Herbert Moran (7)
I was however pretty surprised that there wasn't any engagement from the local Subbies clubs with the 'non Shute Shield' kids as the season drew to an end. I reckon there would probably be 10-20 graduating year 12 kids (1st XV and 2nd XV players) who would be interested in playing rugby post school in a more social environment (I know they don't want to play Shute Shield level). I know that the Subbies clubs can't woo them during year 12 with beers and a BBQ (as most are still under 18), but would have thought sending someone down to training / watching a match and then chatting to the boys after a match telling them what Subbies is like might have gotten some traction with them.
Like you said, the top level GPS, CAS and ISA players are always going towards the Shute Shield clubs, but I think there are plenty of players to be picked up at the level below that. These kids have played rugby for the past 6 year at school (and often club and rep up to U14-15), so there is no reason to think that they don't want to play rugby 1st year out of school. To me, all it would take is a bit of engagement, some information on what Subbies is about (and what it isn't about) and I think clubs could get them 1st year out of school. To me, keeping them after the first year is the hard thing.
This is 100% the approach of Knox with Colts are concerned as far as I'm aware. In the clubs prime they used to get the top tier guys in a year group over, nowadays that is unrealistic, and the shift has been to getting those glue guys who might have potential to grow their rugby abilities too, the 3rd/4th XV guys.. those guys seem to relish in leadership / heavily involved colts footy, and they end up being the guys who hang around after their colts days are over to filter into the grades.
I think they also see a bunch of those Shute colts guys come play their last year of eligible colts with the club, when their two options are another year of colts with their old school mates or going up into grade with a Shute club.
The challenge is keeping those higher tier guys around after that year. Further, the school used to have 8+ opens rugby teams 10+ years ago, I dare say that number is closer to 3-4 now, with soccer, AFL, concussion knowledge and student ethnic diversity changing the sports parents want their kids playing. So that 3rd to 4th XV player isnt as good as he used to be.. but still the glue of a subbies footy club.
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