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Wales vs Australia, 5 November 2016, (1:30am 6 November AEDT) @ Millenium Stadium


Trevor Allan (34)
Nah, he got through a lot of good work in the second half.....

I wouldn't see any changes to the pack for the next test.

In the backline however Speight was noticeably quiet, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him benched.

He didn't really get much ball though, and he wasn't lacking for enthusiasm. Plus he was around in support fairly often. Be pretty harsh to drop him for simply not receiving the ball in dangerous places.


Michael Lynagh (62)
646m to 245m

Tells the story

Lot to like about this game from the wallabies. And the good part is yes they should have scored more points but for unforced errors. Arnold and Coleman had excellent work rate - in fact whole back 5 played well and did not lose much when Fardy / Simmons came on. Yes lack of dominant scrum when replacement props came on somewhat a concern, but too many positives to focus on that too much.

How often have we lauded our backline! .....yet must say solid performance from all...best go forward i have seen from Kuridrani for a long time so took his chances well. And yes the much maligned Phipps-Foley....how good were they both with option taking. Also particularly liked how Folau and DHP played together as when either made a break always seem one was just inside them backing up. I did not see much of Speight but commentators praised him so means I probably just did not see the good stuff he did when had the ball. I guess on the flipside I did not see any mistakes from him.

But most of all the speed of passes and slickness of those passes - especially in first half is best I have seen from the Wallabies. Mick Bryne influence starting to shine through.

Pity not on FTA as many missed a cracker of a game from the Wallabies


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
Nah, he got through a lot of good work in the second half.....

I wouldn't see any changes to the pack for the next test.

In the backline however Speight was noticeably quiet, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him benched.
To be fair to Speight every other back had a blinder. Makes it hard to look good.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
Lack of dominance after the reserve props came on? We weren't great before the reserve props came on.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
^^ Our bench fatties weren't entirely outplayed.

There were a couple of good shunts late in the game where our bench front row destroyed the Boyos. One of then resulted in a win against the head IIRC.

The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
Great game last night.

My only complaint is what is wrong with rugby media in this country?? I can watch the hopeless hobos v the diabolical dumbum in Indian soccer... I can watch European handball....but I can't watch the all blacks or any other rugby on fox...wtf???

And I have to watch the wallabies on bellin on channel 515... Almost had a stroke because I was up and couldn't find the rugby!! What's the world coming to??

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Michael Lynagh (62)
Coleman and Arnold locking themselves in at the top for 3-2-1's regardless what happens next half.

Everyone else can battle it out for 1 point. They've both been brutal. I wonder who'll play 80

Yes I like Coleman and Arnold combination - and now more than ever after Arnold's performance tonight, but I also like Simmons off the bench as well. In fairness to Simmons his workrate has improved in last 2 games and good bench as we know where in past we have fallen down.


Trevor Allan (34)
Great game last night.

My only complaint is what is wrong with rugby media in this country?? I can watch the hopeless hobos v the diabolical dumbum in Indian soccer. I can watch European handball..but I can't watch the all blacks or any other rugby on fox.wtf???

And I have to watch the wallabies on bellin on channel 515. Almost had a stroke because I was up and couldn't find the rugby!! What's the world coming to??

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
*shrug* They bought the rights and offer an affordable service, direct stream or through fox. Pundits were even alright. Just a little adjusting needed.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
It was announced at the start of the year that beIN had the rights to the Spring tour............

I was quite happy with the service last night - the stream from their website was far better quality than Foxtel Play and I didn't have to put up with any of their docile presenters.

The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
*shrug* They bought the rights and offer an affordable service, direct stream or through fox. Pundits were even alright. Just a little adjusting needed.

That's may be ok, but the amount of rugby played and surely the interest v other sports would have been high. U know 7 channels of soccer....really!! What a cop out

No complaint about the commentary or service.... Just pissed at rugby's non existence in this country. No coverage or replays of any rugby today....

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A win is a win...but Wales were pretty dire for most of the game and Australia seemed to switch off in the second half. Its something we see too often, 20-30 minutes of good play then the accuracy and intent seems to drift away. I wonder if its partly a captaincy issue?

Foley was MoM for mine, DHP benefited from weaker opposition and is gaining in confidence, Folau was much better - but again the weaker oppositon helped.

Arnold & Coleman good, the TK better, but still needs to lift his intensity, it felt to me like Hooper and Pocock both had fairly quiet games.I thought Timani was strong, sometimes his ball security still seems a little iffy.

Plenty to build on and Scotland will present a chance to polish some of the edges and increase the % of the game they stay switched on. They will certainly need to go up a few gears to compete with Ireland if they can maintain the form which saw them bring the AB's record run to an end.

The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
Thought the 4 & 5 had great games. First time since the great brothers duo of McCall and Eales, that I have good confidence in the second row. Liked the 8 and thought all the forwards that started were positive and doing their jobs.

Possible weakness imo the replacements that came on we're chalk n cheese to the starters. The momentum from the starters where the gain line was breached time n time again was not as evident by the replacements.

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Billy Sheehan (19)
Must have missed it in the build up but where was Gatland?

Isn't he contracted for The Boyos until the next RWC?

Good performance by the Men in Gold, but on 90% possession in the first half, they should have scored a lot more points than they did.

Loved the impact and work rate of Coleman and Arnold.

Did not miss the Foxtel Commentary Team, even though Brian Moore is a bit of a miserable bugger. Justin Harrison was good in the analysis booth at Oranges and after the game, but who designed that set? Looks like something left over from Countdown.

Arnold = Wobs MOM, Foley, Coleman on 2 points, Hooper, Hodge, DHP on 1 point.
Brian moore is in a famous youtube clip where he loses his rag whilst commentating on a match and the producer then clicks him off air which is very audible. Moores commentary buddy is heard pissing himself with laughter.

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Colin Windon (37)
One specific thing I noticed early on about the welsh defence was that they are committed to trying to hold the ball up in literally every tackle in the interior of the field. I know this practice is commonplace now (I think it caused us trouble against Ireland in 2011) but I think it costs them in that it detracts from their ability to stop us at or before the gainline. So in addition to all of those early phases where we made a clean 2 metres, there were dozens of others where our backs and back rowers were able to move forward at the start of the next phase because Wales were going backwards as part of their hold-up strategy.

Leaving aside that their outer defence was shitty also, part of us looking so good was all the front foot ball we had.


Peter Johnson (47)
If we can take anything from a pretty poor 2016 its that Cheika has somehow identified a handful of blokes that look to have a long future at test level.

- Love what I'm seeing from Coleman, Timani and Arnold in the forwards. All big, physical guys that catch and pass, and are regularly winning the collision. Coleman reminds my of an early career James Horwill. Arnold and Timani I'm slightly not 100% sold on, but if they can carry on from here, I could see them being key squad members up to he next world cup.

DHP looks like he was born to be a test player. I thought he was brilliant and probably deserved at least 2 tries against wales. His work under the high ball was exceptional. I'm ok with the odd box kick if our wingers are going to contest in the air like DHP did last night.

- Shout out to Frisby for a stellar try saving tackle at the end, which really prevented any chance Wales might have had of mounting a comeback. I'm still not sold that he's capable of being a great text level 9 (in the short time he was on the field I thought he gave slower service than Phipps) but with that said that tackle was a clutch play, something i'd like to see more of from him.

If I was to pick a weak link in the 15 at the moment I'd have to say its Speight. I don't think he's quite found his feet since coming back the 15 man game. He's constantly getting found out positionally. It really killed us against the All Blacks and then again last night we were put under pressure. That said, there is no denying he's talented enough to be in the side, I just think he's not quite there yet.


Mark Ella (57)

Locks = superb. Finally a solid combination.
Foley = I have been a long term critic but I think best performance in a wallaby jersey so far, even better then England for me given his passing and setting up outside backs was on point.
Phipps I think also did well but so did Frisby off the bench
Kuridrani = immense. So much go forward and leg drive.
Folau = out of his form slump
DHP = bombed that try, but saved another, and high ball skills were sensational.
Hooper = his usual self, leadership is getting better too.
Timani = def one of my new fav players. Love a hard hitting 8.
Hodge = superb defence and great on attack, has a long future in the 12 jersey.