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Australia v New Zealand - Sydney 16 Aug

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John Eales (66)
Although Pocock is a specialist 7, that's only in terms of where to play him in a starting side. Assuming full fitness you'd have him on the bench every day of the week..if you already have Fardy, Palu and Hooper out there and you get an injury in the first minute you aren't really going to be stuck for options, not to mention the impact he'd make if you ran him out at any back row position for the last 20.

Train Without a Station

Disagree. It will be dependent on balance. If Skelton was daylight ahead of all other options as a bench lock and there was a quality 6/8 reserve you wouldn't necessarily go with a reserve 7. Especially as Pocock doesn't necessarily got into out style of play and would leave you with 1 decent line out option potentially.


John Eales (66)
It would affect your reserve lock choice no doubt, but you'd take the risk on a couple of lineouts to have Hooper and Pocock out there at the same time, especially if you were chasing down a deficit..

EDIT: the key assumption here is that he is back to 100%, he's no good at 80%


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
The only real reason to have a backup 7 on the bench is if the other 7 is so good it makes sense to put both of them on the field at once.

Otherwise, your bench is primarily set up for planned replacements rather than injury cover. The 7 is generally expected to play 80 minutes (particularly when it's Hooper and he's also the captain).


John Eales (66)
anyway, it's completely hypothetical at this stage..hopefully its a headache the selectors will have to deal with at some stage..

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
If Poey gets back (and I have some doubts) there is no question he would be in the squad (to cover injury to Hooper - although this bloke is unbelievably durable and injury free ATM). It would be unlikely for him to even make the bench as his only real playing position at top level is very limited - 7. Benchies HAVE to cover a few positions.

I'd be happier with Poey covering 7 and 8 than Ben McCalman covering 8 and 7. But, even if not, I'll just be more than happy to have Poey back fit and healthy for the Brumbies.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Joe Tomane and Laurie Weeks have hamstring strains.


You'd have to think that these puppies would challenge that

He's THE man!!!!!!!!!


Tim Horan (67)
Yep Gwerty, I think Hames from Highlanders maybe training with them too, so would imagine he got a run.


John Hipwell (52)
If Pocock comes back as good as he was back in 2011, I would take him every day over Hooper. As an AB fan, I fear Pocock more than Hooper by about 100. If Hooper does something different this RC than last year then I may change my mind but he did nothing against the ABs last year that made me think we can't match and/or contain him.

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Mark Ella (57)
If Pocock comes back as good as he was back in 2011, I would take him every day over Hooper. As an AB fan, I fear Pocock more than Hooper by about 100. If Hooper does something different this RC than last year then I may change my mind but he did nothing against the ABs last year that made me think we can't match and/or contain him.

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But before the thread gets into another Hooper V Pocock debate lets stick to talk about the game.

When is the team announced?


Nathan Sharpe (72)
I'd be happier with Poey covering 7 and 8 than Ben McCalman covering 8 and 7. But, even if not, I'll just be more than happy to have Poey back fit and healthy for the Brumbies.

Except Pocock is a poor ball runner. In contact with the pill, for such a strong guy with good balance, he is not very effective.

Train Without a Station

Spot on Pfitzy, Pocock for all his strengths would make a fucking horrid 8, or 6 for that matter. He's not a jumper and lacks the wingspan to be as good as others are at pulling the ball out the back of the scrum.

McCalman on the pine and forced to play at 7, you can play more ball in hand and attempt to counter ruck more so than pilfer. Pocock on the pine and forced to play at 8 you risk your line out, scrum and ability to get over the gain line.

Sometimes the better player isn't necessarily best for the team.

I'd be more confident with Hooper who is more so in the George Smith mould adapting if either of them were too. Hooper offers more facets to his game to adapt to differing tactics.


Mark Ella (57)
Shit when did they discover Laurie had hamstrings - always thought props were born without them.

Seriously, it is a bit of a concern that Sio and now Weekes are both out. Paddy scares me, not around the park but at scrumtime - if he comes on i hope there are not too many scrums left
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