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The Wallabies Thread


Peter Johnson (47)
All good picks UTRs. Well past time for Mumm to be discarded, and as he's off o/s at the end of the season I think the message might now get through Cheika's skull as well. Could also say that Fardy is uncertain as he's also off o/s, but at least with him you get quality on the field.

Two other contenders for development spots might be RHP (better back rower than lock) and Jordan Smiler who was cutting it up at No 8 before his hammy injury. With Smiler, you get Fardy Mk II.

Oh of course RHP! I'm a big fan. With Fardy and Mumm going and Mccalman never quite good, room for a couple young bloods to put their hand up for a wallaby squad spot, (by the WC) especially if they have some 2nd row utility value. Hope to still see Higs around, and with Timani, Mcmahon, Hoops and Poey, room for 1 more plus a 5/6 utility I think it's in a 33 man squad for a WC?


Peter Johnson (47)
He has definitely gone backwards this year (the common second year syndrome).

His play in the loose hasn't been as effective and his scrummaging has regressed.

I think he'll be part of the Wallaby equation due to injuries in June but would be down the pecking order compared to last year if that wasn't the case.

He is still so young, very small (both short and light). Tahs have him at 107kg. Nor does he seem to have the strength of stature like Latu or Poster boy for <6ft props, frenchman Nicolas Mas, both very similar height and weight, but still relatively lean (for a front rower), literally brick shit houses. Which means a bit more power in the punch. Roberston is still a bit...mushy.


Trevor Allan (34)
He is still so young, very small (both short and light). Tahs have him at 107kg. Nor does he seem to have the strength of stature like Latu or Poster boy for <6ft props, frenchman Nicolas Mas, both very similar height and weight, but still relatively lean (for a front rower), literally brick shit houses. Which means a bit more power in the punch. Roberston is still a bit.mushy.
Isn't he also a full-time medical student or something ridiculous? maybe his priorities don't lie in rugby which is fine too.


John Eales (66)
Isn't he also a full-time medical student or something ridiculous? maybe his priorities don't lie in rugby which is fine too.

It's probably not so much a matter of priorities as it is having only 24 hours in each day when he needs 30. He's probably hugely stressed, he wants to be a Wallaby as well as a doctor.


Peter Johnson (47)
Yeppp that's a load..Maybe time to put Ala'alatoa back to LHP and develop Lomax and Thor heavily at THP...OR Thor at LHP, he has the build for it

LHP - Sio, Slipper, Tupou
THP - Kepu, Ala'alatoa, Lomax


Andrew Slack (58)
It's probably not so much a matter of priorities as it is having only 24 hours in each day when he needs 30. He's probably hugely stressed, he wants to be a Wallaby as well as a doctor.

John Roe the last guy that managed this?

He had a very understanding med school Head, former Wallaby Professor Ken Donald.


John Hipwell (52)
He has definitely gone backwards this year (the common second year syndrome).

His play in the loose hasn't been as effective and his scrummaging has regressed.

I think he'll be part of the Wallaby equation due to injuries in June but would be down the pecking order compared to last year if that wasn't the case.

That is some great spin.

Tahs debut in 2011.
Wallabies in 2012.

It's 2017 yeah?

Edit: sorry, reading too fast I thought you were talking about Paddy. A point kindly pointed out in following posts :)


Peter Johnson (47)
Yeh we were all clearly referring to Tom Robertson who debuted both for tahs and wallabies in 2016....not sure about No4918.


Peter Johnson (47)
Anyone think T.Smith will come back enough to get in the 23 ahead of Robertson? Or maybe that Cowan is doing better? Faagase got invited to cheikas love in but I don't think he has what it takes to be in international anytime in the near future

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
On the Brumbies thread is a post indicating that Nic Mayhew is Wallabies eligible through an Aus grandparent. If that's so, he must come into consideration. His scrummaging has been first class and he is very strong and creative in open play. Much better than a few of those who have been mentioned above.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Yep I'm almost of the mind that Smith and Mayhew are 1 & 2 as LHPs.

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