Nathan Sharpe (72)
Div 1: Minimum 4 senior grades and Colts - optional Sutherland 5ths, Halligans 6ths or lower, or 2nd Colts
Div 2: Minimum 3 senior grades and Colts - optional Richardson 4ths
Div 3: Minimum 2 senior grades - must also field either a 3rd XV or Colts
Div 4: 1st Grade and either a 2nd XV or Colts
Div 5: 1st Grade only - Halligans/Radford encouraged but completely optional
I think you need to call these Maximums TBH - and the issue with fielding Colts or a Grade is the opposition. If I go into Div 3 bc I have 50 players but not enough for Colts, is it fair that another club's Colts play against my third grade?
Could you assess the grades as a minimum of 15 registered players (e.g. a club with 30 senior players = 2 grades but 31 = 3?) or is there a better system? What happens if a club is initially qualified for a certain division but then fails to meet the requirements during the season?
It sits somewhere between
(Grades x 15) + 15
25 per grade
So for a 2-grade club we're talking 45-50 to ensure you've got coverage for injuries, weddings, holidays, etc.
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