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Where to for Super Rugby?

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Desmond Connor (43)
Meanwhile The Cowboys are playing manly in Townsville. It's 9:30pm. It's been raining. It's 30 degrees and there is 80% humidity. They're not dropping the ball half as often as the Tahs.
Clearly we need to start using a Steeden instead of a Gilbert.

Maybe because once the player is tackled everyone gets up moves away so they have a chance to catch the ball.


Michael Lynagh (62)
If you're changing the laws/making a hybrid game don't you lose the international appeal of the sport?

All depends on how far you go.....for me I don't think changes are that dramatic required for domestic game.....I am talking about NRC type of style changes....but what I am also saying is openness to consider other changes if makes game more appealing at domestic level. But we should use any innovation at domestic level to lobby to make changes at international level but we can't wait for changes at IRB level and better to just adapt to whatever international rules games played above domestic level we have to adapt to as we need a better domestic product for our survival and the domestic product is quite frankly not appealing enough to enough fans to have relevance. I perhaps would not have used the word hybrid.

For example if NRC point system proved to be more appealing at domestic level for us then make sense to have that in place and revert to whatever rules we have to avert to at international level and just continue to lobby for change by success at domestic level we have with our product changes but whether change happens outside at international level should not restrict us. Actually the words hybrid game is not really what I am quite angling at but rather making our product more appealing at domestic level and first lets consider that before doing labels. I truly believe NRC point system is going down the right track as game that stops and starts due to penalty goals is so unappealing and kills any mass interest. Every critic of rugby who have turned away have highlighted this as there biggest criticism of rugby and fact league has better players. We get a more appealing product we can then address the problem of competing for players.

What we have to accept is league emerged as a hybrid of union and was more successful in this country as that version of hybrid game was more appealing. Rugby has long needed a make over...and things like what NRC trying to do a breath of fresh air. Got to challenge the product and where can make it better.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Hybrid game?

NRL wouldn't have us. They (clearly) don't give a shit about international appeal outside Sydney, Brisvegas, and small parts of Auckland and the UK.

International rugby would disown us. This bloke said it best:

Yes, a quick death would be the alternative...

Bang on.

If you're talking hybrid game, might as well turn the lights off and wrap it up.

We can send the jerseys and boots and training kit to places that actually have a cohesive development plan, and a bunch of people doing it for love of the game and a real chance at growth.

They've certainly got a more defined vision than the rubbish dished up by the political animals "running" the game here.

I see on FB that people want to sack Gibson and- well and fucking nothing because "sack the coach" is the last resort of the mentally fucking infirm.

Rugby in Australia needs root and stem reform. It needs the political shit to move aside, because it can't afford that any more than it can afford to pay a CEO $700K+ for what we're getting now.

Pfitzy will do it for $300K + expenses. It'll take two years to get going, and require only one other condition: Poido doesn't get to talk.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Hybrid game?

NRL wouldn't have us. They (clearly) don't give a shit about international appeal outside Sydney, Brisvegas, and small parts of Auckland and the UK.

International rugby would disown us. This bloke said it best:

Bang on.

If you're talking hybrid game, might as well turn the lights off and wrap it up.

We can send the jerseys and boots and training kit to places that actually have a cohesive development plan, and a bunch of people doing it for love of the game and a real chance at growth.

They've certainly got a more defined vision than the rubbish dished up by the political animals "running" the game here.

I see on FB that people want to sack Gibson and- well and fucking nothing because "sack the coach" is the last resort of the mentally fucking infirm.

Rugby in Australia needs root and stem reform. It needs the political shit to move aside, because it can't afford that any more than it can afford to pay a CEO $700K+ for what we're getting now.

Pfitzy will do it for $300K + expenses. It'll take two years to get going, and require only one other condition: Poido doesn't get to talk.
This word hybrid should never have appeared as gives wrong vibe _ we need changes to our product which comes with many angles that retains rugby.s basic facets _ nrc style point system or trans Tasman _ Asian style conference or separate competition is what I mean by product changes. Other things can be considered here if makes game better and more appealing for our domestic market.

Pfitzy if it is ok if we don't take up your kind offer....

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Really don't need to tinker at all with the basics of the game, scoring and the like. Just need better quality, at all levels, coaching (not necessarily new coaches) and skills development in the players. Chiefs, Hurricanes and Crusaders have no issues with the game basics but are able to put on a show worthy of viewing almost all the time.


Phil Kearns (64)
As I said, the devil is in the detail. Rugby league is not the hybrid game, by my definition. The challenge is to find a way of combining the best of our game (the randomness, the spontaneity, the ensemble play) with the best of league (technical simplicity in particular), doing away with nonsense like the rolling maul and the messy contest at the tackle.

Yes sirree, the aim would be for our five Soup franchises to be part of an ANZ Newrugby competition, together with the five from New Zealand and maybe 6 or 8 of the existing NRL franchises.

If you think that the best parts of rugby union have to do with the international component, well, good luck with that as we continue to go backwards as a domestic sport at an alarming rate.


Michael Lynagh (62)
As I said, the devil is in the detail. Rugby league is not the hybrid game, by my definition. The challenge is to find a way of combining the best of our game (the randomness, the spontaneity, the ensemble play) with the best of league (technical simplicity in particular), doing away with nonsense like the rolling maul and the messy contest at the tackle.

Yes sirree, the aim would be for our five Soup franchises to be part of an ANZ Newrugby competition, together with the five from New Zealand and maybe 6 or 8 of the existing NRL franchises.

If you think that the best parts of rugby union have to do with the international component, well, good luck with that as we continue to go backwards as a domestic sport at an alarming rate.
Like that definition of hybrid and agree.

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk


Phil Kearns (64)
And by the way, if the NRL was genuinely interested in the international dimension of their game, they would put a fair slice of their considerable revenues at the disposal of their sport's international governing body.

The simple fact is, they do not care about the international dimension, except for a couple of events every couple of years.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Right. This clearly needs gifs.

This word hybrid should never have appeared as gives wrong vibe _ we need changes to our product which comes with many angles that retains rugby.s basic facets _ nrc style point system or trans Tasman _ Asian style conference or separate competition is what I mean by product changes. Other things can be considered here if makes game better and more appealing for our domestic market.


Yes, of course.

Ignoring completely the fact that the vast bulk of the rugby universe - in which we are a tiny speck at the moment - gives somewhere between negative 4 million and negative 1 fucks about our domestic product.

It is OUR responsibility to fix that up. And while tweaking a couple of points changes works for the NRC as a product, it isn't going to work long-term because Premier Rugby stands there, proudly in its cot, throwing the toys out whenever it doesn't get its way, then stamping its feet.

The major advantage of the NRC points scoring changes are it forces club players - who are mostly flat track bullies developed in the wonderfully flat track that is schools rugby - to get fitter. Its great that it gives them a pathway to professional rugby.

But the value of a 10-week competition is limited when placed against the needs of that little bitch, Premier Rugby.

Brisbane seems to have at least realised it can't pick a fight with itself, and has a bit of cohesion in its lower tiers.

Sydney though? Fucking hell, what a basket case. That's why one of my conditions is that Poido doesn't get to talk.

I'm sick of the bullshit about "Shute Shield makes Wallabies!" - it hasn't been true for about 10 years now. Probably longer.

The problem - as always in Australian Rugby - is your pathway determines your self-interest. So we need people who have had no pathway, just see the game for what it is: broken at all levels.

Pfitzy if it is ok if we don't take up your kind offer..


Well, I tried.


John Thornett (49)
As I said, the devil is in the detail. Rugby league is not the hybrid game, by my definition. The challenge is to find a way of combining the best of our game (the randomness, the spontaneity, the ensemble play) with the best of league (technical simplicity in particular), doing away with nonsense like the rolling maul and the messy contest at the tackle.

Yes sirree, the aim would be for our five Soup franchises to be part of an ANZ Newrugby competition, together with the five from New Zealand and maybe 6 or 8 of the existing NRL franchises.

If you think that the best parts of rugby union have to do with the international component, well, good luck with that as we continue to go backwards as a domestic sport at an alarming rate.

So your cunning plan is to create Australian Rugby Rules Football, and then hope the NZRU will both ruin itself AND jump into bed with the NRL. All just to to try and give Australia a hand? Pull the other one. The NZRU would rather watch Australian rugby go extinct before it puts the All Blacks brand at risk.


Phil Kearns (64)
Barack Obama was fond of quoting this saying: "the long arc of history bends towards justice". There is some dispute about the context out of which he takes it, and whether it says what he takes it to say.

But, as one who has seen the long arc of Australian post-war rugby history (well, from about 1948, anyway), the ups and the downs and the in-betweens, I have to keep hoping that somehow, some way, we will survive as an elite sport.

There have been some pretty low lows in that time, by the way. Where we are now is not down at the low points that we have seen, but the trends are not at all comforting.

Let's hope justice prevails.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Yes sirree, the aim would be for our five Soup franchises to be part of an ANZ Newrugby competition, together with the five from New Zealand and maybe 6 or 8 of the existing NRL franchises.

Why would the NRL want that?

No, I'll answer that one: They don't.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Right. This clearly needs gifs.


Yes, of course.

Ignoring completely the fact that the vast bulk of the rugby universe - in which we are a tiny speck at the moment - gives somewhere between negative 4 million and negative 1 fucks about our domestic product.

It is OUR responsibility to fix that up. And while tweaking a couple of points changes works for the NRC as a product, it isn't going to work long-term because Premier Rugby stands there, proudly in its cot, throwing the toys out whenever it doesn't get its way, then stamping its feet.

The major advantage of the NRC points scoring changes are it forces club players - who are mostly flat track bullies developed in the wonderfully flat track that is schools rugby - to get fitter. Its great that it gives them a pathway to professional rugby.

But the value of a 10-week competition is limited when placed against the needs of that little bitch, Premier Rugby.

Brisbane seems to have at least realised it can't pick a fight with itself, and has a bit of cohesion in its lower tiers.

Sydney though? Fucking hell, what a basket case. That's why one of my conditions is that Poido doesn't get to talk.

I'm sick of the bullshit about "Shute Shield makes Wallabies!" - it hasn't been true for about 10 years now. Probably longer.

The problem - as always in Australian Rugby - is your pathway determines your self-interest. So we need people who have had no pathway, just see the game for what it is: broken at all levels.


Well, I tried.
Mate at this rate I think we are pretty desperate so what the fuck at least you will have fun trying to do something to change the status quo. So yep you now got my vote to be ARU CEO/Head Dude or Change Master.

Yep we all agree. International rugby could not give two figs about the state of our domestic game which is why our weak kneed ARU cane toading to our SANZAAR partners than worrying abut our own domestic game is so wrong. Only we can fix the fuck up that is our domestic game. I think the NRC point scoring system is awesome but yep those old SS hacks want to re-live their amateur glory days and go down with the ship as they think the old private school ra ra dawn should never have been left behind and long live the shute shield as the only thing that matters (which people care about less and less because they don't realise interest in rugby is needed at all levels).

We need a bloody revolution but so much damage been done and can see more damage done with continued inability to make required changes I am beginning to wonder if we will soon have any ability make any changes with a product that just continues to decline into insignificance and which fans are leaving in droves due to disinterest.

Too many factions and not enough parties working together to solve what is a real crisis in Australia Rugby. I just don't think there is a real strong will to tackle the changes required as just too hard for those involved with the parties involved who won't work together to try and salvage the SS titanic that is Australian Rugby. Such a pity...


Trevor Allan (34)
All of this ties back in with a point i made several pages ago. All sports inevitably tilt towards a system that prioritizes club over international in a globalizing international market. In financial terms as well as popularity. Whilst our club system is inimitably tied in with the success and funding of the national team, super rugby will be forever hamstrung.

The reality is, Australia (the least of the three), New Zealand and South Africa are the best rugby nations on the planet. in terms of quality and quantity of players produced they lead the line. In terms of past success they lead the line. Super Rugby sould be THE rugby competition to watch.

Super Rugby is fucking good rugby. It just can't be beholden to international team interests to succeed. The revolution just needs to be in how it's managed.

Also fuck a 'hybrid' game right off.

The torpedo

Peter Fenwicke (45)
Right. 2 of 10 positions of the GAGR takeover of the ARU are complete:

QLD Representative: RedsHappy
NSW Representative: Pfitzy
ACT Representative:
VIC Representative:
TAS Representative:
SA Representative:
WA Representative:
NT Representative:


Michael Lynagh (62)
I am enjoying my 10 week NRC at the moment and going to couple of live Western Sydney Rams games and watching as many other games fox televises (as can't be arsed doing live stream stuff). Personally if they offer more of that in extended format I don't care whether only one of 2,000 fans as more enjoyable contests to watch then super rugby for me as local and regular content I can watch and engage in. I in seasons past use to go to few Tahs games a season live but now no interest. Watch on fox but yes less worried if I miss a game.


Phil Kearns (64)
I wonder how many of the ARU's many critics actually give credit where credit is due?

The NRC is not perfect, and there is a lot that could have been improved (particularly the truly awful selfishness that meant that most of the franchises were playing in a shade of yellow in the first season) but it is progress.

A rare commodity these days.


Ted Fahey (11)
It's clear no matter we do, the ARU aren't going to get any better. They keep it amongst themselves in the old boys club, they don't really care. The pathways systems are broken, unless you go to a private rugby school, you have bugger all chance. Nothing will change, until it changes at the top and it won't.

As a rugby nation we are falling behind, watching the Australian super rugby sides is just painful, the Waratahs Brumbies game last night was just absolute crap, how can we get people interested in the game when that is the best we have to offer? The kiwi teams play a great brand of skillful and entertaining rugby in all conditions, no excuses. I think we are just to soft and don't have the talent to be self critical and say it is not good enough.


Phil Kearns (64)
Actually, change has to happen at middle levels as well, not just at the top.

If it is true, for example, that selection for junior rep teams is biassed towards players from the GPS system, that is something that we could all get heated up about.

People talk about things like this, but so far there has been no noticeable kick-back from the loyal supporters of the game.

Maybe this is something that G&GR could take the lead with. I would put money into a crusade to ensure equity for all good prospects, especially those from unfashionable backgrounds.
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