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Wallabies Watch

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Jim Lenehan (48)
I'm pretty sure this is the consensus, but I just have to reaffirm that Horwill is the BEST lock in Australia and close to the best in the southern hemisphere. There is no way he won't be lock for the Wallabies.


I'm pretty sure the consensus from this thread is that there are only three guaranteed starters: Moore, Horwill and Genia.

TPN will probably get the nod though. Moore was outstanding last year as well. I would suggest that only Genia, Horwill and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) are nailed on selections. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) has been playing well last few games but more importantly, he's the only 13 with any real test experience.


Dick Tooth (41)
What about Robbie Coleman? Think he is the only Brumby you haven't named there. Poor bastard might feel a bit left out.

So, I say that I think Mogg, Lealiifano, Mowen and Fardy should be in the mix, and suddenly i'm biased and Robbie Coleman is the ONLY player i've failed to mention for a Wallabies spot?

This coming from a guy who's championing someone who's played what, 6 games of professional rugby?


Arch Winning (36)
Who to partner Horwill in the 2nd row?! Douglas is a good option, Timani is just too lazy despite his big hit every 2nd game.

As at end Rd 6;

George Smith,,mins 229,tackles 39,offloads 6, runs, 27,run metres 140, linebreaks 1,try assists 0, rucks mauls 23 turnovers 3, missed tackles 3
Sitaleki Timani,, mins 210, tackles 23, offloads1, runs 31, run metres 176, linebreaks 1, try assists 0, rucks mauls 30 turnovers 4, missed tackles 2

Slow, maybe, lazy, no. In fact he has one of the highest workrates in the comp.


Was this written tongue in cheek? Is Folau already notorious for losing possession? After 6 games?

he's certainly shown handling skill that are better than most rugby players in the country. Learning how and when to ensure you retain possession in the contact is one skill that you have to learn on the job.

6 games into the season he's made a big impression on me.

Yeah my post was tongue in cheek. I was making the point that a lot of players have weaknesses and to overlook Mogg on the basis that he may be defensively frail is not consistent with other test selection. Folau's ability to break tackles is quite amazing. He does appear to get turned over a bit when he goes to deck probably from poor ball placement (and lack of support). Very easily fixed. He's not a good kicker and looks a like a charge down magnet. If we put Ioane in the back 3 for Oz, I'm not sure if we could carry another non-kicking back 3 player.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Lets not turn the thread into one big F U fest over a few lines. Bias exists but nobody is trying to call good players crap.

ACT Crusader

Jim Lenehan (48)
Petty provincialism indeed. To put your post in context, this is what I wrote:

I would suggest your first post above is far more sniping and stirring. You're pretty quick to go all provincial BaaBaa.

Barbarian is pretty level headed when it comes to some of the rabid provincialism on here.

For what it's worth I'd pick Lilo at 10 or 12 doesn't really matter where, he just needs to be out there.

Scott Allen

Trevor Allan (34)
TPN will probably get the nod though. Moore was outstanding last year as well. I would suggest that only Genia, Horwill and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) are nailed on selections. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) has been playing well last few games but more importantly, he's the only 13 with any real test experience.

I just had the same conversation with Timmsy on the Podslam - he also said TPN will start.

I can't believe that will happen - it would be a joke given the form Moore is in. But then again, given recent Wallaby selections I might be wrong again.

Train Without a Station

Palu is class, not sure Mowen is.

I think you are being pretty kind there Baa Baa. How long has it been since Palu has strung together a decent season of games? Had a few good Super games last year, a few good Test games, missed a lot. He's had a few seasons like that then a couple of decent End of Year Tours. Kefu is class. Palu, whilst a good player, you would struggle to get a lot of people to agree he has lived up to his own potential... Especially in Gold.

Train Without a Station

I just had the same conversation with Timmsy on the Podslam - he also said TPN will start.

I can't believe that will happen - it would be a joke given the form Moore is in. But then again, given recent Wallaby selections I might be wrong again.

It would be a joke for TPN to get the #16. He's been below his best since about 2010/2011.


As at end Rd 6;

George Smith,,mins 229,tackles 39,offloads 6, runs, 27,run metres 140, linebreaks 1,try assists 0, rucks mauls 23 turnovers 3, missed tackles 3
Sitaleki Timani,, mins 210, tackles 23, offloads1, runs 31, run metres 176, linebreaks 1, try assists 0, rucks mauls 30 turnovers 4, missed tackles 2

Slow, maybe, lazy, no. In fact he has one of the highest workrates in the comp.

His work rate is about been normal this season compared to most players except for the Force game where he his tackle count was v good. He hasn't played many minutes. Why is that? Injury?

Where did you get these stats from btw? Smith get about 3 turnovers a much so those figures are way off. There's no way Timani has forced more turnovers than Smith. Smith had 46 tackles after 227 mins (3 games).


Arch Winning (36)
oh and a further clarification that data was to rnd 6 so force game wasn't included, Timani made 12 tackles, but only 2 runs and 3 rucks mauls over 57 mins in tha game, if anything I'd say that was quiet for him.

My point re Timani is a bit like my point for Foley, it is easy to underestimate players impact when they aren't being flashy, its a pet thing of mine, I believe successful teams have hard workers who achieve. Timani is weird because he just seems to pace himself, never looks like hes rushing, yet he is usually there to be counted.

It's a bit of a segue, but I remember being astonished the first time I saw Steve McDowell live. Always thought he was a clean player till then, but some of the upper cuts I saw once the camera was elsewhere... Maybe it was a bad day but I think the point is fair, we often miss the work done off the ball or in D.
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