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Tri Nations Game 4 South Africa v Australia - Saturday 13 August 2011 - 3N2011

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Andrew Slack (58)
Great post Blue...

I really hope SA with their best players on the park play their traditional, hard, up the guts fearsome rugby they are renowned for. Because while I love free-flowing rugby, I also like the fact that rugby is a game that has different approaches and this separates our game from many others. SA traditionally play a different game to both New Zealand and us, and this could e for a myriad of reasons; including cultural, geographical, philosophical however it is these differences which make SA such a fantastic rival, and inclusion in Super rugby and the Tri Nations.

True, which is why I bite my tongue when people started criticizing the way SA teams play because it's pointless trying to explain something that grew up with. We like it. You don't have to :) Same rules, rectangle, very different approach. Even within the provinces the game is approached very differently and has evolved differently but I won't bore you with the detail.


John Eales (66)
That's fair enough Blue. Yours is the same argument I use against people (mainly from the NH) who criticise Australian rugby for being less about the set piece and the rolling maul. Running rugby is what we are born to do and what our conditions are ideal for. We generally don't play in muddy bogs, where running flat out gets you nowhere. I love the way our successful teams have played in the last 30+ years and wouldn't change it. I imagine I'd feel differentlty if I'd grown up in England or South Africa.


Colin Windon (37)
I'll take ugly because when it's done right it's a thing of beauty :)

Isn't it just. There are few things more beautiful than a pack grinding over from the corner and spitting the bones of the opposition out as they jog back to half-way while the conversion is taken. :D


Colin Windon (37)
Havent watch any CC except friday night when Griquas beat the Sharks. it was all about Interschools in Paarl this week and still celebrating. Havent even watched the All Blacks dismantling the Wallabies.

Hoe het dié klein BloedworsBeretBoertjie gespeel? ;)


Colin Windon (37)
Incidentally, I am really interested in this game; because (not hugely surprisingly, when you consider Oom Gert), we play a rather similar style to the Bokke in many ways. Certainly, the use of the lineout as an attacking fulcrum is a shared feature. If pinging the corners and going for the Wallaby lineout pays dividends, it's something that will definitely be noted for the RWC pool match.


Andrew Slack (58)
Incidentally, I am really interested in this game; because (not hugely surprisingly, when you consider Oom Gert), we play a rather similar style to the Bokke in many ways. Certainly, the use of the lineout as an attacking fulcrum is a shared feature. If pinging the corners and going for the Wallaby lineout pays dividends, it's something that will definitely be noted for the RWC pool match.

Well I think it's no secret that you guys target the Aussie pack and will fancy your back row to take the spoils. Mind you the way your fatties played against England last year, you will have Deans very worried.


Rod McCall (65)
Hoe het dié klein BloedworsBeretBoertjie gespeel? ;)

Hulle het skoonskip gemaak. KleinGim se eerste span hokkie seuns en meisies het 1-0 gewen, rugby in gietende reen 8-5 in seker die beste U13 rugby wedstryd wat ek nog ooit gesien het. Klein Boishaai het vier Cravenweek u13 spelers ingevoer die jaar maar hulle het nog gedink hulle speel teen Limpopo en glad nie rekening gehou met die KleinGim boertjies nie. Die grootste een het nog gedink hy hardloop bo oor ons toe tekkel die st4 hakertjie die kak uit hom uit en net daar het daai laaities gespeel of hulle lewe daarvan afhang. Groot Gim se seuns hokkie en rugby het teen alle verwagtinge gewen. Die seuns hokkie het net 4 matrieks gehad in hul span, twee st8s en die res st9s met net een Boland speler. Boishaai was gepak met 9 Boland spelers en toe stof ons hul dream team 1-0 af. Die rugby was hulle die oorweldigende gunsteling. Hulle is nr2 in die SA Top20 skole wat Gim nie eens haal nie. Hulle is nou 2de in die Paarl ook en het ek lanklaas so baie bitter GalPille gesien as saterdag. Gim het met 'n klomp st9s hulle lekker afgestof 22-19 en heel game voor geloop. Seker die lekkerste interskole wat ek nog belewe het.


Peter Sullivan (51)
Allez les gars, les règles permettent non anglais avec parcimonie, mais ce passage de la ligne.

Non pas que je ne pense pas que l'afrikaans est une langue belle et éloquent ...


Rod McCall (65)
Allez les gars, les règles permettent non anglais avec parcimonie, mais ce passage de la ligne.

Non pas que je ne pense pas que l'afrikaans est une langue belle et éloquent ...
Sorry Boet , only me and Thomo about our Interschools, you Tube probably will explain better.[video=youtube;r7J1QSaQmwA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7J1QSaQmwA&feature=share[/video]


Peter Fenwicke (45)
I had no idea how big it was, no wonder you're so into it, Paarl! Must be the biggest thing in a kid's life to get a cap for their school.

Some of those Paarl women didn't look half bad too, you've got it good!


Rod McCall (65)
I had no idea how big it was, no wonder you're so into it, Paarl! Must be the biggest thing in a kid's life to get a cap for their school.

Some of those Paarl women didn't look half bad too, you've got it good!

Ja my BloedworsBeretBoertjie have two caps for Paarl Gym. We had 20,000 in on saturday for the main match despite being live on national TV. Our Old boys matches drew 12,000 last week wednesday.


Rod McCall (65)
One of my good mates is from Stellenbosch and he's mentioned how big schools rugby and cricket are there.
Boet I honestly dont want to bore you lot with our schoolboy sport. paarl Gym and Boishaai is the biggest schoolboy rivalry in SA and probably in world rugby. The thing that makes it very unique is that it torn the town in two. You'll find many boys from parents going to Boishaaioi and his sister in Paarl Gym and the family cut in two during the build up. We live, work, party in the same bubble. The great thing about this is that you only have the saturday after the game bragging rights abiout your win, sunday we all go to church and from then on we start talking about who will take next years interschools.

This is the results going back since when.
1915: Boys' High won 10-0
1916: Gim won 7-5
1917: Gim won 3-0
1918: Gim won 3-0
1919: Gim won 9-0
1920: Gim won 20-0
1921: Draw 6-6
1922: Draw 3-3
1923: Boys' High won 3-0
1924: Boys' High won 13-5
1925: Boys' High won 7-3
1926: Boys' High won 6-5
1927: Gim won 5-3
1928: No match
1929: Draw 3-3
1930: Boys' High won 5-3
1931: Gim won 6-0
1932: Gim won 7-3
1933: Boys' High won 3-0
1934: Boys' High won 5-4
1935: Draw 0-0
1936: Gim won 11-6
1937: Gim won 5-3
1938: Gim won 5-3
1939: Gim won 9-8
1940: Draw 3-3
1941: Gim won 6-0
1942: Draw 0-0
1943: Gim won 9-6
1944: Boys' High won 6-0
1945: Boys' High won 14-6
1946: Draw 3-3
1947: Boys' High won 8-3
1948: Draw 3-3
1949: Gim won 9-3
1950: Boys' High won 6-3
1951: Boys' High won 6-0
1952: Boys' High won 11-0
1953: Boys' High won 6-5
1956: Gim won 6-3
1957: Gim won 5-3
1958: Gim won 11-0
1959: Boys' High won 11-3
1960: Gim won 9-3
1961: Boys' High won 6-0
1962: Boys' High won 6-0
1963: Boys' High won 8-0
1964: Gim won 9-8
1965: Gim won 11-0
1966: Gim won 8-0
1967: Gim won 8-6
1968: Gim won 3-0
1969: Boys' High won 8-5
1970: Gim won 19-8
1971: Boys' High won 11-6
1972: Boys' High won 6-3
1973: Boys' High won 19-6
1974: Gim won 9-3
1975: Boys' High won 3-0
1976: Gim won 8-6
1977: Boys' High won 15-6
1978: Gim won 13-10
1979: Gim won 12-6
1980: Gim won 9-3
1981: Gim won 12-0
1982: Boys' High won 16-15
1983: Gim won 15-6
1984: Gim won 10-4
1985: Boys' High won 16-6
1986: Draw 0-0
1987: Boys' High won 15-7
1988: Draw 6-6
1989: Gim won 15-4
1990: Boys' High won 10-6
1991: Boys' High won 8-4
1992: Gim won 20-15
1993: Boys' High won 19-17
1994: Boys' High won 11-6
1995: Boys' High won 17-3
1996: Gim won 18-16
1997: Gim won 13-10
1998: Boys' High won 16-5
1999: Gim won 13-6
2000: Boys' High won 15-7
2001: Boys' High won 12-3
2002: Gim won 15-0
2003: Boys' High won 25-6
2004: Gim won 13-3
2005: Gim won 22-10
2006: Gim won 23-17
2007: Gim won 10-0
2008: Gim won 35-8
2009: Boys' High won 24-12
2010: Draw 19-19
2011: Gim won 22-19

Paarl Gim is however far more then just a interschools rugby match, the school was started 153 years ago by the french hugenots we decided they want their kids educate in their home language , afrikaans. Itrs the place where afrikaans were put on paper since then.


Colin Windon (37)
Allez les gars, les règles permettent non anglais avec parcimonie, mais ce passage de la ligne.

Non pas que je ne pense pas que l'afrikaans est une langue belle et éloquent ...

A vos ordres, mon chef!

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Andrew Slack (58)

In 199o I was working in Cape Town and we decided to drive up to Paarl early on the morning of that game. We reached the outskirts of Paarl at about 8 in the morning and after an hour we parked the car in the veldt and walked the rest of the way. Had we not snuck in a service entrance behind an ice cream truck we would not have been let in. The ground gates were closed hours before kick off.

So if Oom Paarl comes across as a tad passionate, you now know why :) He is not from an average rugby town.


Phil Hardcastle (33)
That Springbok squad, including the injured guys, has loads of quality - I'm glad they'll only be able to have 3 of their excellent backrowers on at a time. On the other hand, there is something very wrong when Bismark Du Plessis is on the bench - I would say that is pretty representative of the team: potentially World Cup Winners (again), but undone internally. It would really piss me off if I was a Springbok supporter.

I am not happy with the Wallaby squad selections, but from those in the squad I would make the following changes from last week: Samo and Sharpe to start. At some point in the match I would move JOC (James O'Connor) to 12 (I wouldn't really mind a straight swap with McCabe, even from the outset), and I would like to see the bench given a bit of a run.
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