Again Gnostic, you're proving the point. That the Churches have had a huge impact on society and the beliefs/stances on issues of society. There's absolutely no difference between them and the big bad corporations that Sideline is not happy with dictating the discourse.
Sideline might not be happy abut it, but it is too just a fact of life and in fact a key goal of advertising is to sway the market toward a product or outcome, mostly benign, it can have very serious outcomes at times. Where I have issues is where market forces are perverted by vast sums of money in Political advertising such as the Mining Resources Rent Tax campaign, cash for a party (in the form of a donation of course it is so gauche to call them bribes) various polies time etc and in this case saying X company gives so much in Sponsorship it then gets to dictate policy and not only that influence outcomes. The church just has a long more obvious and possibly insidious role in the debate. I argue for transparency only, I see the money in politics and the controls from corporations as corrupt because they are under the table by their nature and the messages are often half truths and at times outright falsehoods. The church on the other hand is pretty open about what its message is, and each brand is slightly different but it is very very easy to see what their motivations and goals are. Don't like the message its pretty easy to avoid I do it all the time. That said, I must say they have been learning of the political manipulators though and are moving deeply into this area now and that is great concern for me, make no mistake.
My point though is that the tenant that underpin the Judeo-Christian faith are the basis of our society including the legal framework we line under. As I said if we as a society want to dump that or relegate it to something of trivial importance, of significance only to a few and restricted in what people can do and say in public (when not directly impacting or inciting actions against others) then we better replace that underpinning with something because our system will not stand without broad-based consent to laws.
Ok that's fair enough. But at the same time, you pick and choose the reports on what fits your agenda particularly around RA/Ralene's handling of the contract situation. I fear your objectivity is lost in this entire situation because you've obviously have an agenda against RA.
I do not see how you have come to this conclusion. All I want is a professional managerial approach to the issues. My rant on this issue goes back to the appointment of Robbie Deans as Australian Coach by JON the Great. The issue is exactly the same in this matter as it was then. The systems have no integrity and are not robust to any challenge. Essentially the ARU now RA have failed consistently to produce such systems and that is their only role. A refresher - a selection procedure was undertaken which Deans did not participate in and he was appointed by decree to the position. So the system was not even really valid to make an appointment. It is rule by decree, time flows on and we have the Beale issue as I've outlined plus multiple other issues and management decisions. A no stage have we seen a consistent effort by ARU/RA to actually build systems with rigor and integrity. Everything is pliable and can be "adapted" to provide the outcomes that are deemed (by decree of committee or sponsor) that are most desirable in any given situation. A system with integrity and rigor will at times produce outcomes that the individuals in power do not desire, but are for the long term good for the integrity of the process which will in itself produce confidence and faith in the system. It is much like the Legal system, it must have that integrity to be able to function and produce valid results. (I hesitate to call it a Justice system because these days all I hear in my mind is The Hound speaking to Dondarion "There is no Justice you dumb C%$#@!!!")