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Galloping Greens

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the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
It was very noticeable on the weekend that the Wicks superior fitness was on show. Easts started just about every grade with intent and bar 1st grade were over run by a fitter team and more cohesive team. 4th grade looked like they were in for a long day before Easts kept falling over like flies and then puffing like an asthmatic on a stair master!!

Good call GH, Easts lead 9-6 at half time in 2s and there was nothing between the 2 teams but then the Wicks scored 5 converted tries in the second half with no score from Easts.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Oli Nicholson started in 2nds but didn't finish the game -- another injury or just rested ???

I was surprised that Ethan Ford was moved back to the wing after last week and Norton brought up into 1sts. Norton went OK, but Ford didn't see a lot of the ball. Seemed strange to replace an injured winger (Wright) with a 10 and rehash the backline from last week.

Is James Helliwell being run into fitness?
Played 4s and came off the bench in 3s and 2s?
Norton played very well. His speed of transition and how he attacks the line are great attributes that Ford didn't bring. Although he had a mixed day with his goal kicking Liam, fills the positional kicking gap.
're nugget, I think he's in the prove himself phase as a returnee from UK with Kelly, similar to Jack Penno... Who is arguably the best winger at the club! If they had gone to Scots it might have been different!


Jimmy Flynn (14)
Great win to wicks through all grades. Excellant defence and superior fitness won the day.
For Captain in 1sts, think Hoggetts would be good. Steady and clear thinker, talks well with refs and plays consitently well and has the best lineout throw..
Baldwin needs coaching help at the breakdown. He is pinged for not supporting his body and once the ref has him in his sites he is pinged on suspicion. He will be very good once they sort out his technique.
Oli needs game time. He had a tentative start before getting into gear and as he started to realy control he as off.
Anderson did better in the higher grade when he came on. He runs good angles to break lines and would suit a higher start.
Selby played well and is an everywhere man in the mould of TC.

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
Great win to wicks through all grades. Excellant defence and superior fitness won the day.
For Captain in 1sts, think Hoggetts would be good. Steady and clear thinker, talks well with refs and plays consitently well and has the best lineout throw..
Baldwin needs coaching help at the breakdown. He is pinged for not supporting his body and once the ref has him in his sites he is pinged on suspicion. He will be very good once they sort out his technique.
Oli needs game time. He had a tentative start before getting into gear and as he started to realy control he as off.
Anderson did better in the higher grade when he came on. He runs good angles to break lines and would suit a higher start.
Selby played well and is an everywhere man in the mould of TC.

It's an unfortunate fact of life that he stands out due to his red hair. Maybe a blond rinse would help ;)

I don't disagree with your comments about Hodgetts, but I thought Walker really lifted against his old club. I think his week by week form has been very good which is part of the reason he's 1 of only 5 players who have started every 1sts game this year.


Ron Walden (29)
Great win to wicks through all grades. Excellant defence and superior fitness won the day.
For Captain in 1sts, think Hoggetts would be good. Steady and clear thinker, talks well with refs and plays consitently well and has the best lineout throw..
Baldwin needs coaching help at the breakdown. He is pinged for not supporting his body and once the ref has him in his sites he is pinged on suspicion. He will be very good once they sort out his technique.
Oli needs game time. He had a tentative start before getting into gear and as he started to realy control he as off.
Anderson did better in the higher grade when he came on. He runs good angles to break lines and would suit a higher start.
Selby played well and is an everywhere man in the mould of TC.

Great Effort by all grades!
Thought the forwards in 1s stood up well. I thought Easts might get us there with Tala Gray, Stanford & LaLa making up a higher rated pack. I thought we repelled that threat well.
Agree with your observations regarding Aidan Anderson. He is good enough to be in 1s if he gets some health & game time IMO. Thought he look great in 2s when he came on. The opposition just couldn't handle him.
Hear Oli's shoulder is stuffed - that was third hand so don't bank on it.
Agree about the players mentioned above - seems there are quite a few lower graders coming into form ATM. Just a bit skinny & 10 & lock.
Bring on Uni!
Did hear that it is on Friday night. Is that right??

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
Great Effort by all grades!
Thought the forwards in 1s stood up well. I thought Easts might get us there with Tala Gray, Stanford & LaLa making up a higher rated pack. I thought we repelled that threat well.
Agree with your observations regarding Aidan Anderson. He is good enough to be in 1s if he gets some health & game time IMO. Thought he look great in 2s when he came on. The opposition just couldn't handle him.
Hear Oli's shoulder is stuffed - that was third hand so don't bank on it.
Agree about the players mentioned above - seems there are quite a few lower graders coming into form ATM. Just a bit skinny & 10 & lock.
Bring on Uni!
Did hear that it is on Friday night. Is that right??

Yes, I believe it's a 7:30pm kick off for 1st grade preceeded by 1st Colts at 5:50pm. Lower grades (Uni #1) and other Colts (St Johns) at normal times on Saturday.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
Agree Walker has been playing well.
Can we get Black headgear all round? That should confuse the refs.

They will need to slow Bouidon down when against Uni. He was immense on the W/e in a beaten team.
Whats the injury toll? Is Ford Ok ?

Brian Westlake

Arch Winning (36)
Agree Walker has been playing well.
Can we get Black headgear all round? That should confuse the refs.

They will need to slow Bouidon down when against Uni. He was immense on the W/e in a beaten team.
Whats the injury toll? Is Ford Ok ?
Myrtle or pink headgear Sid might be the better option. Ilike the way you think. :)

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
He is still Media Officer for the Rebels isn't he?

Is he doing that gig from up here now, or is he just playing for the Wicks 'cause he is up here on a break and wanted to play for old time sake?

Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
He is still Media Officer for the Rebels isn't he?

Is he doing that gig from up here now, or is he just playing for the Wicks 'cause he is up here on a break and wanted to play for old time sake?
The latter, played in a trial at eastwood earlier as well. still based out of melb
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