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France v Australia

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John Solomon (38)
Skelton is a project. Out of all the fringe players he has arguably the biggest potential upside but the most to work on to get there. And if you take hime away from the Tahs preseason, be nice for him to get a regular gallop or he'll go backwards conditioning wise.

Besides, the frogs did struggle to stop him in June.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
I don't agree that Skelton finished strongly and Jones didn't. They both seemed to tail off equally. Difference was one only had to work for 20 minutes to produce a few highlight reel displays.

Jones was in considerably better form in the NRC. Had a few handling issues at times, but so did Skelton.

I think they are talking about S15, not NRC. And in the NRC the "stars" coach had the truely baffling idea tt throw the ball 2 wide to Skelton and tell him to one out crash ball. It just worked so well o_O

Train Without a Station

I think they are talking about S15, not NRC. And in the NRC the "stars" coach had the truely baffling idea tt throw the ball 2 wide to Skelton and tell him to one out crash ball. It just worked so well o_O

I am referencing both. Skelton's returns in Super Rugby diminished after his test debut. But I also tried to note that comparing the impact of an 80 minute lock with a 20 minute sub isn't fair either.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
I think they are talking about S15, not NRC. And in the NRC the "stars" coach had the truely baffling idea tt throw the ball 2 wide to Skelton and tell him to one out crash ball. It just worked so well o_O

And to my eye that's his role lately in the Wallabies as well.

Skelton is massive and has huge potential, and his defense of the rolling maul has always been a strength. But he does not participate in lineouts though his mere presence at 1 or 2 would be enough to put some throwers off. But he seems to stand at the back most of the time. He has negligible impact in the scrum, and despite a lot of posters here saying he kills them in general ply, I fail to see that. The Welsh defense handled him by effectively tackling him low. He really needs to show that he cannot be stopped by the French this test or he will need to be given a rest and sent back to Super to learn his trade. The ball is well and truly in his court.

And if we finish this match with Skelton + Horwill/Simmons in the second row, and a back row of Hodgson, Hooper and McMahon (if McCalman happens to pick up an injury) then we'll be smashed at lineout time as well as in the scrums. The bench could have and should have been better structrured.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Skelton, despite a lot of posters here saying he kills them in general ply, I fail to see that. The Welsh defense handled him by effectively tackling him low. He really needs to show that he cannot be stopped by the French this test or he will need to be given a rest and sent back to Super to learn his trade. The ball is well and truly in his court.

I think he did well in general play against the Welsh. There was nothing flashy but he made it over the gain line with each carry and got good recycles. He also tailed the ball carrier into a few tackles and produced strong cleanouts and allowed us to get quick ball.

I think this is what Cheika is looking for from him off the bench. To help keep our forward momentum and provide strength at the breakdown. In the games where we've been overrun in the last 15 minutes this year it's often involved a big momentum shift in the forwards and all of a sudden we're getting smashed. We're going to lose physicality when we replace Slipper and Kepu so we need to add a physical dimension from somewhere.


Mark Ella (57)
Good to see Rpbbo back in. Would love to see the bloke get back to his best then we'd only have to worry about the reserve THP.

Am sure QC (Quade Cooper) will get plenty of time this week. Both Foley and QC (Quade Cooper) are extemely imoportant come RWC. Whichever way the selection for 10 goes.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
One of the regular problems with the Wobs (and many other rugby teams) is the amount of time some forward gets chucked the ball while static and isolated; and is then intended to bend the defensive line whilst not getting isolated.

Add to that one of the prime fallacies of rugby is that free flowing attacking rugby isn't highly structured and we see how it all falls apart

Scott Allen did some nice analysis of the structures the Tahs used and what I do expect the Wobs to employ moving forward


So lots of "freeflowing rugby", but also shitload of structure and a lot of work off the ball to see that structure/pattern in place. One of the reasons Phipps could clear so quickly was that there were structured options there to fling it to. In "perfect mould" 2 pods of 3, so 6 potential runners to hit or out the back/behind to the 10/12

Hard to stop for 80 minutes


John Hipwell (52)
Set piece aside, Skelton was good last week. Doesn't matter how big you are you are never going to run over guys every time. He consistently made ground and is always looking for the offload.

Carter needs to start to be in the 23. Jones might provide a combination of both their strengths from the bench but he did not take his one chance so Skelton is currently favoured. Skelton's set piece weakness is something that really needs work though. With no Higgers in the lineout at the end and average front row on the bench it is definitely a risk.


Bob Loudon (25)
Seems to a bit of talk about TGC's proficiency at speaking Le Frog, like answering local journos in their own language (as well as some bloody story about a job application to Collette Dinnigan in French FFS ?!?) Is there any footage of him at the pressers speaking French?? Link too was credited as being 'fluent' which I also wondered about. Obviously after their time coaching there.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Wobs' bench:

16. James Hanson
17. Benn Robinson
18. Ben Alexander
19. Will Skelton
20. Matt Hodgson
21. Will Genia
22. Quade Cooper
23. Rob Horne

Bobby Sands

Seems to a bit of talk about TGC's proficiency at speaking Le Frog, like answering local journos in their own language (as well as some bloody story about a job application to Collette Dinnigan in French FFS ?!?) Is there any footage of him at the pressers speaking French?? Link too was credited as being 'fluent' which I also wondered about. Obviously after their time coaching there.

You'd be surprised how quickly you can pick-up French if you live there. A good friend of mine, who could barely speak English got one of those hand-held naming machines and put the french word on everything in the house. Jars of honey, hairbrushes, books etc. She now speaks better French than English.


Greg Davis (50)
Wobs' bench:

16. James Hanson
17. Benn Robinson
18. Ben Alexander
19. Will Skelton
20. Matt Hodgson
21. Will Genia
22. Quade Cooper
23. Rob Horne

While he doesn't have the ability to easily play in the centres like Horne, Speight has gone out of flavour quickly. So much hype. I'll put my cynic's hat on and ask if his cap against the Baa Baas has locked him in to the Wallabies for good?


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
While he doesn't have the ability to easily play in the centres like Horne, Speight has gone out of flavour quickly. So much hype. I'll put my cynic's hat on and ask if his cap against the Baa Baas has locked him in to the Wallabies for good?

I think he'll be capped before the tour is over and will earn plenty more caps in the next few years.

He could have really pushed for a shot in the Baa Baas game but didn't and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) and Tomane as the incumbents played well against Wales.

Horne did stake his claim in that Baa Baas game and offers more versatility than Speight.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
While he doesn't have the ability to easily play in the centres like Horne, Speight has gone out of flavour quickly. So much hype. I'll put my cynic's hat on and ask if his cap against the Baa Baas has locked him in to the Wallabies for good?

More that he hasn't played much rugby for months


Trevor Allan (34)
To be honest on the balance of things I'd say this is one of the stronger looking wallaby sides on paper we've put out this year certainly. Obviously there are a few likely starters missing (Moore, Fardy, Palu perhaps, Higgers) but relative to what has been going on all year it's not too bad.

I'm excited to see the starting tight 5 really stamp their mark on the French. They're all good set piece technicians. I'm also excited to see a settled wallaby back division (including some great bench options) play smart and effective football.


Jim Lenehan (48)
While he doesn't have the ability to easily play in the centres like Horne, Speight has gone out of flavour quickly. So much hype.

Whilst I think everyone would have liked to have seen Speight play on the weekend, it is hard to justify dropping AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) or Tomane. Both were good last week.

There is a reason there is a lot of hype behind him. He was clearly our best winger at provincial level, but that doesn't mean he'll get things handed to him. You have to build an environment where good form is rewarded. Speight is on the come back from injury. One only has to look at Tomane and Lilo to see that it takes players time to find full fitness and form. Speight will get his chance.


Dave Cowper (27)
This will be a watershed test for McMahon.
Given that Hooper will always be picked, then McMahon needs to compliment Hoopers style.
Its the old Waugh / Smith scenario.
I can see changes if the pack doesn't gain some dominance for good periods in the game.
Hooper / Fardy has been providing the best balance in the back row that we have seen this year.
Hooper / Higgers too loose.
Hooper / McMahon too light.
Who else have we had at 6 ?


Trevor Allan (34)
The 2nd rowers have played there through some games. Some would argue that Luke Jones is a good option in that he offers high workrate, line out skills, effective ball running but he's not exactly strong over the ball like Fardy.

The combo of Hooper, Fardy and Higgers in Bled 3 was the best collective backrow performance all year. They were a significant part of how good our attack and support play looked in that game and of course Fardy made a few crucial defensive plays to stop AB's momentum


Mark Ella (57)
This will be a watershed test for McMahon.
Given that Hooper will always be picked, then McMahon needs to compliment Hoopers style.
Its the old Waugh / Smith scenario.
I can see changes if the pack doesn't gain some dominance for good periods in the game.
Hooper / Fardy has been providing the best balance in the back row that we have seen this year.
Hooper / Higgers too loose.
Hooper / McMahon too light.
Who else have we had at 6 ?

Luke Jones is probably the only other possibility this year. Or starting a lock at 6 eg Horwill, Carter.

McCalman plays pretty tight for an 8 so I think the Higgers/Hooper combo isn't as bad as you might think.
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