Peter Johnson (47)
All good picks UTRs. Well past time for Mumm to be discarded, and as he's off o/s at the end of the season I think the message might now get through Cheika's skull as well. Could also say that Fardy is uncertain as he's also off o/s, but at least with him you get quality on the field.
Two other contenders for development spots might be RHP (better back rower than lock) and Jordan Smiler who was cutting it up at No 8 before his hammy injury. With Smiler, you get Fardy Mk II.
Oh of course RHP! I'm a big fan. With Fardy and Mumm going and Mccalman never quite good, room for a couple young bloods to put their hand up for a wallaby squad spot, (by the WC) especially if they have some 2nd row utility value. Hope to still see Higs around, and with Timani, Mcmahon, Hoops and Poey, room for 1 more plus a 5/6 utility I think it's in a 33 man squad for a WC?