Free to air would be interested in this product? This is the same Free to Air that had purchased the rights to a number of games at last year's RWC, Rugby's showcase event, but then refused to show the games live on one of their two channels because it clashed with their other regular programs? This was the RWC being played in New Zealand, so kick off times were very 'viewer-friendly' for the Australian audience. Yet the majority of the games they decided to show were delayed and in fact screened late at night.
The kiwi/aussie audience cannot relate to the teams from South Africa, but they can definitely relate to the teams in Japan?
Out of interest, the Reds struggled to fill Suncorp stadium for their knockout game against the Sharks earlier this year, what size crowd do you reckon they'd draw for a game against a Japanese club team?
Mate, just need to market that game amongst the Japanese Souvenir Shops and Jap Honeymooners on the Gold Coast - it will be sold out