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Waratahs 2012

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Michael Lynagh (62)
2011 is over fellas let it go.

Also I love that the youngest (I think) is being the most mature here.

I fail to see how coming back with a passive aggressive attack is being mature. Being mature is saying:

"Fellas, enough of that. Just watch your team and enjoy your rugby, especially with the test season approaching." Which is what should've been said. For the record, saying stuff like #1 Tah is just continuing the shit storm, hardly mature.

RR may have said something smart, but qwerty and #1 Tah definitely were there picking arguments as well. All three just needed to be told to let it be and move on.

All in the Days of Our G&GR!


Michael Lynagh (62)
The ironing is delicious...

Nothing wrong with freshly ironed clothes. It's winter and I like the warmth. But I wouldn't call them delicious. Don't eat clothes, myself.

Besides, you never seen a hypocrite before?


Greg Davis (50)
Bringing it back to the tahsin 2012, it's going to be great to see the reds arrogance of there dancing and prancing and there over the top fans brought down a notch or two when the local derby gets a decent ref and the tahs run riot again.


The old referee gag hey?

I didn't think things were going that bad for the Tahs..


Bill Watson (15)
Well to try and put this pointless debate to bed, tries dont exactly translate to entertainment value..
Otherwise the Chiefs 75 - 67 Lions (2010) would be regarded the most entertaining match in the comps history.

That was actually a fairly entertaining game.
Anywho.... Now to a argument from a few pages back. Now that Phil has gone and Rocky is LIKELY to sign for 2012.
List of Tah captains in order of MY preference...
1. Rocky. (if he fits seamlessly back into the setup)
2. TPN. (IF he can stay healthy for 3+ games in a row)
3. Mitchell (part of the TAH leadership group)
4. BB (If he ever plays again....)
5. Mumm. (If all of the above are injured...)


Peter Fenwicke (45)
That was actually a fairly entertaining game.
Anywho.... Now to a argument from a few pages back. Now that Phil has gone and Rocky is LIKELY to sign for 2012.
List of Tah captains in order of MY preference...
1. Rocky. (if he fits seamlessly back into the setup)
2. TPN. (IF he can stay healthy for 3+ games in a row)
3. Mitchell (part of the TAH leadership group)
4. BB (If he ever plays again....)
5. Mumm. (If all of the above are injured...)

Realistically I would have TC quite high up that pecking order. He's in the leadership group, has minimal time out for injury, seems to hold a large amount of respect among the team. Obviously he's not been in gold but does that/should that preclude provincial captaincy?


John Thornett (49)
Surley Dean Mumm will be captain? He had that job for most of the season anyway.
I doubt Rocky (if he signs) will be given the job, it'd be strange a new player getting the gig.

For me it will be out of Mumm and Berrick Barnes (wasn't he wallaby VC at one stage?)


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Rocky's not a new player. He's already captained the side in 2007. He came back to the Wallabies and was given the captaincy straight away.


Greg Davis (50)
I agree with with the qwert, there is no shame in rocky being captain should he sign with the tahs. He has been there before, he has already captained and he is the national captain.

As I mentioned before to, if rocky is back, mumm is fighting it out for a lock spot with Douglas, Vickerman, Timani and co. He isn't a gauranteed starter.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Would like to see how TPN goes as captain, if he is given a chance. Think he would be a better captain than Mumm. Mitchell is at long odds; you rarely see wingers as captains. Coaches prefer the captains to be closer to the action, where they can get into the refs ear when needed. This is normally a good thing, unless you prescribe to the Stephen Hoiles school of ref management.

Utility Back

Surley Dean Mumm will be captain? He had that job for most of the season anyway.
I doubt Rocky (if he signs) will be given the job, it'd be strange a new player getting the gig.

For me it will be out of Mumm and Berrick Barnes (wasn't he wallaby VC at one stage?)

If its a new coach, he may be after a new structure as well to put the club heading the way he wants, so it wouldnt suprise me if rocky is named captain if he has no previous connection.
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