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Aussie Player Exodus

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
I thought someone from the Brumbies said he was now that Ben Mowen has gone. I see your point though.

If they are going to shift Fardy to 6 they'll really need one of their new locks to really step up.............

At the moment they're currently better stocked in the backrow with Pocock, Butler, Auelua, and Smiler...........

Still, losing Kimlin and Mowen in consecutive years is a big big loss..............

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
One of the big problems for Australia regarding the player exodus is the small playing base that we have in terms of depth. NZ can afford to lose fringe players as can South Africa, but the loss of these players affects us much more. Not that there's much we can do about it - it's an international game and players have every right to earn money whenever and wherever then can.


Ken Catchpole (46)
If they are going to shift Fardy to 6 they'll really need one of their new locks to really step up.....

At the moment they're currently better stocked in the backrow with Pocock, Butler, Auelua, and Smiler.....

Still, losing Kimlin and Mowen in consecutive years is a big big loss......

Its a shame that the plan to bring Kimlin back didn't pan out. We could really use him about now.


Ken Catchpole (46)
smart move, sign a 12month contract to let the dust settle and then pull out the old "i want to play NRL" card and demand $700k from the ARU when the shits blown over.

It's a really smart move. After the WC things will be clearer if the Wallabies have had a good World Cup, means that we have won the WC or at least reach the grand final and then I won't mind if Kurtley continues or not in Union. But if the results are disastrous in the WC, then Kurtley: You can go to the NRL without any problem. Go wherever

Run, Kurtley, Run!



Isn't that scene from the movie symbolic of a young boy breaking free of his shackles and finding his place in society?

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Phil Kearns (64)
I'm sick of the state based bullshit being dredged up as a justification for peoples views on Beale. People don't dislike him because he's from NSW. People don't like him because they think he's an arsehole.

Oh, for sure. There is absolutely no parochialism on these forums.

Ha bloody ha,


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I'm sick of the state based bullshit being dredged up as a justification for peoples views on Beale. People don't dislike him because he's from NSW. People don't like him because they think he's an arsehole.

How long will the snide comments every time Beale's name gets mentioned on the forum be persisted with by the various people responsible?

People's views on him are pretty clear. Some people are obviously going to dislike the guy forever. It's getting pretty tiresome reading those comments every time his name gets mentioned on the forum.

He's been re-signed for 2015, he's going to play for the Tahs and he'll probably play for the Wallabies this year. Are the comments going to continue all year?


Mark Ella (57)
How long will the snide comments every time Beale's name gets mentioned on the forum be persisted with by the various people responsible?

People's views on him are pretty clear. Some people are obviously going to dislike the guy forever. It's getting pretty tiresome reading those comments every time his name gets mentioned on the forum.

He's been re-signed for 2015, he's going to play for the Tahs and he'll probably play for the Wallabies this year. Are the comments going to continue all year?
probably will continue all year. Just because he had been signed doesn't mean I have to like it or see his positives outweighing the negatives.

That said seeing his signing as A NSWRU conspiracy is silly and little more than a base bigotry.


Ken Catchpole (46)
How long will the snide comments every time Beale's name gets mentioned on the forum be persisted with by the various people responsible?

People's views on him are pretty clear. Some people are obviously going to dislike the guy forever. It's getting pretty tiresome reading those comments every time his name gets mentioned on the forum.

He's been re-signed for 2015, he's going to play for the Tahs and he'll probably play for the Wallabies this year. Are the comments going to continue all year?

Well, you didn't seem too bothered to continue to find mirth in the laptop incident 3 years after the event so it seems pretty hypocritical of you to expect others to stop bringing up KB (Kurtley Beale)'s unseemly behaviour:

Were you using a laptop? If so, there is a known issue involving QC (Quade Cooper) where it can be initially misplaced but then rectified later.

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If I was the ARU, I wouldn't provide any hearing or punishment to KB (Kurtley Beale) now as this is very likely to disappear into the ether and have very limited mention in the press in the future (the same as Cooper's laptop incident once it entered mediation).

Any attention drawn to the issue would only tarnish rugby's image and take press coverage away from the actual rugby being played.

I would say to KB (Kurtley Beale) privately that this issue hasn't gone away and will be considered during his upcoming contract negotiations with the ARU. Any financial penalty can be imposed then and subtracted from his contract.

I find it almost impossible to believe that the ARU would impose a match based suspension on KB (Kurtley Beale) after this length of time.
Also, the laptop post was the funniest post I've read on here all day.

KB (Kurtley Beale) is an objectionable individual and I hope he is one of the players that decides to leave the sport.