Watty Friend (18)
theres been a few ideas bandied around to stop score lines blowing out. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the rules in SJRU have players being taken off at various score differences , is that right. I heard it suggested that rather than doing that which always ends up with the weakest players getting removed from the field, the ref should be giving the trailing team all the restart possessions. So all line outs regardless from penalty or not, all scrum feeds even if they knocked on, and they get the ball kicked to them if the leading side scores. What happens when weaker sides are getting hammered is that they just never have the ball for long. If the leading side can turn it over and score without mistake then the game goes on...playing a side that is having their players removed is also just not a great thing for the self esteem of the losing team either...maybe worth thinking about SJRU...