NSWelshman in London
Frank Row (1)
IS this just for Rugby or all Winter sports?
Only Rugby I believe. Rugby has unique challenges at school level because of the safety implications that arise when physical mismatches occur.IS this just for Rugby or all Winter sports?
yes here was last years: http://www.cas.nsw.edu.au/cas-u16s-rugby-team-announced/Do they run an U16 CAS team or just opens?
GoR, I have had about a dozen cousins go through View, and 2 nephews there right now, who both play rugby, saw them play Joeys.Big fan. Well done all for doing something and not just taking shots at the GPS for going 2 rounds which overall has been a success for that comp and I don't see it changing.
This is a boost for all Schools Rugby in NSW. Shouldn't say all because I want to see CHS get back to a degree of competitiveness but this a good step.
Mr Snort, by absolute chance, I ran into a Cricket CAS selector at QP who was the driver of this all, it took him many years to work out a plan and put it forward to all the heads. He asked me what I thought, and I told him that I, and MANY/MOST school rugby fans are in absolute favor, he was very happy to hear this feedback, Can't wait for it to see it all happen.Details of the new competition format are here: http://www.cas.nsw.edu.au/cas-announcement-on-combined-rugby-competition-for-2025/
Congratulations to the schools involved for doing something proactive and long overdue!
That's a fair point but the GPS could also argue on the form of the last couple of years the standard and general equality across the comp has lead to a very high standard of Rugby every week. I get the initial argument that a fully tiered comp creates game of equal opposition but you can also see a comp a few years down the track that the higher tiers separate themselves in quality so much you have recreated what already exists...GoR, I have had about a dozen cousins go through View, and 2 nephews there right now, who both play rugby, saw them play Joeys.
I don't think/hope it's not just a case at taking shots at the GPS comp, and we all know you all love your own little home and away comp, but it is and will remain a comp of just 6 schools. We all get the history, but if the plan is to really develop rugby, like NZ, it needs to have a tiered comp.
That doesn't mean you can't play and win your own comp within this framework but home and away and nothing else is living in a bubble.
I get the initial argument that a fully tiered comp creates game of equal opposition but you can also see a comp a few years down the track that the higher tiers separate themselves in quality so much you have recreated what already exists...
You make some good points. I do think Auggies and Oakhill will do very well. The GPS comp was terrific this year as Shore rose from the ashes but that's only 1 year. My point is that the GPS comp could still be played out in a tiered system, so nothing lost, albeit a 1 round comp, which for the vast majority of history has been played that way. Anyway it's all hypothetical as it won't happen.That's a fair point but the GPS could also argue on the form of the last couple of years the standard and general equality across the comp has lead to a very high standard of Rugby every week. I get the initial argument that a fully tiered comp creates game of equal opposition but you can also see a comp a few years down the track that the higher tiers separate themselves in quality so much you have recreated what already exists...
The plan also isn't to develop Rugby necessarily but a competition for the Schools to participate. The fact a lot of professional players come out of it is a nice by-product but the they don't play on the bequest of the NSWRU or RA. In reality these comps take a financial load off Rugby in Aus that they could not afford to maintain otherwise.
I was never making this a good riddince leave the GPS alone post initally. I like this move for the CAS/ISA overall. Will be interesting to see what happens if say Oakhill and Auggies show up and kill it. Besides all those players ending up elsewhere I don't think some of the old heads would like it too much. It's happened before a couple decades ago.
I like this move for the CAS/ISA overall. Will be interesting to see what happens if say Oakhill and Auggies show up and kill it. Besides all those players ending up elsewhere I don't think some of the old heads would like it too much. It's happened before a couple decades ago.
yes I've heard this news quite devastating for the team, has already been out of training for quite some time.UPDATE ON BARKER COLLEGE:
William Hargraeves from the College of Barker has sustained a knee injury after trying to perform a backflip infront of the huzz.
Slight correction DaS, Pats and Pius were never part of the CAS comp in any sport, so they weren't ditched. There was a vote once between the CAS schools to include at least Pats (to the best of my knowledge) but it was knocked back as 1 school voted against it, and it had to be unanimous. They were played a few times in the middle of the CAS comp but they were "trial" matches.This is the great unknown hey. Imagine a scenario where Auggies wins, Oakhill runners up and let's say Stannies (based upon last year's results) come 4th. My big concern is that will be the end of the pragmatism and we'll see a hasty retreat to "pre-war" borders.
There are a multitude of opinions on the following and I'm not challenging any of them other than to say one of the reasons Pat's and Pius where ditched from the briefly expanded CAS was they were a bit too competitive in Rugby and CricketI hate to think cynically but you can only wonder.
It's going to be fascinating one way or the other.
Not sure about that.. there's an old thread somewhere here that contains comments from the era. (Presumably with an earlier WLF account commenting)other than to say one of the reasons Pat's and Pius where ditched from the briefly expanded CAS was they were a bit too competitive in Rugby and Cricket
Yyyyyyyyyep. And every school has pointed to every other school as the culprit for that one vote.Slight correction DaS, Pats and Pius were never part of the CAS comp in any sport, so they weren't ditched. There was a vote once between the CAS schools to include at least Pats (to the best of my knowledge) but it was knocked back as 1 school voted against it, and it had to be unanimous. They were played a few times in the middle of the CAS comp but they were "trial" matches.