they are also open to other options on the proviso it includes the 5 teams, it’s not that hard to see or understand.
This is goign around in circles. NZRFU look like c**ts BUT theyre playing hardball cos Aus teams lose 76 million games in a row and Aus fans tune out en masse ergo no broadcasting deal. Only the 17 tragic diehards here at GAGR were left watching that shit in March 2020.
GAGR aussies say no, no, let us in, all 5 teams, banking on what, a sudden 5-team wide turnaround to competitiveness? Not just the BumBreeze?
Not a safe bet.
Sure, NZ participation numbers are plummetting but I'd still bank on them being able to find 100 murderous bastards to fill the rosters for the rest of our lifetimes. It's up to Aussie to lift to the standard and the last 5 years say "um, no". If 10 team comp is a go and the Aus spiral of losses continues and NZ broadcasting has a mass exodus of viewers like Aus then YOU'VE DRAGGED US CNUTS DOWN WITH YOU.
If you do get 5 teams you have to all
PROMISE not to have one single whinge about the disastrous tv ratings when no one tunes in to see NSFW get a 112-pt shellacking from the beautiful, beautiful Auckland Blues Blitzkrieg Panzer Division Murder Machine