Yes, I would.
The right to free speech is something I hold dear and that requires me to stand up for the right of an individual to express ideas that I detest as well as those I agree with.
I also believe any valid inclusion policy must include the right to freedom of religion (despite being an atheist) and there will be contradictions between all those agendas, people will be offended.
You’re missing the point... and whether you agree with his choice of words isn’t the point either, Folau is allowed to have his own beliefs as you or I are, and the RA inclusion policy allows him to have his own religious beliefs. No one is annoyed at Folau for being Christian.
However when he put in writing that ‘gays will go to hell’ in a medium which gets shared to hundreds of thousands, it is no longer about what his beliefs are, it’s about how his words and actions impact on others.. Thats the issue you seem to be missing.. an inclusion policy is not a policy to support people stating anything they want regardless of whether it offends others or not, it’s a policy designed to promote freedom of beliefs without imposing on one another or making another feel embarrassed or ashamed about their sexual orientation or cultural beliefs. And that’s where Folau crosses the line, his actions unecesaarily imposed upon another group. You need to grasp that comments like this promote a social stigma that homosexuality is something to be embarrassed about or something which shouldn’t take place, it places enormous emotional and social pressure on those who are gay and promotes a policy of exclusion not inclusion.
I seem to remember when Pocock complained to the referee that Potgeiter made ‘faggot’ comments during a game that you thought Pocock should have not said anything and just quietly spoken with Potgeiter after the game, you then went on to criticise Pocock for saying what he did during the game and making a scene. Where was your defence of free speech then? Perhaps Folau should have just quietly spoken to all the gays off to the side and told them they are all going to hell rather then making a scene on social media.