWRU, or any of the other minion unions.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Speaking of secrecy and political intrigue, a friend of a mate overheard some guy at the pub say that Patston speaks Russian and has Teamster connections.


They speak Spanish in Cuba and Argentina...


Arch Winning (36)
If the initial issue on the plane was to do with wearing the wrong shirt, how come it is now all about a pair of shorts? Sheesh.

I'd like to consider it a development, but given one of Fairfax's articles was a complete admission of "we even fucked up a basic google search", subsequent articles have cited "senior players"" naming only 2, with KB (Kurtley Beale)-relevant quotes from only 1 player (hardly a team....)', and now an article that says "we still couldn't find any info so we just say understand a lot", I'm not 100%

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
It's a little frightening how thinly Australian media is spread.

Literally one or two voices shape the entire conversation, and if they suggest that someone has fabricated their resume then the mud sticks.

And how incompetent the reporters are.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
I found the latest report.
wrong trousers.jpg

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Reading between the line in relation to Ms Patston's qualifications. Nowhere have I seen that the ARU has definitively said that they have verified the qualifications listed on the Twitter account. They have said they have viewed and verified her qualifications that were presumably presented in support of her application or claim to the position. Could be entirely different from those listed elsewhere. Just saying. Hope it all gets clarified sooner rather than later.

For the record. I have no view on the respective roles of the protagonists in this matter, but I hold the view that just by his involvement in another public incident involving other touring party members, the time is up for KB (Kurtley Beale) in a Wallabies' jersey. Must be very disruptive to the remainder of the squad.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
But the players apparently love him.

What's difficult about this for me is the clash of isms.

You potentially have sexism (women on rugby tours) versus racism (Kurtley being Aboriginal). It has the potential to be decidedly ugly, so I hope for everyone's sake that apologies are made and stupid tour schedules are reviewed.

We've got a game in two weeks, and if Link chooses this time to start playing favourites or letting anything go unsaid, we're in deep shit heading into November.
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