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Wallabies vs Wales, Sunday Dec 4

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Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
PS - As for the Oz team:

• 10. JOC (James O'Connor) - I thought Deans would play him at flyhalf just for the Baas game but he's obviously setting him up to be an alternate to Cooper and Barnes in the future. With Beale now a permanent fullback and two injuries in a 22 from playing flyhalf, it makes sense. I hope JOC (James O'Connor) switches to 12 in the game sometimes as that is his destiny IMO - and he has been saying for a couple of years now that's where he wants to play.

If one of the outside backs gets injured though I think he will take their place. This is one reason I wrote that I thought Tapuai would not tour but that Morahan would.

• 6. Higgers - I hope he takes his chance in both hands as this will be a hard grinding match and I have noticed him shining more in the loose. Dennis hardly set the world on fire at 8 last week so Higgers deserves his chance in the test match. Play hard though son.

• 2. TPN - I have no clue why Moore isn't starting unless Moore has a long standing niggle that should be not be exposed to playing most of the game.

• 3. Ma'afu - Is this a belated expression of interest in a person other than Alexander as the regular THP and that therefore Kepu is a chance there too, when fit? Woop-de-doo. Is Dingo reading G & G?

• 1. Slipper - extract the digit - you are better than that.

• 5. Simmons - it wasn't a test match and it was from the bench, but it was the best game I saw young Rob play for the Wobs last week. More of the same son.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Ahh Lee, you forget that the Wallabies aren't just any team. They're Australian, they'll punch above their weight just like SK Warne :D

Mr Doug

Dick Tooth (41)
Have had a full week with 4am starts so haven't viewed the previuous pages on this thread. Slightly off-topic, but are we up to six players unavailable for this test match because of hamstring problems? A mate of mine (and fellow Reds supporter), is a highly regarded Osteopath here on the Gold Coast. A couple of months ago he said that Australia's "hammie" problems would continue until the ARU replaces their Physios with Osteopaths! According to him, many hamstring problems originate in the player's back. They are obviously doing something wrong.
I didn't ever have hammie problems in 16 years of playing rugby, but tore the same one twice water-skiing, (by failing to stretch and warm up correctly)! Any comments from medicos, personal trainers, or "gym junkies"?!!


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Has been reported before that Horne's hamstring troubles coming from his back
Why doesn't he just touch his toes for a minute every day when getting in & out of bed? Or does he already?
Think Mitchell's problem were probably more due to rushing back from his ankle and atrophy when he was laid up.


Trevor Allan (34)
Yeah, you're mate is an urban voodoo witch doctor and has no place claiming to be more qualified than a physiotherapist, he isn't.
Maybe that was a bit harsh, Osteopaths provide a useful service, I have used them myself on occasion, and there is definitely value in that perspective of his, however in all honesty to infer that physios don't understand neural origins of hamstring injury, or don't actively treat that possibility, is just silly. Hamstring problems will continue to hang around like a bad smell even if the best clinicians in the world up and attach themselves to our game, simply because with the volume of work these guys are subject to, the nature of the game/training, the fact that not everyone can be treated and educated in prevention from an early age, and simple bad luck sometimes. The issue is a perpetual one and cannot be solved with any quick fix, and never 100%...especially not by an osteopath

Hope that answers your question.


Peter Sullivan (51)
Yeah, you're mate is an urban voodoo witch doctor and has no place claiming to be more qualified than a physiotherapist, he isn't.
Maybe that was a bit harsh, Osteopaths provide a useful service, I have used them myself on occasion, and there is definitely value in that perspective of his, however in all honesty to infer that physios don't understand neural origins of hamstring injury, or don't actively treat that possibility, is just silly. Hamstring problems will continue to hang around like a bad smell even if the best clinicians in the world up and attach themselves to our game, simply because with the volume of work these guys are subject to, the nature of the game/training, the fact that not everyone can be treated and educated in prevention from an early age, and simple bad luck sometimes. The issue is a perpetual one and cannot be solved with any quick fix, and never 100%...especially not by an osteopath

Hope that answers your question.

I remember going to an Osteopath, it was something different but it had no lasting effect anymore than the physio. A guy I knew who was an Army nurse said about my Osteopath appointment "Did he give you any tea leaves with that treatment?". Obviously some are not real keen on alternatives to traditional medicine. I take my Physios advice of regular stretching & plenty of recovery to protect yourself from injury in the first place as the best thing to do. I've done this hamstring pendulum exercise, I've found its pretty good for hamstrings, maybe Horne needs to do some of those. For me its my calves that cop it, need to do more calf raises & stretches!


Andrew Slack (58)
Have had a full week with 4am starts so haven't viewed the previuous pages on this thread. Slightly off-topic, but are we up to six players unavailable for this test match because of hamstring problems? A mate of mine (and fellow Reds supporter), is a highly regarded Osteopath here on the Gold Coast. A couple of months ago he said that Australia's "hammie" problems would continue until the ARU replaces their Physios with Osteopaths! According to him, many hamstring problems originate in the player's back. They are obviously doing something wrong.
I didn't ever have hammie problems in 16 years of playing rugby, but tore the same one twice water-skiing, (by failing to stretch and warm up correctly)! Any comments from medicos, personal trainers, or "gym junkies"?!!

The Osteapaths will say the Physios are doing a crap job who will blame the chiropractors who will blame the osteopaths and so on. Age old debate.

Some problems require a different discipline. i went to an Osteo once. Worst thing I could ever have done.

But my wife had a back issue fixed by one so it all depends.

As for Chiropractors? Half the time they are too bloody scared to get stuck in enough.


Peter Johnson (47)
My favourite quote on this topic is by Tim Minchin from his song Storm.
"Alternative Medicine has either yet to be proven to work or has been proven not to work.
You know what they call alternative medicine that has been proven to work? Medicine."


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
Mixed feelings here. A Oesteopath basically got me moving enough to work and do Pilates and yoga to strengthen my back. It's thanks to him that I can work and exercise today. I can never thank him enough.
But to think that professional sportsman aren't already getting the best possible care or doing basic stretches on a regular basis is misguided.
Players like Horne with ongoing issues have health plans in place to manage these problems. But sometimes when you're pushing that hard no plan can help you.
We all remember players who's talent exceeded there physical development. Sadly many of them spend their careers perpetually broken.

Sent using Tapatalk on a very old phone


Stan Wickham (3)

Its woo, but like any form of "laying on of hands" it can make you feel better.

I'll be watching the game on the BBC and I think the Welsh have a strong chance of turning us over - they are much stronger at home, they just need the mental edge and that appears to be coming through Warburtons captaincy; he's afraid of nothing and no team. Preistland is very good, and thier pack has a cohesion about it in the last year or so that ours rarely achieves. They act and play as a single organism.

Any way thats my thoughts (put it down to my snapped achilles - it can get you down a bit).



Peter Burge (5)
When I look at the Wales side and work out the players missing from their starting team they would like to have: 13. J. Davies, 9. M. Phillips, 4. L. Charteris and 3. A. Jones are missing.

4 players - that would be a dream for Oz who are missing from their RWC first choice run-on team 15. Beale, 11. Mitchell, 12. McCabe, 10. Cooper, 8. Palu, 6. Elsom, 5. D. Vickerman and 1. Kepu. Add in our best LHP, B. Robinson who never made it to the RWC if you like.

Sure some would say that so and so shouldn't have been starting in the RWC, but Deans picked them; and Palu and Mitchell got injured in the pool games, so they shouldn't count.

My point is that our team is seriously compromised - and not least on the bench because many of our regular reserves will be starting or are injured themselves. It looks a bit like the 22 who played against Samoa before 3N. That game didn't turn out too well IIRR.

Therefore claims that we are going to win by heaps are over the top. Wales played their worst game by far in the "Bronze medal" game and we shouldn't hope that they play or kick at goal that poorly again. Yet they still got close, albeit with a Williams try that owed a lot to a forward pass. Plus they have two lads who didn't play against us: 10. Priestland and 7. Warburton.

Wales are missing quite a few more than that. AWJ for starters. Matthew Rees who is on the bench is still coming back to form. Hooky possibly would have been in the centre with JD injured. Our 2nd/3rd choice tightheads are out along with Adam Jones. Also, a lot of these players haven't played for a while and were doubts to make this game because of injury.

I think both teams are in a similar position where it suits to start building competition for places and depth around the squad. I'm just hoping Wales will continue with the same attitude as the RWC. I'm looking forward to watching both Oz and Wales build on their very young squads over the next couple of years especially as they are looking like being capable of being the most attack orientated teams in rugby.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Cross out Charteris and put in AWJ ( who was on the bench in our last game) then if you are talking about starting players - you can't have 3 locks starting. And if you are talking about players missing from the bench we can match you there too. We demand underdog status.

There won't be too many tears here that THP Adam Jones can't play for Wales when our best LHP, Robinson, didn't even make the RWC because of his operation and our best THP in Super Rugby last year, Kepu, who had to play LHP for Oz in the RWC because Robinson was crocked, is back at home with him. No tears at all.

You are right though that other players from both teams will get a chance to shine. That is the good thing about injuries.

I only wish we did not have so much goodness. The last time we had it that good and had 8 players missing (though most of them were by choice as part of a RWC trial) we lost to Samoa.


Phil Hardcastle (33)
Shane Williams in tears during the welsh anthem. I think we might be in for a shock here. Also, fuck every album smokes ours.
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