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Canes v Reds at the Cake Tin - 2011R11

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Aussie D

Desmond Connor (43)
Re: ref's performance tonight - we need to remember that it comes in swings and roundabouts that some weeks the calls go your way and the next they don't. Last week it was the 'tahs fans jumping up and down over refereeing decisions and this week it is us. The referee didn't lose the game tonight for the Reds, missed tackles and poor defensive alignment did.

Victorian Reds Fan

Bob Loudon (25)
Reds didn't play more than 30 mins but still should have won if calls went 50/50.

1st or 2nd canes try was preceded by a very obvious shepherd. Let the canes break the reds line and make 30m.

3rd try preceded by forward pass which basically made the try.

Morahan looked to have scored the more the tv ref replayed his touch. At first viewing not but on rear replay yes.

Canes also looked to have cynically knocked the ball from genias hands on the line.

Only obvious help the reds got from the ref that I recall was one iffy scrum penalty.

Certainly not a good ref performance.

Yeah, that was their first try. Definitely obstruction.

Sandpit Fan

Nev Cottrell (35)
Re: ref's performance tonight - we need to remember that it comes in swings and roundabouts that some weeks the calls go your way and the next they don't. Last week it was the 'tahs fans jumping up and down over refereeing decisions and this week it is us. The referee didn't lose the game tonight for the Reds, missed tackles and poor defensive alignment did.

That's about right. Poor reffing, but we had our chances and the canes wanted it more and it certainly showed. Their backs looked pretty sharp considering Nonu & Jane were out. Don't think we will much more of Chambers, still looks out of touch.


Meh...leave the ref complaints to the Tahs. We got done fair and square.

Agree with this.

I would only add that we were flat in parts, made some silly decisions (especially in key moments), missed a shed load of tackles, left a few defensive gaps, didn't go for a drop goal at the death to seal the game, and basically looked a bit confused all over the park. I think that about covers it......

Well done Canes. The better team won.


Perhaps Hanson is not quite ready for a starting role just yet. While his work around the park was serviceable, I expect my hookers to be able to throw a decent lineout ball.

As a side note, was Big Kev even on the park tonight? I can barely remember seeing him. I also am wondering why it appeared he was not in the refs face seeking clarifications or revving his team after some dumb penalties. Even Genia seemed to be a bit quiet. Am I on track here or am I being a bit harsh?


Ha Ha. I agree, no whinging. Tonight we were off our game.

Shep is awful, I'm not sure if he was ever good but he is now awful.

The Finger brothers are crucial to the Reds, there have been grumbles that their positions are under siege. Very untrue.

Chambers, I have already said enough.

Shipperley will be a very good footballer, unfortunately tonight was a little early in his development. He will be better for it though.

Link also needs to stop playing locks at 6. Samo is a rare athlete. If he wanted to give him a rest he had two very capable blokes sitting in Brisbane in Shatz and Quirk. Not to mention Leroy.

Harris needs to kick the goals. Everyone knows this. None more so than link, though obviously he does not want to upset QC (Quade Cooper), and is hoping that he will make the decision for him.

I think that's about it. Wouldn't a Peter Hynes be nice right about this time of the season?


Ward Prentice (10)
Why was the Reds 2nd 'try' disallowed? I'm not trying to be 'that guy' I was just in a noisy place and didn't hear the final call. First angle did look dodgy for the reds, but the 2nd angle looked pretty good.

Sandpit Fan

Nev Cottrell (35)
Why was the Reds 2nd 'try' disallowed? I'm not trying to be 'that guy' I was just in a noisy place and didn't hear the final call. First angle did look dodgy for the reds, but the 2nd angle looked pretty good.

Yeah that one is a bit weird. From the reverse angle it looked like he had downward pressure. His feet might have been out though, certainly looked that way front on. The commentators didn't dwell on it. TMO called it lost forward.


Just a few numbers

Reds made 24 lost possession/turnovers, missed 19 tackles (10 inside their own 22) and made 12 handling errors
Hurricanes had the points ahead at the half way mark and enjoyed 65% territory in the 2nd half.

That the kick to win the game had a 73% probability of being successful because we tweeted it when Cruden was lining it up. Given how he was kicking we did re-run the calculations twice."


David Codey (61)
Agree the reds were more at fault than the ref but just wanted to point out some clear deficiencies. 4 non neutral refs is not a good thing from a political perspective. The video ref appeared to be making his decision in the reverse view on morahans try which would indicate it should have been given. It is always hard for the field refs to pick everything up during play but there are no excuses for guys that get replays to get decisions wrong. I would like to hear his reasoning.

Reds were always going to struggle to turn up for this game at least they almost turned it around in the second half.


Reds didn't play more than 30 mins but still should have won if calls went 50/50.

1st or 2nd canes try was preceded by a very obvious shepherd. Let the canes break the reds line and make 30m.

3rd try preceded by forward pass which basically made the try.

Morahan looked to have scored the more the tv ref replayed his touch. At first viewing not but on rear replay yes.

Canes also looked to have cynically knocked the ball from genias hands on the line.

Only obvious help the reds got from the ref that I recall was one iffy scrum penalty.

Certainly not a good ref performance.

I posted yesterday that the Reds stood no chance with all 4 Match Officials being Kiwis. I duly put $5 on the Canes at $2.70 and reaped the rewards of some blatant bias.

Can anybody in the world tell me what that last penalty was for? I was in a pub full of Kiwis. None of them could tell me. Neither could the OZ supporters. The replay of it was cut short, probably by a Kiwi video tech.

The score would have favoured the Canes much more if they'd had anything approaching the stamina levels required at this level.

Interesting that Giteau could be yellowed ( Brumbies v Crusaders 2011 ) when a Crusaders player kicked the ball out but an obvious yellow boot kicks the ball out of Genias hands, in the red zone and nary a penalty ensues.

It's an absolute disgrace. There HAS to be neutral refs. The only upside is that people will be able to pay their mortgage backing Kiwi teams being reffed by Kiwis in New Zealand.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Why do you want to analyse every possible error by the ref & just gloss over all the errors & missed opportunities by the Reds?
The Reds had their chances and were not good enough. Yeah neutral refs are the ideal, but then you run the risk of getting Kaplan!
I would prefer the home town refs!


Professional referees are always impeccably fair and honourable. I don't think it reflects well on anyone to say otherwise, especially when the knowledge of the rules by most fans is so laughably limited by comparison. Usually, when supporters claim to be robbed, it is because they know virtually nothing about what happened. The fact that both sets of fans claim to have been equally robbed after each game should tell you all you need to know about that.

The proof of the pudding was in the eating.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)

Anyways, the Brumbies' match was littered with SA refs against the Cheetahs...

There were some decision in that match I thought were terrible but the Brumbies lost that match themselves with some dumb second half play... I mean, they seriously went out and just played dumb rugby...

But there's a legitimate case for neutral refs...

As for this match... the Canes were the better team...

You can blame the ref all you want but I saw some lucky Reds players not get yellow carded flopping all over the ruck and coming in from an offside position at times when the Canes were down in their 22m...

The Reds' set piece is a concern if they want to be title contenders...
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