Dave Cowper (27)
Yes you're spot on with the outcome being the formation of ISA and I'd take it a step further and say that without it, you probably wouldn't have seen the development of Greg's, Oakhill and Auggies and it may have spelt the end of Pius. Speculation of course but its unquestionably a good outcome.You need to move on mate!
My 3 oldest brother are Pat's boys, I went to Waverley. Have a deep respect for both schools. My brother played Pat's for the 80-81 teams. Drew 7-7 all in 80 against Waves, and then get smashed 34-7 in 81 on the SCG before the test match - Waves had Kava and the Bourke brothers in that team (no disgrace in that result). Similar result in 83 to Waverley.
I was told by St. Pats people the reason they weren't invited into the CAS was because Barker didn't want to play 2 extra games as that would impact the HSC. I have no idea if that's true but that's what St. Pat's people were saying at the time.
But the good thing about St Pats not being accepted is that they created the ISA. The success of the ISA today isn't because of what Auggies and Oakhill are doing now but the ground work Pat's done in the 90s and 2000s to make that competition what it. If St. Pats were accepted into the CAS back then, I doubt there would be on ISA today. So it's turned out great for school rugby.
Finally, I don't get the angst against CAS schools. Waves have been playing Auggies since 2008, and before that they've always played St Pats up until the 2012 (should still be playing them). Same with Trinity, Knox and Barker against other ISA schools. The GPS schools have barely given you the time of day. I don't get the grudge.
And by no means am I suggesting that our Rugby experience was a poor one. Being without a competition to play in, meant that we were free to arrange games against anyone and that had it's upside. Trips to Bowral, Goulburn and Bathurst to play Chev, Pats Goulburn (RIP) and Stannies/Scots were fun in their own right - no doubt. But listening to the litany of reasons as to why the vote didn't go our way was tough going - particularly with the spectre of sectarianism still bubbling just beneath the surface. With the exception of Cricket, we did all of our sport against CAS schools - so why cant we be in the comp?
Anyway - as I said... it is well in the past and sooking about it won't change a thing. But my point of all of this is that I hope this new system remains in place. It seems to have broad support which is great and I hope it continues. But I fear for what might happen when schools that don't offer scholarships and have lower fees start beating teams that do.