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Wallaby Watch 2014

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Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Sad day for Moore. Don't think we'll lose much in the Wallabies though with TPN and Charles to fill in. Will be good to see Charles get a chance at this level. Probably will have more impact on the Brumbies, unfortunately, if he's (Moore) out for some time.


John Solomon (38)
Rodney Blake was a useless fat fuck.

Skelton probably needs another year to be a starting test player but don't question his hunger or commitment. Link isn't.

Bloody hell mate, you get away with rule 1 on this forum a lot (playing the man not the ball) I guess that "useless fat fuck" played a lot more top level rugby (and did some good things) than you could even dream of. Pull ya fucking head in!!!!


Michael Lynagh (62)
Moore is out for up to 12 months, according to news I saw this morning. Requires a full reconstruction. Poor guy.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Moore is out for up to 12 months, according to news I saw this morning. Requires a full reconstruction. Poor guy.

A real blow, though I wonder if he will come back as captain. In the time he played I thought the team looked a bit directionless, and his ref management was questionable, don't think he said a word to Joubert the whole time he was on.


Trevor Allan (34)
Squeak out for the year is very fucking troubling. He's one of the few wallabies you'd select hands down over his AB counterpart in an ANZAC XV (a useful exercise I find). I suppose TPN comes in to start, Charles the bench spot (well deserved too). With Carter's ankle injury (thank goodness it's not serious) I'd suggest the conservative move is to bring Horwill back into the XV with Jones or Skelton on the bench, probably Jones. That'd probably make sense given you're losing some experience and leadership in the pack without squeak. A ballsy approach would be Jones in to start. I suppose I would be fine with either.


Mark Ella (57)
A real blow, though I wonder if he will come back as captain. In the time he played I thought the team looked a bit directionless, and his ref management was questionable, don't think he said a word to Joubert the whole time he was on.

Are you joking Barbarian? Moore was on the field for about 10mins of game play. It's hard to judge a Captain over one game let alone 10mins.


Trevor Allan (34)
Enough boys, settle.

I thought Sam Carter was a terrific contributor last night. I have rated him for a while. He has been doing all the same grinding, get in there and do the shitters type work that initially got Horwill (2008) and Simmons (2011/12) selected but I wondered whether he would have the physical presence to be a long term Wallaby option. He went some way to silencing those doubts, though the opposition was pretty pathetic. Hopefully his ankle isn't serious and we see more of him throughout the year. He seems like a guy that could be in and around the national set up for fair while, certainly worth investing in. With his ankle though, the more I think about it, against a weak french side I think you have to use the opportunity to try and let Horwill show whether his body is capable of performing at the level his heart/mind obviously wants it to (I think similarly about Higginbotham). Let him try and regain some form and blood Skelton and Jones off the bench over the next two tests.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
OK that's enough now. Penguin if you have a problem with a post then report it to the mods.

Any more back-and-forth will be deleted.

Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Horwill was pedestrian in his 20 minutes the French try was scored with him as the nearest piller, caught napping. He has been so all year, Link has to continue to go on form rather then reputation. Jones to start skelton bench


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Horwill was pedestrian in his 20 minutes the French try was scored with him as the nearest piller, caught napping. He has been so all year, Link has to continue to go on form rather then reputation. Jones to start skelton bench

I can't understand the flack Horwill has copped for his performance. He missed a tackle, but his work around the rucks and mauls was fantastic. Clearing out with real aggression. He needs to remain in the squad for sure. Happy for Jones to start, but Kev deserves to be there for sure.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Horwill was pedestrian in his 20 minutes the French try was scored with him as the nearest piller, caught napping. He has been so all year, Link has to continue to go on form rather then reputation. Jones to start skelton bench

Nah I think Horwill can stay in the XXIII - having two debutants in the same game in the same position might present risk


Mark Ella (57)
I think there is much more to see from the French. They lacked the fundamentals and looked pretty lost all over. A lot of that is probably from spending such little time together so the more time they have together the better they are going to be. They made some plays early on and some put in some nice inside balls that looked threatening.

I really hope we don't take them too lightly now and continue to build on a good performance.

Train Without a Station

Anybody knocking Horwill's performance, and performances as pedestrian, useless, etc. clearly doesn't understand the concept of balance in a pack, or what the locks role is.

I'd be certain the same people called for Skelton or jones over Carter.

Sometimes the players you notice more aren't necessarily the best. As a lock that's especially true. In the wallabies for jones and Skelton to employ their impact running, a better running back rower would need to do their "shitter" work.

I'd go as far to say that neither of those players have shown anything to indicate they are test LOCKS.

They've both shown great potential, and in Jones' case consistency. But neither have done it doing the unglamorous they need to for the wallabies.
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