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Australia v New Zealand - Sydney 16 Aug

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Mark Ella (57)
Pocock WAS a great pilfering 7 - no question and I don't think anyone would disagree. I hope the bloke comes back, as good as he was.

Time and injury has given another young bloke an opportunity - one Michael Hooper - best wallaby for the past 2 years - Captain of the Wallabies - Shit and hasn't he taken maximum advantage of that opportunity.

Even if Poey comes back blah blah, I would still pick Hooper over him in a heartbeat. Question will be , can Poey play any other position in which Australia is short. Not 6 as Fardy is playing great - certainly not 8 as he does not have the running game nor size and Cliffy is playing the house down.

Only possible spot would be 2 but with TPN, Moore Charles and Hansen not much opportunity there.

Train Without a Station

Mate I reckon the horse has bolted. Too late for him to adapt at the elite level. If he comes back as a first choice test player it will be at hooper's expense. Personally I'm backing hooper but wouldn't be shocked if I was wrong either


Peter Johnson (47)
If Moore's injury this year has taught us anything its that you can lose 1 or 2 players in a heartbeat and all of a sudden a position of strength can become a possible weakness. Pocock may not be our no.1 choice when he returns but he's still a world class no.7. If he gets back to his pre-injury form he'll be an awesome addition to the squad. The truth is Hooper has been very lucky to avoid injury over the last 2 years. that could change at any moment (touch wood). I'll feel much more confident when Pocock is there as a back-up.


Mark Ella (57)
So would I BDA.

Although it is thought Poey is one of the highest paid in terms of ARU top-ups. Bet that will change with the ARU being short of pennies. The ARU can afford to retain their No1 picks at top money but anyone below that will get the nearly mandatory pay cut. Poey may be another one to leave our shores at the end of his ARU contract - think that is until end of 2015


Mark Ella (57)
If Poey gets back (and I have some doubts) there is no question he would be in the squad (to cover injury to Hooper - although this bloke is unbelievably durable and injury free ATM). It would be unlikely for him to even make the bench as his only real playing position at top level is very limited - 7. Benchies HAVE to cover a few positions.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I'd be surprised if Pocock went and played overseas anytime soon. He seems like the sort of guy who will make the transition into post rugby life fairly easily and will be less worried about trying to generate every last dollar out of rugby. If he goes overseas I'd guess it would be right at the end of his career for the lifestyle experience and some extra superannuation etc.

I think there is a lot less stress on guys who have been with the Wallabies since a young age. They've earned good money for a substantial period of time and it makes it easier to play their whole career in Australia. Unless they're completely living to their means during the good years then they should be building a decent nest egg you'd imagine.

Ben Mowen on the other hand only became a Wallaby when he was 28 and probably felt that he had to make hay while the sun shined.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
It only helps us to have several good players vying for each position, and 7 is no different. Despite the trenchant views of a few, the role of a 7 is evolving, and really is becoming more how that player fits in with the balance of a backrow, pack and team. So we'll see different styles in different franchises. Ultimately, who plays more for the Wallabies will depend upon the coach, their game plan, and who else they have at their disposal in the pack especially. Not to mention the differing dynamic of substitutions - does a more pure fetcher give you more early or late?
IF Pocock gets back to full fitness, and you'd be mad to argue against someone so single-minded and meticulous about training, I'll be amazed if he isn't right in the mix. It'll always be hard to have good players like Hooper, Hodgson, Gill and Pocock "missing out" but look at the All Blacks in many positions. It's a good problem to have. If players leave because they feel they'll miss out, so be it. We should avoid trying to shoe-horn players in just to get them on the field.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
If Pocock gets back to his best form, he has well and truly shown that he is one of the most influential players on a rugby field.

The Wallabies would be far more likely to play Hooper and Pocock in the same 23 to finish the game with both of the park than we would with the other 7 options.

This whole argument about a player in a certain position having a certain job is true to an extent but nothing happens in isolation. You need a team that does all the jobs its required to do well.

Players who routinely have a strong impact on the game from an absolute perspective by having very effective involvements are crucial.

Players who make big plays routinely have to be focused on by the opposition because otherwise they will probably lose the game. For anyone that watches AFL, I think there is a clear parallel with the idea of having to tag certain players. Teams make a decision that certain opposition players are so good and so influential that you have to dedicate one of your players to try and shut them down. Players like Hooper and Folau bring out something similar. If the opposition doesn't sufficiently target them to try and stop them having that huge influence on a game they end up tearing the opposition to shreds.


Mark Ella (57)
Think it is possible to target Folau but Hooper is a different equation.

The bugger just covers so much territory in a game the other poor bastard would be rooted after 20 minutes.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Under a week away.

I'm personally looking forward to seeing how the 'Gold Brigade' goes. A fantastic initiative.

Brumby Jack

Steve Williams (59)
Joe Tomane and Laurie Weeks are for 2-3 weeks with hamstring injuries.

Paddy Ryan and Tom English have been called into the squad.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
As much as I am a staunch Tahs man, I hope we don't have to use Paddy Ryan against the ABs!
Me too, on what we've seen. But his scrumming deficiencies seem to be technical more than strength related, and maybe they can get him going forward in the camp.
I'd guess he's still behind Kepu and Alexander.
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