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Where did we go wrong? Wallaby Recovery thread.

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John Hipwell (52)
Memo to all captains.
Speak to the ref when your team gets a penalty and take the ball with you;
- You will have his undivided attention as nothing can else happen in the game if you're holding the ball talking to him.
- You will not initially be perceived as negative or a whinger because you have just received the penalty.
- Speak slowly and calmly, with a non threatening posture
- If trying to make a point, don't make general claims, offer specific and recent examples.
- Reinforce something positive you're team's doing as you end the conversation such as "are you happy with our discipline so far?"
- Say "thanks for your feedback Sir"

Make him aware in a calm and considerate tone, in an almost off-hand manner, that you know his address. No?


Ken Catchpole (46)
Bad luck. So was that Rob Simmons cheating as it's being implied Luatua did?

And Luatua still did not cause the charge-down. Blaming an injured player for your own poor play is shit.

Where the fuck did I say Luatua was cheating?

And as a matter of fact, YES, Rob Simmons WAS accused of cheating- by the fucking ref no less. Thus why he was penalised for it.

I don't think Luatua should be held responsible - or Rob Simmons. (I even fucking said as much in my earlier post - which you clearly ignored), instead you charge off with some reply that accuses me of saying he cheated???

What the fucking fuck????.

Furthermore - where the fuck did I even say anything about this being the reason for the charge down? Fuck me dead, you have just charged off and assumed a whole heap of fucking crap that I never fucking even said or even fucking wrote.

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
Where the fuck did I say Luatua was cheating?

And as a matter of fact, YES, Rob Simmons WAS accused of cheating- by the fucking ref no less. Thus why he was penalised for it.

I don't think Luatua should be held responsible - or Rob Simmons. (I even fucking said as much in my earlier post - which you clearly ignored), instead you charge off with some reply that accuses me of saying he cheated???

What the fucking fuck????.
Get a ticket to Brisbane and get a jumper on Gel, we need you.


John Hipwell (52)
Where the fuck did I say Luatua was cheating?

And as a matter of fact, YES, Rob Simmons WAS accused of cheating- by the fucking ref no less. Thus why he was penalised for it.

I don't think Luatua should be held responsible - or Rob Simmons. (I even fucking said as much in my earlier post - which you clearly ignored), instead you charge off with some reply that accuses me of saying he cheated???

What the fucking fuck????.

Furthermore - where the fuck did I even say anything about this being the reason for the charge down? Fuck me dead, you have just charged off and assumed a whole heap of fucking crap that I never fucking even said or even fucking wrote.

Fuck. The original fucken conversation you fucken jumped in on fucken implied exactly that. Fuck me. Fuck. Farrrrrrrk.

And no. Getting penalised doesn't equal being accused of cheating. Fuck no. If it did, then the Wallabies were the biggest cheats on the weekend given the fucken peanlty count.

I mean fuck. Fuck me. Fuck it. Fuck this shit. Faaaarrrrrrrrkkkkk?!?!

Do I seem suitably outraged yet?


Phil Hardcastle (33)
and those of his important relatives. works best with a slight sicilian accent

Offering the kiss of death may, however, be misconstrued. Similarly any throat cutting gestures may be simply thought off as a (late) part of the haka and not given due consideration by the referee.


Peter Sullivan (51)
Offering the kiss of death may, however, be misconstrued. Similarly any throat cutting gestures may be simply thought off as a (late) part of the haka and not given due consideration by the referee.
not if you actually slit a throat !
(preferably one of your own team, shows you mean business:))
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