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Galloping Greens

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the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
Alex Harrod, Toa, Junior Tavili, Hodgetts.
The Uni pack really targeted our guys and were belting them.
All the more credit to the way these guys stood up.

And Mark Porpiglia.
I think the only original forwards still on the paddock at the end were Goodbody, Figg and Eden-Whaitiri.

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
good turn over at the end from Porpigilla. Is he new to the club? what a kick from Harrod!!

Mark Porpiglia came across from Warringah this year with Tim Donlan.
I think he was a fairly regular first grader at the Rats.
Harrod was a 7s player down in the ACT so he has some tricks in his kit bag.

Rucks and Mauls

Peter Burge (5)
By the way, where's the BBQ gone at Coogee?
I seem to remember they received a grant from the state government last year to buy a new BBQ, but no steak or sausage sambos this year. Was this part of the deal with the home made pie man?

They went with outsourcing the food at Coogee this year. There was a bit of confusion over who got the profits last year and the juniors weren't interested if they didn't get the $$$. A shame as it's been an institution down there!

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
By the way, where's the BBQ gone at Coogee?
I seem to remember they received a grant from the state government last year to buy a new BBQ, but no steak or sausage sambos this year. Was this part of the deal with the home made pie man?
The missing BBQ could be at Manly Sea Eagles Peter Peters home.
This could be "Fridgegate" Part 2.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
They went with outsourcing the food at Coogee this year. There was a bit of confusion over who got the profits last year and the juniors weren't interested if they didn't get the $$$. A shame as it's been an institution down there!

That's it. I need to start that Club Rugby BBQ and Canteen Name and Shame thread now.

No food at Uni. No BBQ at Coogee oval. The Shore man has gone. What is gonna happen next? No more World Famous Emu Burgers?

What is a bloke to do for a good feed at the footy?

Tah and feathered

Watty Friend (18)
The Eastwood Pies were always a winner and worth getting in the Que to get one
I havent been to TG for a few years
Do they still have the same pies

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
The team on the Wicks website has a few differences to the team on Rugby News. Porpiglia in for Connor, Bailie and Ma'afu in for Roye and Englebrecht with Wright moving back to the wing and Ford at FB with Windon dropped to 2nds (WTF -- what's he done wrong?).

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
According to the draw on the Tah's website it looks like 3s and 4s are at Latham tomorrow. Kickoff for 4s at 10:30am.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
Thirds and fourths played on a reasonably good field at Latham even after all the rain.
The coaches will be wondering how these two games were lost when the Wicks had such dominance in the scrum and lineouts. In uncharacteristic play from the Wicks the ball was not looked after in the backs and their handling was poor. Manly were always dangerous with ball in hand as their backing up of the ball was very good. The numbr five in threes had a very good game for them.
Down to Coogee for second grade and though the score suggests a very close game, the Wicks did not make it respectable until the final few minutes. Anderson in the centres looked dangerous and scored two tries. The 14 and 15 for Manly were superb and their interplay on the edges was always dangerous. Credit to the Wicks who always had a go.
First grade were down 17-0 after thirty minutes. This was in part due to no protection at the breakdown which allowed Manly a couple of breakaway tries. Manly were well organised and have serious speed so any breakout coupled with their excellant backing up was almost always going to give them points.
Wright made a good break and in earlier years would have scored but this time a good pass found a player to get over the line - 17-5
Manly bounce right back 24-5 and then again on the back of a dubious penalty 35-5 all before half time.
Second half had Wicks on attack when a turnover sees another 75mt run by manly for a breakout try. Wicks hit back 43-12. Manly cruising get a soft one and then another to be 55-12 with 16 minutes to go.
Close to the bell Manly scored in the green corner which had all calling 'Held Up' but they were overruled by the whistle.
A very good day for Manly and prehaps Wicks will learn to protect the breakdown and watch out for the turnovers.
The Pies are good but there has to be Sausages and steak on offer!!!!
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